How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I am not going to go searching through your Bs. You know you said it.
I know I didnā€™t say it which is why Iā€™m laughing at you and confident that you wonā€™t back it up. Here comes the angry insults and stomp outā€¦. Letā€™s see it
No need to move ā€˜leftā€™ ā€“ just practice actual, consistent conservatism.

Actual, consistent conservatism means a comprehensive application of small government, less government conservative dogma.

Small government, less government means opposing abortion bans, opposing bans on same-sex marriage, opposing voter ID laws, opposing other like manifestations of government excess and overreach.

It means, as noted, rejecting Trump and his cult.

It means rejecting the Christo-fascist right, Christian nationalism, and other religious extremists.

It means rejecting white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and anti-immigrant nativism.

Start practicing actual, consistent conservatism and Republican will start winning elections.
If you favor a smaller government you should oppose fines for those who misgender.

You should also support school choice. You should oppose government racial quotas. Is this what you are suggesting?

Moreover the libertarians have been around for some time and they have not been very successful.
Iā€™m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing mediaā€¦.they arenā€™t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect theyā€™ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
You certainly need to lead rather than just stay afloat on grievance. If some of those efforts include what you deem as moving left, then maybe you should.
Instead of characterizing it as moving left. Maybe itā€™s better to call it meeting people where they are. I understand change is difficult for you folks, but you missed the bus long ago and didnā€™t notice.
What the lefties are suggesting is that principles dont matter and winning is all that counts

I reject that

Otherwise why have two parties at all?
You can ride your principles into obscurity waiting for people to recognize your stoic grandeur or you can engage people where they are.

Some voters don't know what's best for them. We can only hope we have enough office holders in DC who will give the voters what they really need and not what they think they need.
Your big govt is gonna tell people whatā€™s best for them?
Considering the elections are neck and neck there is no need to move left. It isn't like they only won less than 20% of the midterms or anything. It wasn't a total blowout by any means.

Really they just need to unify more is all it would take.

But their number one problem is cnn, MSNBC, cbs, abc, etc. They didn't report or greatly under reported on the republicans, they all were very much biased against them. If the msm were unbiased and only reported factual news the elections would have been different. A whole lot of people form all their opinions on what the msm says.
Neck and neck when historically it should be an easy rout.
That means youā€™re way behind the curve.
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The gop hasn't moved at all, they are still right where they were 20 years.

The left moved so far left that it now appears as if the right is extreme also when in reality they still stand for the same things they did before.

Hell the left moved so far left that even democrats like tulsi gabbard that didn't move with them now seems like a republican.
Stay where you are and just wait for everyone to realize youā€™re right and fall in line. Itā€™s worked so far. :cuckoo:
Neither crime family is moving left. If anything theyā€™re both moving right, as they have been for some time.

They are using differences on cultural issues merely to divide Americans, so they can continue empowering and enriching themselves and the big donors.
The simple answer then and should be one of the biggest issues is getting money out of politics.
You, me and Bernie have this in common.

We need our elected reps focused on us and not their donors.
If you favor a smaller government you should oppose fines for those who misgender.

You should also support school choice. You should oppose government racial quotas. Is this what you are suggesting?

Moreover the libertarians have been around for some time and they have not been very successful.

i'd like to see NY try to collect on that one. :p
The Pubs don't have to move very far Left.

Some helpful hints:

1. Guarantee that you will leave Social Security and MediCare alone

2. Increase taxes on the rich and reduce taxes on the middle class

3. Develop and publicize a plan to restore American energy independence - both short- and long-term

4. Develop and publicize a plan to restore American primacy in manufacturing - beginning with strategically vital goods

5. Develop and publicize a plan to eliminate Inflation and restore the economy to a prosperous and growth-capable condition

6. Develop and publicize proposed legislation to guarantee the right to abortion up to the end of the first trimester, with states ruling individually beyond that

7. Develop and publicize proposals for revitalizing urban areas that have deteriorated under Democratic control for decades

8. Develop and publicize proposals to revitalize and modernize the Armed Forces to an extent in which neither China nor Russia can achieve parity

9. Dump Donald Trump
Sounds just like Bidenā€™s plan. Rational.
Dump Trump and dump abortion from their platform.
I hate to say it over something so obvious but, duh. That shit was settled fifty years ago. No need to have gone there at all. It only highlights how out of it they are. Trump is a bonafide loser for the GOP yet somehow theyā€™re still on the fence.
No way.
But they are in disarray right now.
Nominating someone from the House Freedom Caucus to replace Kevin McCarthy would be a good start!
But they need to hold off for now and NOT pick a House Majority Leader this upcoming week.
Play a wait and see strategy. McCarthy is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer. We need one made out of Cold Steel!!!
Good luck doing anything at all let alone anything meaningful.
The person who can make so many deals with the devil to become speaker with such a narrow majority will be essentially powerless. There will always be two or three votes who dictate how they proceed. Gonna be a real shitshow.
I would think it depends on how it's done and the state laws on it. Clearly both parties have utilized it. There are situations where people can't get to the polls, for example some of the tribal lands where are eztremely poor, spread far apart, and lack cars. One person will take their ballots in.
Doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re valid ballots.

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