How is this NOT a full fledged invasion?

Oh calm down.

What is your plan to stop this invasion?

Bitch about it on an internet message board?

Do you remember when he wasn’t a whiny bitch? Yeah, me neither.

Back in 2000 (less than 20 years ago), there were over a million arrests on the border. Much more than we will have this year. And that 1M+ figure happened numerous times.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is holding back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
Another racist fuck. They just keep crawling out of Trumpwokld. Blacks were held back in this country for hundreds of years. They are still held back in Trump country.

Fuck you you ignorant God Damn worthless piece of shit.
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Invasion require an army? Or more precisely what makes an army? Do all armies where uniforms ?

The safety issue may exist but is also wildly exaggerated

The USA is the wealthiest country on the world which does not mean we owe anything to people who we want to obey our laws

Their problems with narco terrorism are THEIR problems

We have intervened in many other countries and Everytime we do we are accused of interfering with or harming them or making their problems worse.

So be it. We no longer need interfere nor do we need to help them.

We keep them out and they can solve their own problems.

So, you think that the drug problems in Central America has nothing to do with the huge demand for drugs in America.

Wow, you really aren't too swift.
Which is not what I said dumbass

Sure the supply feeds the demand but the demand is our problem which we could solve best by legalizing all drugs for adults while banning any government assistance for addiction.

Either way one may be related to the other but our problems are ours and their problems are theirs

We owe them nothing
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
These are illegal aliens there’s nothing innocent about the motherfuckers, The Very first act they do is illegal...
The US has more printed paper than any country you mean… LOL
Throwing money at these fucked up countries makes absolutely zero sense...
South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is hold back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
That is opinion not a fact

What part because I can prove with articles of Russia influence in Central and South America along with China influence in Mexico.

So would you like to try again or will you brush it off as fake news?

America fought Russia through proxy-wars in Central America during the 1980's and the rise of the international gang Ms-13 started here in Los Angeles.

So unless you have proof that Russia and China is not influencing the Immigration crisis with their backing of gangs and cartels then please do not dismiss what I wrote as opinion because I can link and connect the dots.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
When faced with bleed-out, first, you apply the hemostats or tourniquet, then you reconnect the dots and suture, etc.

Step 1: stop them from coming across

Step 2: eliminate the demand on our side

Step 3: see what can be done to foster growth down south


The volume is now such that we can't afford to put (2) first any longer.

I like your idea of investment down there, but I'm worried about "nationalization" on their end once they're up-and-running.

Happens all the time down there, with each change of Tinpot Dictator, and investors oftentimes get screwed, don't they?
You don't have to jail employers.

And I offered a real and independent solution.
No you didn't. You offered pie in the sky nonsense.

It is our GOVERNMENTS JOB to protect the southern border not McDonald's.
Okay, well, good luck with that wall, and good luck deporting millions of people.

We'll see how it goes.
I never mentioned deportation ya dishonest bitch.

Why can't you fucking people ever stay focused on the damn topic..
Oh calm down.

What is your plan to stop this invasion?
It is not my job to create a plan. That is what I pay taxes for.

I am calm, I just despise faggots who obfuscate and try to derail topics.

Build the wall

Has Mexico sent the check?
South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is holding back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
Another racist fuck. They just keep crawling out of Trumpwokld. Blacks were held back in this country for hundreds of years. They are still held back in Trump country.

Fuck you you ignorant God Damn worthless piece of shit.
I disagree with much of what he said however nothing he said was racist making you a liar.

They are not held back in trump country. For one thing there is no such country

Yes they were held back for some time by the government but no more and not for a long time.

Advocating for personal accountability is not racism
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.
Sounds like poor management by Trump. We knew these caravans were coming & Trump did nothing to prepare. All he did was whine about his 40' concrete wall & a steal children.

To invade means to conquer or plunder.

These people are coming here for refuge or to work.

Since Trump cut funding to their homelands, more will come.

Lets be real, who wants illegal immigrants? Corporate America & big agriculture.
The career politicians want more votes, corporate America wants more cheap labor, and the progressives want fucked up natural law
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Invasion require an army? Or more precisely what makes an army? Do all armies where uniforms ?

The safety issue may exist but is also wildly exaggerated

The USA is the wealthiest country on the world which does not mean we owe anything to people who we want to obey our laws

Their problems with narco terrorism are THEIR problems

We have intervened in many other countries and Everytime we do we are accused of interfering with or harming them or making their problems worse.

So be it. We no longer need interfere nor do we need to help them.

We keep them out and they can solve their own problems.

So, you think that the drug problems in Central America has nothing to do with the huge demand for drugs in America.

Wow, you really aren't too swift.
Urban America demands more drugs
So unless you have proof that Russia and China is not influencing the Immigration crisis with their backing of gangs and cartels then please do not dismiss what I wrote as opinion because I can link and connect the dots.

I do not know if this is in fact opinion or verifiable fact BUT...
It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that Russia and China can easily cause us major problems by financing at the very least this invasion of poor and uneducated.
I like your idea of investment down there, but I'm worried about "nationalization" on their end once they're up-and-running. Happens all the time down there, with each change of Tinpot Dictator, and investors oftentimes get screwed, don't they?
Yep. I cover that in my plan (Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing). We would have to protect all interests and investments there with the force of our government & military, at least at first, so I'd begin by establishing a GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) as a mechanism that allows us to do so.
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is hold back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
That is opinion not a fact

What part because I can prove with articles of Russia influence in Central and South America along with China influence in Mexico.

So would you like to try again or will you brush it off as fake news?

America fought Russia through proxy-wars in Central America during the 1980's and the rise of the international gang Ms-13 started here in Los Angeles.

So unless you have proof that Russia and China is not influencing the Immigration crisis with their backing of gangs and cartels then please do not dismiss what I wrote as opinion because I can link and connect the dots.
The part you called a fact cannot be proven

Yes we did fight with wars against the communists be it connecting that to the rise of gangs in la is a huge spin
...How is this not an invasion?...
"Invasion" used as dramatic metaphor works just fine, thank you.

...the people are coming for safety, not to do harm...
Doesn't matter in the slightest WHY they're coming...

They were not invited... they did not ask our permission... they are not our responsibility.

...The USA is the richest country in the world...
No, it's merely one of the richest, per capita... and we intend to keep it that way; in part by keeping Third World $hithole types at-bay.

...If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Not our job, it's theirs.
So maybe we should stop hiring them

Unless you are willing to JAIL employers for hiring illegals this is never going to happen.

So how bout we focus on REAL solutions.
Why not jail and fine employers for hiring illegals? Why not?
I have ZERO problem with that.

Thing is that is only a partial fix that on it's own would take decades to have an actual impact on the overall problem.
We need an IMMEDIATE solution to stem the bleeding then concentrate on a long term solution.
So unless you have proof that Russia and China is not influencing the Immigration crisis with their backing of gangs and cartels then please do not dismiss what I wrote as opinion because I can link and connect the dots.

I do not know if this is in fact opinion or verifiable fact BUT...
It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that Russia and China can easily cause us major problems by financing at the very least this invasion of poor and uneducated.

Mexican Cartels Exported Iron To China To Fuel Drug War

Where Do Opioids Come From: Cartels, China, or Neighbors

It's time to start worrying about what Russia's been up to in Latin America

Yes, China and Russia influence the region and fund the Cartels and Gangs.

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