How Life Began

The educated adults of the planet and the entire Global scientific community

Oh my, you really zinged me there.

You're right, we should all totally be listening to uneducated slobs like you with not one semester of chemistry under their belts
Ah. Majority rule is ‘science’.
BTW - that astronomer friend I referred to is a leading expert on black holes in the world.
And a devout Christian.
Oh look, another pathetic strawman.

Science pays no mind to your childish, magical fetishes. Which is probably why you have never learned anything about science and say so many embarrassingly idiotic things about it.
You’re the one making the false statement that aaaaalllllll those scientists say blah blah means it’s true.

I’m still waiting to here what combination will write a concerto given enough time.

Just as reliable as “Doug says”.
I agree. Minister Doug will agree that "the bible says..." is all one needs to know. However, Minister Doug needs to read the Sumerian and Babylonian creation stories, among others, which predate the Genesis fable.
Bible says the universe had a beginning. Science caught up later and changed its beliefs to agree. So at some point life had to originate out of it. So if you want to keep God out of it, here’s your options on how life began.
Mix and match the 3 to whatever quantities you desire to create life:

1. View attachment 669725
2. Temperature

3. Time

Have at it.

Mix and match a different three:

1. Supernatural father

2. Supernaturally created Son

3. Supernatural Holy ghost

Have at it.
The three elements would be nitrogen, carbon and oxygen ... we can throw in hydrogen because it is everywhere in the universe in massive abundance ... 99% of everything is just bare naked protons ... carbon and oxygen are both top 5 abundance elements in the universe ... methane, water and ammonia are common everyplace in the visible universe ...

The first step is for two methane molecules to collide ... a reminder that methane is just a carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms ... the very simplest of the reduced form ... and some small percentage of these collisions will result in the two molecules combining into an ethane molecule ... two carbon atoms bonded together with 6 hydrogens scattered about ... random collision with an ammonia molecule and ...


Glycine ... an honest to God amino acid ... we can string these together by the thousands ...


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