How Jack Smith May Charge Trump PAC with Fraudulent Fundraising Within the Bounds of First Amendment


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
State and federal prosecutors have charged former President Donald Trump and his allies with a host of felonies for their actions leading up to January 6, 2021. The charges range from the crimes of pressuring state officials to illegally overturn the 2020 election, to fabricating fake electors, to interfering with Congress’s electoral count. But one category of charges is conspicuously absent from the indictments: any charge of fraud related to the Save America PAC for fundraising off of the Big Lie (that Trump was the true victor of the 2020 election) and for the Big Rip Off (raising money for an election defense fund that did not exist).

Wire Fraud and Scam PACs

Federal prosecutors have long relied on wire fraud when charging individuals with sundry campaign finance related crimes. These prosecutions are bipartisan, charging Republicans and Democrats alike.

Fraud and the First Amendment

Trump’s lawyers have already been relying on the argument in the press that the various criminal prosecutions he is facing are attempts to criminalize free speech in violation of the First Amendment.

However, the Roberts Court has reiterated that fraud is outside of the First Amendment’s protections, including in a new case, U.S. v. Hansen.

So far, Special Counsel Jack Smith has not charged any actions related to fundraising using the Big Lie or the Big Rip Off. But that is not because these avenues are legally foreclosed. Indeed, the DOJ frequently charges similar campaign finance cases with wire fraud. For their part, courts, from district courts to the Supreme Court, have been clear that fraud is not protected by the First Amendment.

Yup, Trump can still be hit with fraud for all his fund-raising activities. You can't rip off people (no matter how stupid your supporters are) by claiming a lie. No matter how many times you repeat it.
State and federal prosecutors have charged former President Donald Trump and his allies with a host of felonies for their actions leading up to January 6, 2021. The charges range from the crimes of pressuring state officials to illegally overturn the 2020 election, to fabricating fake electors, to interfering with Congress’s electoral count. But one category of charges is conspicuously absent from the indictments: any charge of fraud related to the Save America PAC for fundraising off of the Big Lie (that Trump was the true victor of the 2020 election) and for the Big Rip Off (raising money for an election defense fund that did not exist).

Wire Fraud and Scam PACs

Federal prosecutors have long relied on wire fraud when charging individuals with sundry campaign finance related crimes. These prosecutions are bipartisan, charging Republicans and Democrats alike.

Fraud and the First Amendment

Trump’s lawyers have already been relying on the argument in the press that the various criminal prosecutions he is facing are attempts to criminalize free speech in violation of the First Amendment.

However, the Roberts Court has reiterated that fraud is outside of the First Amendment’s protections, including in a new case, U.S. v. Hansen.

So far, Special Counsel Jack Smith has not charged any actions related to fundraising using the Big Lie or the Big Rip Off. But that is not because these avenues are legally foreclosed. Indeed, the DOJ frequently charges similar campaign finance cases with wire fraud. For their part, courts, from district courts to the Supreme Court, have been clear that fraud is not protected by the First Amendment.

Yup, Trump can still be hit with fraud for all his fund-raising activities. You can't rip off people (no matter how stupid your supporters are) by claiming a lie. No matter how many times you repeat it.
"How Jack Smith and others will make sure no one votes for another Democrat for 20 years or more."
"How Jack Smith and others will make sure no one votes for another Democrat for 20 years or more."
Hey, let them keep on thinking that the Americans are fools. They'll find out the hard way.

Here is where we are to date -

1. They are trying to destroy Trump in hopes to empower themselves as dictators over America and the American people who hate them for years to come.....As a side affect they hope to destroy the Republican party and the Christian's at the same time, and this by grouping them all in with the MAGA crowd rhetoric. Otherwise they want their cake, and then they want to devour it like a pack of rabid dogs set on a wounded rabbit.

2. The open borders is a plan to bring in millions of Illegals, and then give them everything they need (which is more than what they had when they came here), in hopes to win them over to vote Democrat after becoming legal, just like they had formerly achieved with those black American's that fell for the exploitation of their race, even at the warnings of Malcolm X and other's that came during volatile time's in America before them.

They have caused the blacks in masses to be unconditionally tied to the liberal white leftist party, even though many black prophets had come before them in order to warn them about such things.....

Once they instantly declare the illegals- legal citizens, then that will help the Democrat voting masses to keep the leftist Democrat's in charge for year's to come, but meanwhile civil wars between the various tribes will begin to take shape or form, because living a lie isn't sustainable. FACT.

You see It's liken to a gang of bank robbers robbing a bank, where as once they gather again to split the loot, then only one or two is coming out of that room.

People will hold their noses, and gather with one another if they see something in it for themselves or they are lied too in their hopes and beliefs to see something coming out of it, but they won't hold their noses for long, especially after they don't get what they wanted or rather the lies are realized finally.
"How Jack Smith and others will make sure no one votes for another Democrat for 20 years or more."

The Trump campaign had to return $122 million they STOLE from their donors bank accounts. And VISA is still processing their donations. We had a small stereo store process a $5000 sale which was approved by VISA's credit department, who said the store followed all procedures of verification and identification, but the card was stolen. They pulled the store's credit card privileges, which for a small business, is the kiss of death.

But Donald Trump is allowed to return the $122 million he stole, and his campaign is still processing VISA donations. Persecuted my ass!!!
State and federal prosecutors have charged former President Donald Trump and his allies with a host of felonies for their actions leading up to January 6, 2021. The charges range from the crimes of pressuring state officials to illegally overturn the 2020 election, to fabricating fake electors, to interfering with Congress’s electoral count. But one category of charges is conspicuously absent from the indictments: any charge of fraud related to the Save America PAC for fundraising off of the Big Lie (that Trump was the true victor of the 2020 election) and for the Big Rip Off (raising money for an election defense fund that did not exist).

Wire Fraud and Scam PACs

Federal prosecutors have long relied on wire fraud when charging individuals with sundry campaign finance related crimes. These prosecutions are bipartisan, charging Republicans and Democrats alike.

Fraud and the First Amendment

Trump’s lawyers have already been relying on the argument in the press that the various criminal prosecutions he is facing are attempts to criminalize free speech in violation of the First Amendment.

However, the Roberts Court has reiterated that fraud is outside of the First Amendment’s protections, including in a new case, U.S. v. Hansen.

So far, Special Counsel Jack Smith has not charged any actions related to fundraising using the Big Lie or the Big Rip Off. But that is not because these avenues are legally foreclosed. Indeed, the DOJ frequently charges similar campaign finance cases with wire fraud. For their part, courts, from district courts to the Supreme Court, have been clear that fraud is not protected by the First Amendment.

Yup, Trump can still be hit with fraud for all his fund-raising activities. You can't rip off people (no matter how stupid your supporters are) by claiming a lie. No matter how many times you repeat it.

I failed to understand why the Trump campaign wasn’t charged or censored in anyway whatsoever for fraudulently removing $122 million from their donors bank accounts.

The Trump campaign is guilty of the largest fraud in Visa history, and yet they faced no charges, and they’re still allowed to process donations using VISA.

I failed to understand why the Trump campaign wasn’t charged or censored in anyway whatsoever for fraudulently removing $122 million from their donors bank accounts.

The Trump campaign is guilty of the largest fraud in Visa history, and yet they faced no charges, and they’re still allowed to process donations using VISA.

Hey, go ask your corrupt DOJ why laws were broken, and yet it sits quietly on them while processing other political stuff that leads to nothing ? Undoubtedly laws weren't broken, but rather mistakes were found that had to be corrected. If you make mistakes, should you be sought after like a fugitive murderer escaped from prison ? Get a grip Satan's lady.
Hey, go ask your corrupt DOJ why laws were broken, and yet it sits quietly on them while processing other political stuff that leads to nothing ? Undoubtedly laws weren't broken, but rather mistakes were found that had to be corrected. If you make mistakes, should you be sought after like a fugitive murderer escaped from prison ? Get a grip Satan's lady.

Donald Trump was still President when this happened, and Bill Barr was the Attorney General. Barr and his Trump appointed stoollies, were too busy launching investigations of Democrats which found no crimes and charged no one, to investigate anything that ANY Republicans were doing.
State and federal prosecutors have charged former President Donald Trump and his allies with a host of felonies for their actions leading up to January 6, 2021. The charges range from the crimes of pressuring state officials to illegally overturn the 2020 election, to fabricating fake electors, to interfering with Congress’s electoral count. But one category of charges is conspicuously absent from the indictments: any charge of fraud related to the Save America PAC for fundraising off of the Big Lie (that Trump was the true victor of the 2020 election) and for the Big Rip Off (raising money for an election defense fund that did not exist).

Wire Fraud and Scam PACs

Federal prosecutors have long relied on wire fraud when charging individuals with sundry campaign finance related crimes. These prosecutions are bipartisan, charging Republicans and Democrats alike.

Fraud and the First Amendment

Trump’s lawyers have already been relying on the argument in the press that the various criminal prosecutions he is facing are attempts to criminalize free speech in violation of the First Amendment.

However, the Roberts Court has reiterated that fraud is outside of the First Amendment’s protections, including in a new case, U.S. v. Hansen.

So far, Special Counsel Jack Smith has not charged any actions related to fundraising using the Big Lie or the Big Rip Off. But that is not because these avenues are legally foreclosed. Indeed, the DOJ frequently charges similar campaign finance cases with wire fraud. For their part, courts, from district courts to the Supreme Court, have been clear that fraud is not protected by the First Amendment.

Yup, Trump can still be hit with fraud for all his fund-raising activities. You can't rip off people (no matter how stupid your supporters are) by claiming a lie. No matter how many times you repeat it.
Fraud is exactly what Trump is being charged with. He tried to defraud the government by claiming he won the election. When all legal avenues failed he turned to his supporters.

He is digging a deep hole to China.

The free speech defense used by republicans to justify what Trump did is bogus logic

The first amendment really just states that Congress cannot make laws that abridge the freedom of speech and talks about peaceable assemble

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It also grants them the right to peaceable assemble

Some were peaceable and others were not and they got charged for any violence.

The republican in congress released the video that show mostly peaceful activities. Yet it completely ignores the violent behavior of some and the fact that some had admitted to the charges against them.

they were let in to peaceable assemble.

Those who were violent have had to answer to a court of law.

18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots​

(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot;

riot is nothing more than a public disturbance involving acts of violence

Did Trump Promote or encourage yes he did.

If there was no violence then he might have avoided his current situation.

The key word is violence and does not mean everyone has to be violent. All it takes is a few.

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