How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

You can ride your principles into obscurity waiting for people to recognize your stoic grandeur or you can engage people where they are.

You are engaging the hedonists and attending to their political needs just fine without my help

So whats the big deal?

Why do opposing points of view worry you so much?
The situations Coyote lists were always eligible for mail-ins. What is new is mailing out millions of ballots to low-income city dwellers a short ride away from a polling place in Philadelphia and other places in swing states.

My grandparents and parents all took the subway or bus to vote, and they were proud to do so.
Every voter is eligible for a mail ballot regardless of their address.
The whole thing is so obvious. They go around to the poor areas of Democrat cities, scare the ignorant people there about how the Republicans will arrest their kids and turn America into Nazi Germany, and the fools believe them.
As opposed to the rural folk afraid of immigrants, gun grabbers and the gays.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
1. No, the point is not to compromise for the sake of getting elected. But not losing the media manipulation wars to Liberals buying votes by attaching social benefits to party, govt and office.
2. Talk of flipping Minority populations to Conservative principles.
3. Exposing corruption and stopping dilution of the voting process that favors liberals.
The system has to change so that the nutters don't have so much c
It comes down to leadership having standards.
People need to stop giving the nuts credulity, purchase.
The nuts from wherever they come need to be sent packing back to the margins as they historically were. Public discourse requires standards of civility and principles.
I suppose you mean me and all the other trump voters who demand better government

I cant think of any lower insult from you

Sure, you mean the republican establishment in washington

But they did everything in their power to stop trump and by extension trump voters like me

Your brand of democracy does not include people that libs disagree with
Trump is not and never was good governance.

Anyone willing to ignore their principles and ideology in order to win elections was never a Conservative to begin with. Real Conservatives will go to our political and physical graves before we give up our morals, values, and ideology.
Go to your graves then. Go proudly, alone and quietly.
That party has moved left they just haven't told us yet. Watch Rove return big time and foist Jeb Bush on us again 2024. If President Trump announces a run for president on November 15...obama AND George F'ing Bush have partnered up to do everything they can to destroy that.

They want us all to forget the great things they promised to do but never could BUT TRUMP MANAGED TO DO IT. They want their lovely deep state back again in full force...and Trump must be destroyed because he had the nerve to expose every last one of them.

Now think about that...Bush and Obama.....what. does that tell you?
A certain resident troll of usmb is as always trying to laugh off facts he can’t counter so thst means you are obviously spot on Calypso Jones :2up: :yes_text12:
If the right is saying that then that's the road to loserdom. This is what the left does. They continually think they need to go further right, LOL. They think right wing lite is the road to getting votes. I guess that strategy didn't work so well for Beto, lmao The only thing I'm hearing in right wing media is that republican men need to get their women under control, because single women vote democratic. 🤦‍♂️ :laugh:
mebbe you dont have tv but republicans now own the house of long pelosi, go get hammered with you old gay husbands.
What do you imagine that gets you? The majority is so slim that it will be nearly impossible to get majority votes.
Certainly no legislation. The best you can hope for are more Benghazi hearings. Brilliant.

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