How is this NOT a full fledged invasion?

Okay, well, good luck with that wall, and good luck deporting millions of people.

We'll see how it goes.
I never mentioned deportation ya dishonest bitch.

Why can't you fucking people ever stay focused on the damn topic..
Oh calm down.

What is your plan to stop this invasion?
It is not my job to create a plan. That is what I pay taxes for.

I am calm, I just despise faggots who obfuscate and try to derail topics.

Build the wall
Okay, build the wall.

If only stuff were this simple.

It is not as simple as many wish it would be .

It has been shown even with parts of the wall already built Cartels dig under it while our INS and DEA ignore it until election year to show they are doing something.

Also let say the wall is built like Grandpa want what happens when a Democrat win the Oval Office and has the House and Senate again like Obama did from 2009 to 2011?

I am willing to bet the Democrats will defund the maintenance of the wall allowing the Cartels to tear it down for them for free.

So it is not as simple and those thinking their political party will stay in power for decades are not being realistic and every two years you run the chance of at least losing the House.

So I agree better solutions are needed and the Wall is not one of them.
Yep, what goes up can come down. Somehow we don't see that.

I think we can do much more and much better than that. The problem is that we're just too intellectually lazy and partisan to do it.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
We don't know how to look at the long term because we're so terrified politically about the short term. I think what we're not seeing is that putting a long term plan into motion can also change short term thinking.


The issue is as a Republic the political government changes like a millennial attention span, so building a plan for a long term like the Marshall Plan is not going to happen with today voting population...
So maybe we should stop hiring them
Unless you are willing to JAIL employers for hiring illegals this is never going to happen.
So how bout we focus on REAL solutions.
You don't have to jail employers.

And I offered a real and independent solution.
You want the US to invest in jobs in Mexico? Good little liberal aren't you? How about closing the border and invest in jobs here? My God liberals are insane!
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
We don't know how to look at the long term because we're so terrified politically about the short term. I think what we're not seeing is that putting a long term plan into motion can also change short term thinking.


The issue is as a Republic the political government changes like a millennial attention span, so building a plan for a long term like the Marshall Plan is not going to happen with today voting population...
Yeah, possibly true. Something more complicated than building (or tearing down) a wall just needs to be done during an administration. My guess, and maybe I'm too hopeful, is that the electorate will realize that a plan that is above zombie partisan politics has some merit.
So maybe we should stop hiring them
Unless you are willing to JAIL employers for hiring illegals this is never going to happen.
So how bout we focus on REAL solutions.
You don't have to jail employers.

And I offered a real and independent solution.
You want the US to invest in jobs in Mexico? Good little liberal aren't you? How about closing the border and invest in jobs here? My God liberals are insane!
What I'd like to do is clearly a bit too complicated for you.
Gawd, just build the wall. Maybe we can do something smarter after the Democrats tear it down.

Third grade-level thinking is making a difficult situation much more difficult.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
I am all for investing in those nations and by investing I mean private investments by people and corporations who are looking for a return. Of course one problem is that such petty dictators like the ones controlling those nations have a history of stealing such investments by nationalizing and seizing companies and banks and industries etc. Which of course deters investment.

Either way the government is not investing when it sends aid which is why trump correct to cut off aid to some of those nations

In the mean time regardless of why they are trying to come here it needs to stop and we need to take action to stop them. Escaping a corrupt tyrant or government is not an excuse to break our laws or to help them break our laws.

They need to find somewhere else to go or stay and fight against the leaders who ruin their Homeland
I can actually agree that the wall is not the best of ideas and far from a solution

Yes many ways will be found to defeat the wall. Some will get past it or over or under it

However it is also a step in the right direction

It is more than just a physical barrier it is a loud statement that we have had enough and need not feel guilty about securing the border.

It will only work or accompanied by other efforts such as patrol and surveillance on the border

I think you are correct that Dems will cut funding in any way they can to make it fail.

But clearly they will have to justify doing so.

That is what the wall is really about. It makes people face questions they do not want to face. It is very difficult to deny that you want open borders when you fight against border security.
South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
We don't know how to look at the long term because we're so terrified politically about the short term. I think what we're not seeing is that putting a long term plan into motion can also change short term thinking.


The issue is as a Republic the political government changes like a millennial attention span, so building a plan for a long term like the Marshall Plan is not going to happen with today voting population...
Yeah, possibly true. Something more complicated than building (or tearing down) a wall just needs to be done during an administration. My guess, and maybe I'm too hopeful, is that the electorate will realize that a plan that is above zombie partisan politics has some merit.

It would be a great idea to build a stronger union with our neighbors that can rival the E.U. and eradicate Russia, Chian and Iran influence in our hemisphere, but alas you are asking the X-Generation, Millennials and their kids and grandchildren to think past their noses and many can not...

The wall is never going to work the way they envision but alas let them fail and then they can whine how Democrats allowed it to fail...
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

What makes you think the people of El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and the like are civilized enough, intelligent enough and ambitious enough to do something constructive with our “investment” in them?
Is there a Brown nation in the world setting the example for you?
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans
So maybe we should stop hiring them
Unless you are willing to JAIL employers for hiring illegals this is never going to happen.
So how bout we focus on REAL solutions.
You don't have to jail employers.

And I offered a real and independent solution.
You want the US to invest in jobs in Mexico? Good little liberal aren't you? How about closing the border and invest in jobs here? My God liberals are insane!
What I'd like to do is clearly a bit too complicated for you.
There is nothing complicated about making despot dictators wealthier with US tax dollars.
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Invasion require an army? Or more precisely what makes an army? Do all armies where uniforms ?

The safety issue may exist but is also wildly exaggerated

The USA is the wealthiest country on the world which does not mean we owe anything to people who we want to obey our laws

Their problems with narco terrorism are THEIR problems

We have intervened in many other countries and Everytime we do we are accused of interfering with or harming them or making their problems worse.

So be it. We no longer need interfere nor do we need to help them.

We keep them out and they can solve their own problems.
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.
Sounds like poor management by Trump. We knew these caravans were coming & Trump did nothing to prepare. All he did was whine about his 40' concrete wall & a steal children.

To invade means to conquer or plunder.

These people are coming here for refuge or to work.

Since Trump cut funding to their homelands, more will come.

Lets be real, who wants illegal immigrants? Corporate America & big agriculture.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is holding back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
The wall is never going to work the way they envision but alas let them fail and then they can whine how Democrats allowed it to fail...
As long as we're too intellectually lazy and partisan to address root causes of big problems, the big problems will only change to adapt to our band aids.
Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns

We are on the verge of losing control of our southern border. As countries south of the border begin to implode the waves of refugees and illegals will only continue to grow.

Our nations cities can not even deal with the AMERICAN homeless they are inundated with and many of you want to look the other way as thousands more per day poor across our borders. You want to cry about Trumps budget busting spending out of one side of your mouth while supporting this budget busting invasion.

The CITIZENS on the bottom rung of the ladder are already struggling to stay afloat and you want to inundate the nation with more poor. That influx of millions of poor will DRIVE DOWN the wages of the low skilled. They will drive down the availability of low skilled jobs for AMERICANS.

One has to wonder if you are so desperate to create and expand a new underclass to be your servants that you are willing to condemn the future of our nation....

Imagine the strain this is going to put on our nations welfare and social service programs.... All so you can get your house cleaned, lawn mowed & hope for more democratic votes.

How is this not an invasion? There's no army involved, and the people are coming for safety, not to do harm.

The USA is the richest country in the world. If you don't want these people coming to your country, you should help them get rid of the narco terrorists. Then they would stay home.
Invasion require an army? Or more precisely what makes an army? Do all armies where uniforms ?

The safety issue may exist but is also wildly exaggerated

The USA is the wealthiest country on the world which does not mean we owe anything to people who we want to obey our laws

Their problems with narco terrorism are THEIR problems

We have intervened in many other countries and Everytime we do we are accused of interfering with or harming them or making their problems worse.

So be it. We no longer need interfere nor do we need to help them.

We keep them out and they can solve their own problems.

So, you think that the drug problems in Central America has nothing to do with the huge demand for drugs in America.

Wow, you really aren't too swift.
Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

South America outside Venezuela can fix itself on it own...

Central America is another story and after decades of proxy-wars in countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala how do you remove the puppet regimes and cartels our CIA once funded?

Mexico has always been a thorn in our side because of winning and taking land from her, and she will never forgive and forget and again Russia influence along with now China and Iran can be seen.

So as I agree we need to do something but what we do will take many generations to fix the issue and we must remove Russia and China influence from this region of the world...
I'd rather make the most of the situation than apply band aids.

But we're stuck with band aids because we can no longer innovate.


Until the people of this fine nation realize the reason for the immigration crisis at the Southern Border is because of our decades of proxy-wars in Central America, Propping up Cartels and Gangs, and failing to remove Russia, China and Iran influence in the region then there is no way we can fix what we broke in the first place...
Which is historic spin and fiction which is why not do not believe such tripe.

Much like the revisionist fiction of colonization holding back Africans

Nothing is hold back Blacks in this country except themselves, but it does not change the fact our involvement for decades in regions like El Salvador caused the rise of international gangs like MS-13 and Cartels.

When we stopped funding them the Russians and Chinese came in to fund them with the goal to hit us with waves of immigrants to cause strife on our systems...

It is just classic way of doing things...
That is opinion not a fact

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