How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

So Mac is correct again. It's not about issues or policy for the cult, it's about whether you obediently bend over for the Orange High Hard One™.

Damn I'm good. I wub me.

I guess that's good, because no one here will.

Could you use a tube of K-Y while you wait for the case that you just ordered from Amazon?

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
So you are saying Republicans need to continue with more of the same shit that looses elections because it is out of step with what the majority of Americans want?
Except the majority of Americans do want what the Republicans are behind. That’s why most voters chose the Republican candidate.

You leftards are so out-of-touch and arrogant.
Republicans don’t have to go left. They have to get less crazy. Today’s GOP is a giant clown shitshow of insanity. Stop being crazy and you’ll win more.
Every voter is eligible for a mail ballot regardless of their address.
And that’s the problem. It didn’t used to be that way, where Democrats are still accepting ballots arriving at the post office days after the Election.

We need to go back to the days where mail ballots were limited to those with valid reasons - and “it’s more convenient than going to the polls a five-minute drive away” is not a vakid reason. The Dems used COVID as an excuse for mail ballots in 2020, and now they’ve used it as a way to cheat their way to wins permanently.
Republicans don’t have to go left. They have to get less crazy. Today’s GOP is a giant clown shitshow of insanity. Stop being crazy and you’ll win more.
And welcoming in millions of illegals who never finished 8th grade and have no job skills isn‘t insane? Biden figuring out ways to pump more money into the economy while the Fed is trying to tighten the money supply to combat inflation isn’t insane? Shutting down drilling while Americans are facing gas shortages and skyrocketing prices isn’t insane? Telling Americans that he isn’t going to change A THING after 75% of Americans said they don’t like the direction of the country isn’t insane?
The examples are every post by a LibTard and I'm not playing the SlickSlade Game.
See Ya!
Slade is an especially hypocritical liberal. I said we need to start adopting the approach that Dims are taking to win elections, and he said that I am unprincipled!

So IOW, he supports the Dims’ practices, but if I suggest the Republicans do the same, then it’s unprincipled.
And welcoming in millions of illegals who never finished 8th grade and have no job skills isn‘t insane? Biden figuring out ways to pump more money into the economy while the Fed is trying to tighten the money supply to combat inflation isn’t insane? Shutting down drilling while Americans are facing gas shortages and skyrocketing prices isn’t insane? Telling Americans that he isn’t going to change A THING after 75% of Americans said they don’t like the direction of the country isn’t insane?

Yeah. That’s how batshit crazy you are.

The country’s a mess, and people looked at how crazy you are and decided to stick with the Ds.

Stop being batshit insane, get out of your cult, join reality and you’ll win more.

It’s simple, really.
And that’s the problem. It didn’t used to be that way, where Democrats are still accepting ballots arriving at the post office days after the Election.

We need to go back to the days where mail ballots were limited to those with valid reasons - and “it’s more convenient than going to the polls a five-minute drive away” is not a vakid reason. The Dems used COVID as an excuse for mail ballots in 2020, and now they’ve used it as a way to cheat their way to wins permanently.

Simple solution --we need to cheat harder than they do.

I do, in my own private little way. I cheat them hard and I cheat them long and it's perfectly legal. Their money spends far more deliciously than the money of my conservative Republican clients because there's more of it! I work really hard to give my good customers good prices and the leftards pay through the nose.


Why? Maybe I’m on here to debate conservatives to make them stronger and push them to do better… either way the content of my posts makes zero difference towards which way i vote
Oh…..wise one who knows so much better…..

Record-high inflation, swarms of uneducated illegals being supported by American taxpayers, verge of nuclear war from Putin, retirees loosing their life savings, etc., etc.,…..yup, you sure know better!
There’s lots of good potential R candidates for 2024.

But if you think the best candidate is Trump, you’re part of the crazy.
Slade is an especially hypocritical liberal. I said we need to start adopting the approach that Dims are taking to win elections, and he said that I am unprincipled!

So IOW, he supports the Dims’ practices, but if I suggest the Republicans do the same, then it’s unprincipled.

Slade is one of the biggest hypocrites here! I love it when one of the humans here slaps him/her/it down.
Yeah. That’s how batshit crazy you are.

The country’s a mess, and people looked at how crazy you are and decided to stick with the Ds.

Stop being batshit insane, get out of your cult, join reality and you’ll win more.

It’s simple, really.
I just listed all the harmful things that have happened under your Demented “President,” and you ignore all of them and just did the usual - yell out an insult.


Get out of your cult and realize that Americans did indeed vote AGAINST what you crazy liberals are pushing.
I just listed all the harmful things that have happened under your Demented “President,” and you ignore all of them and just did the usual - yell out an insult.


Get out of your cult and realize that Americans did indeed vote AGAINST what you crazy liberals are pushing.
You're delusional as always. 😄
So Mac is correct again. It's not about issues or policy for the cult, it's about whether you obediently bend over for the Orange High Hard One™.

Damn I'm good. I wub me.
Can't help you Mac.

Apparently you're too much of an idiot.

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