How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

I enjoy watching you Pond Scum get all tied up in yourselves, as unimportant as you are! Of course you've heard this before, it's common knowledge, and posted here everyday by Patriots! Of which, you don't appear to be!...Did you guess that line also?

You just can't stop yourself can you? It's superficial, childish remarks or nothing where you're concerned.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

I don't see a lot of support here for your blathering and silly cartoons. I suspect you are a quiet embarrassment to the righties here.

I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!
That's what Jon Stewart does. You might as well accuse the Onion or Saturday Night Live of bad journalism. Republicans may not be able to tell the difference between Satire and journalism. But everyone else can.


Thanks, Jon, for all the great memories. I hope you leave us with many more.

The Only Honest Name In News: Jon Stewart Leaving the Daily Show

Ah, I see your hapless confusion. You never actually read the article:

The news that Jon Stewart will retire later this year from The Daily Show after 16 mostly brilliant years of fake news has been greeted on social media with a collective Noooooo!, or in the words of one tweet, "I regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your resignation at this time.

The Only Honest Name In News Jon Stewart Leaving the Daily Show Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

"Fake News". It helps if you read the article you're claiming to cite.

But tell us again how satire is journalism. And how its held to the same standard of journalism. Jon Stewart being a comedian, such silly bullshit would be appropriate to his retirement from the Daily Show.
They don't like him because all too often their gullibility was the butt of the joke. It's also important to note that he brought humility and humanity to his media satire, conservatives hate humility and humanity.
And liberals hate the truth.

Oh, and please explain what humility Obama has or what humanity he shows to his political enemies.

And liberals hate the truth.
When the going gets tough the tough get going.
No man is an island.
Two rights don't make a wrong.
Better late than never.
Birds of a feather flock together.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
There's no place like home.
The early bird catches the worm.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Beggars can't be choosers.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Practice makes perfect.
Easy come, easy go.

Idioms, sayings, and catch phrases can be so much fun.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

If these redneck crackers ever read anything by Mark Twain or remembered what Will Rogers used to do for a living, they would understand Stewart. But they probably think Mark Twain invented the river boat and Will Rogers used to have a children's show on television.
Is that another catch phrase you heard from Rush? He's full of them you know.

Well, he used LIES, others claim, and rightly so, it's a MENTAL DISORDER...I thought I was being nice to you Pond Scum!

Why do you even bother posting on a public forum? It's not as though you ever have anything interesting or intelligent to say. You're like watching an old sitcom on TV, I can usually guess what your next brilliant line will be.

I enjoy watching you Pond Scum get all tied up in yourselves, as unimportant as you are! Of course you've heard this before, it's common knowledge, and posted here everyday by Patriots! Of which, you don't appear to be!...Did you guess that line also?

You just can't stop yourself can you? It's superficial, childish remarks or nothing where you're concerned.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

Is that what you're doing? I never would have guessed.
You just can't stop yourself can you? It's superficial, childish remarks or nothing where you're concerned.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

I don't see a lot of support here for your blathering and silly cartoons. I suspect you are a quiet embarrassment to the righties here.

I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.
That's what Jon Stewart does. You might as well accuse the Onion or Saturday Night Live of bad journalism. Republicans may not be able to tell the difference between Satire and journalism. But everyone else can.


Thanks, Jon, for all the great memories. I hope you leave us with many more.

The Only Honest Name In News: Jon Stewart Leaving the Daily Show

Ah, I see your hapless confusion. You never actually read the article:

The news that Jon Stewart will retire later this year from The Daily Show after 16 mostly brilliant years of fake news has been greeted on social media with a collective Noooooo!, or in the words of one tweet, "I regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your resignation at this time.

The Only Honest Name In News Jon Stewart Leaving the Daily Show Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

"Fake News". It helps if you read the article you're claiming to cite.

But tell us again how satire is journalism. And how its held to the same standard of journalism. Jon Stewart being a comedian, such silly bullshit would be appropriate to his retirement from the Daily Show.
They don't like him because all too often their gullibility was the butt of the joke. It's also important to note that he brought humility and humanity to his media satire, conservatives hate humility and humanity.
And liberals hate the truth.

Oh, and please explain what humility Obama has or what humanity he shows to his political enemies.

And liberals hate the truth.
When the going gets tough the tough get going.
No man is an island.
Two rights don't make a wrong.
Better late than never.
Birds of a feather flock together.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
There's no place like home.
The early bird catches the worm.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Beggars can't be choosers.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Practice makes perfect.
Easy come, easy go.

Idioms, sayings, and catch phrases can be so much fun.

Well, a stitch in time does save the early bird that tried, tried again.
Well, he used LIES, others claim, and rightly so, it's a MENTAL DISORDER...I thought I was being nice to you Pond Scum!

Why do you even bother posting on a public forum? It's not as though you ever have anything interesting or intelligent to say. You're like watching an old sitcom on TV, I can usually guess what your next brilliant line will be.

I enjoy watching you Pond Scum get all tied up in yourselves, as unimportant as you are! Of course you've heard this before, it's common knowledge, and posted here everyday by Patriots! Of which, you don't appear to be!...Did you guess that line also?

You just can't stop yourself can you? It's superficial, childish remarks or nothing where you're concerned.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

I don't see a lot of support here for your blathering and silly cartoons. I suspect you are a quiet embarrassment to the righties here.

Bfd there are other right wing tools brainwashed by fox and rush. Oh excuse me they were already won over before fox. A lot of them were raised by right wing tools. And I do believe like some people are born gay some people are born with the conservative gene. But nurture has something to do with it too I'm sure.

Independents are the bible sexuals of the political world. Could go either way.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.

Ah, I see your hapless confusion. You never actually read the article:

The news that Jon Stewart will retire later this year from The Daily Show after 16 mostly brilliant years of fake news has been greeted on social media with a collective Noooooo!, or in the words of one tweet, "I regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your resignation at this time.

The Only Honest Name In News Jon Stewart Leaving the Daily Show Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

"Fake News". It helps if you read the article you're claiming to cite.

But tell us again how satire is journalism. And how its held to the same standard of journalism. Jon Stewart being a comedian, such silly bullshit would be appropriate to his retirement from the Daily Show.
They don't like him because all too often their gullibility was the butt of the joke. It's also important to note that he brought humility and humanity to his media satire, conservatives hate humility and humanity.
And liberals hate the truth.

Oh, and please explain what humility Obama has or what humanity he shows to his political enemies.

And liberals hate the truth.
When the going gets tough the tough get going.
No man is an island.
Two rights don't make a wrong.
Better late than never.
Birds of a feather flock together.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
There's no place like home.
The early bird catches the worm.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Beggars can't be choosers.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Practice makes perfect.
Easy come, easy go.

Idioms, sayings, and catch phrases can be so much fun.

Well, a stitch in time does save the early bird that tried, tried again.

You can lead a conservative to water, but you can't make him think.
He lies but Fox News is fair and balanced correct? Too funny.
Yet you feel that anything on "Comedy Central" is the 100% unvarnished truth.

Too Funny!!!! :lmao:
Our reflexive reaction to humor (laughter) is perhaps the most honest thing people do. It is a psychological reaction to thinking about something in an unexpected way. If someone is getting you to laugh at he ridiculousness of the world they are delivering the ultimate truth, lighthearted laughter is the cure for a world full of conflicting, subjective, nonsensical truths.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Stewart pointed out when the politicians acted like fools. There was never a shortage of material.

Republicans didn't like Stewart cause he pointed out how badly they were behaving. NBC CBS and ABC news aren't doing their jobs that's for sure. To me they are corporate controlled and in on it. Said nothing about us being lied into Iraq. Treasonist.
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

I'm sure he thinks he does, if he ever actually thinks about anything at all.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.
Jon Stewart is a brilliant satirist. The man himself is a very informed and intelligent liberal. However, his show was never intended to be a source of actual political analysis. Republicans just like to believe liberals think it is real analysis. We don't.

When I want actual political analysis, I turn to Bill Maher. His show is the voice of reason in politics. I encourage everyone to tune in.

Wish doesn't make it so: Jon Stewart Is Now More Trusted Than MSNBC To Provide Accurate Information

A new survey from the Brookings Institute found that Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are now more trusted than MSNBC to provide accurate information.

The Brookings Institute survey found that while Fox News dominates with Republicans and conservatives, there is no one unifying source among Democrats and liberals. In fact, MSNBC has fallen behind The Daily Show on the trust scale with all Americans, Independents, Liberals, and Democrats.

Not bad for a guy that the liberals say they don't get their news, they do, they lie.
That doesn't mean liberals consider The Daily Show to be actual political analysis. They likely think MSNBC just isn't trust worthy on any level for whatever reason. Jon Stewart never blatantly lies unless less it's rather obvious he's making a joke.

And sadly its the best political analysis on TV. They point out the hypocrisy the stonewalling obstructionists tea baggers points out how politics actually works.

I'm remembering an episode where they showed every single major new media using the exact same verbage.
Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

I can vouch for that...nobody...that would be NOBODY, slaps the shit out of misguided leftist assholes like Vigilante.

Yeah, but you're the 'ignorant asshole' that can't be bothered to read the articles he's citing.

That vigilant has the 'ignorant asshole' vote is actually quite the demonstration.
Well, he used LIES, others claim, and rightly so, it's a MENTAL DISORDER...I thought I was being nice to you Pond Scum!

Why do you even bother posting on a public forum? It's not as though you ever have anything interesting or intelligent to say. You're like watching an old sitcom on TV, I can usually guess what your next brilliant line will be.

I enjoy watching you Pond Scum get all tied up in yourselves, as unimportant as you are! Of course you've heard this before, it's common knowledge, and posted here everyday by Patriots! Of which, you don't appear to be!...Did you guess that line also?

You just can't stop yourself can you? It's superficial, childish remarks or nothing where you're concerned.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

Is that what you're doing? I never would have guessed.

Of course you don't have an idea... you're 2 digit IQ prevents any nuanced thinking... your posts prove it!
You mean I'm NOT supposed to enjoy making you assholes look like assholes?... Now you tell me!

I don't see a lot of support here for your blathering and silly cartoons. I suspect you are a quiet embarrassment to the righties here.

I don't know child, I've only been here 11 months, and it seems my ratings shoot down your bullshit like an AK47 does to a water balloon! ...I see NOT MANY think highly of what you do!

That's because you suck up to this board and I don't. Get it yet?

Grow a pair.

Oh, you mean I post things, such as my little cartoons, that bitch slap your subversive ass, and entertain at the same time.... I'm better than Jon Stewart with the people who enjoy political satire with a WHIP behind it!

You just keep spankin' that monkey, honey. Someday someone will take you seriously.

They haven't taken you seriously, and you've been here posting your shit for 15 months before I got here... you're just another know nothing liberal, that hasn't a clue!

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