How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.

The difference is that Rush isn't being satirical, he isn't kidding, he really is a big fat bigoted racist asshole.

Yes, you just can't have liberalism without the LIES!


You do realize that that post is on the intellectual level of believing in the bible code, right?
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

I'm sure he thinks he does, if he ever actually thinks about anything at all.

We've already established you have a low 2 digit IQ, you just foster that belief... you should learn to just STFU and go on to a TV thread!
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

Yeah, but you're the 'ignorant asshole' that can't be bothered to read the articles he's citing.

That vigilant has the 'ignorant asshole' vote is actually quite the demonstration.

You now calling your self out! Quite interesting, but highly believable.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are two of my biggest TV heroes. We haven't heard the last of Stewart - and Colbert is replacing Letterman. Comedy and truth prevail.

I wonder what he will do.

You know, Friday night on Bill Maher's show they had some sort of a brief disruption in the back of the audience. Maher stopped and asked, "Trouble?" Then turned back to his guest and said they were a little cautious these days since the attack on Charlie Hebdo.

I hope Stewart hasn't received so many death threats that he's got to go underground for awhile.

What fucking retard. Don't you think if he was leaving because he feared for his life he's be gone and hiding already? Instead of simply announcing his departure as an as of yet undetermined future plan?
I don't see a lot of support here for your blathering and silly cartoons. I suspect you are a quiet embarrassment to the righties here.

I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.

The difference is that Rush isn't being satirical, he isn't kidding, he really is a big fat bigoted racist asshole.

Yes, you just can't have liberalism without the LIES!


You do realize that that post is on the intellectual level of believing in the bible code, right?

That's YOUR opinion, which isn't worth a fart in the wind!
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

Yeah, but you're the 'ignorant asshole' that can't be bothered to read the articles he's citing.

That vigilant has the 'ignorant asshole' vote is actually quite the demonstration.

You now calling your self out! Quite interesting, but highly believable.

I'm not the one that misquoted the article about Jon Stewart. That would be 'ignorant asshole' Speedy. Who didn't even bother to read it before he posted a link to it. Despite his own article clearly citing 'fake news'.

Congrats, Viggy........ignorant assholes everywhere are simply infatuated with you.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.

And sadly its the best political analysis on TV. They point out the hypocrisy the stonewalling obstructionists tea baggers points out how politics actually works.

I'm remembering an episode where they showed every single major new media using the exact same verbage.
He showed a lot of truth because satire is not funny unless it is truth.
I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.

It's popular, because Stewart acts like an asshole, and you LIV'S loves assholes! Is that why FOX is the highest rated?... Seems illogical but show me some statistics from a non biased polling company! It's also the reason there is NO LIBERAL RADIO that has any type of following... But you continue to believe your bullshit, and we on the right will continue to knock your softballs out of the park! What a shithead, he actually believes his own lies! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:..You can't make this up!
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

Yeah, but you're the 'ignorant asshole' that can't be bothered to read the articles he's citing.

That vigilant has the 'ignorant asshole' vote is actually quite the demonstration.

You now calling your self out! Quite interesting, but highly believable.

I'm not the one that misquoted the article about Jon Stewart. That would be 'ignorant asshole' Speedy. Who didn't even bother to read it before he posted a link to it. Despite his own article clearly citing 'fake news'.

Congrats, Viggy........ignorant assholes everywhere are simply infatuated with you.

Skyhooker, it doesn't take much to bitch slap a child who thinks he's the world's authority on everything, Shyster!
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.

And sadly its the best political analysis on TV. They point out the hypocrisy the stonewalling obstructionists tea baggers points out how politics actually works.

I'm remembering an episode where they showed every single major new media using the exact same verbage.
He showed a lot of truth because satire is not funny unless it is truth.

Is that why I have such a high RATING with my political satire???

No need to answer, it's already proven to be true!

See....the TRUTH in Satire form....

I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.
The right could never make a version of the daily show because truth has a liberal bias.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.

And sadly its the best political analysis on TV. They point out the hypocrisy the stonewalling obstructionists tea baggers points out how politics actually works.

I'm remembering an episode where they showed every single major new media using the exact same verbage.
He showed a lot of truth because satire is not funny unless it is truth.

Stewart's gift was his hair trigger bullshit'o'meter. And his ability to make his observations hysterically funny.

Some conservatives may not be able to tell the difference between satire and journalism. But most rational people can.
That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.
The right could never make a version of the daily show because truth has a liberal bias.

Now THAT is funny!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.

It's popular, because Stewart acts like an asshole, and you LIV'S loves assholes! Is that why FOX is the highest rated?... Seems illogical but show me some statistics from a non biased polling company! It's also the reason there is NO LIBERAL RADIO that has any type of following... But you continue to believe your bullshit, and we on the right will continue to knock your softballs out of the park! What a shithead, he actually believes his own lies! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:..You can't make this up!

Conservatives are 40% of population. Liberals make up 30%. We win presidential elections because we will over the other 30%. Gore even got more votes than bush.

Point is 2 fold. 1 there's more of an audience for right wing radio and TV. Who's liistening to rush or watching fox? Old rich white dudes. Also the oil companies and mega corporations don't mind paying for the propaganda. Even if they werent making money it'd still be worth it.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.

And sadly its the best political analysis on TV. They point out the hypocrisy the stonewalling obstructionists tea baggers points out how politics actually works.

I'm remembering an episode where they showed every single major new media using the exact same verbage.
He showed a lot of truth because satire is not funny unless it is truth.

Stewart's gift was his hair trigger bullshit'o'meter. And his ability to make his observations hysterically funny.

Some conservatives may not be able to tell the difference between satire and journalism. But most rational people can.

Who translates for you?... a 5th grader?
That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.
The right could never make a version of the daily show because truth has a liberal bias.

Most conservative entertainment shows never let the truth get in the way of their format. The reason they could never do their own daily show is that they can't resist going full Garofalo. They almost always put their politics before their comedy, as the purpose of the comedy is the politics. Stewart and most left leaning comics are Comedians first. And political second.

Which is why the comedy works. Dennis Miller could almost do it. Ron White can definitely do it. But very few conservatives can manage the task. Lots and lots of liberals can though.
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.

It's popular, because Stewart acts like an asshole, and you LIV'S loves assholes! Is that why FOX is the highest rated?... Seems illogical but show me some statistics from a non biased polling company! It's also the reason there is NO LIBERAL RADIO that has any type of following... But you continue to believe your bullshit, and we on the right will continue to knock your softballs out of the park! What a shithead, he actually believes his own lies! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:..You can't make this up!

Conservatives are 40% of population. Liberals make up 30%. We win presidential elections because we will over the other 30%. Gore even got more votes than bush.

Point is 2 fold. 1 there's more of an audience for right wing radio and TV. Who's liistening to rush or watching fox? Old rich white dudes. Also the oil companies and mega corporations don't mind paying for the propaganda. Even if they werent making money it'd still be worth it.

Now care to explain why Republicans kicked your DemocRAT asses in 2010 and 2014... we KNOW why the Manchurian muslim got elected...FREE SHIT!

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