How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
The New Right does not need to move Left.

They need to stick to the principles they claim to believe in.

That's. It.
There will always remain some diehard sadists and retards who back Trump no matter what.

But their glory days are over. Just as the Tea Party dwindled away.

The GOP ran out of ideas. They are morally, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and ideologically bankrupt. They have no solutions and so they can only whine about the other team's ideas. They only know how to be cruel.

Cruelty is easy. Cruelty is intellectual laziness.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party threw every last principle out the window in exchange for political power. They now stand for NOTHING.

America is facing some tough issues and the voters want solutions. And it is human nature to accept a bad solution rather than no solution.

That's exactly how we ended up with Obamacare.
Start from the OP...Any Conservative who disagrees with a Liberal is a Nazi.
Now you’re moving the goalpost. The claim was

According to liberal Democrats, a Republican who cares about our heritage is a far right Republican.
I asked for an example. You said 99% of posts here are an example… so show an example of somebody saying that. Should be easy
“Bullshit”? What bullshit?
So all they have to do is comply with Leftist demands

If I have to explain this , you are one dumb fucking idiot

Ans to think for the past 5 years or so I knew you I thought you had brains
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
Five minutes ago
Explain it…don’t be scared….Is it his mean tweets and lack of decorum?
Sacred of what? Being bored to death to explain it to a third grader like yourself?

Yeah I am scared of that, I guess not many people is on my level
Slade3200 being a sanctimonious asshole yet again. Shocking.
Asking people to back up their dishonest and hyperbolic claims is not sanctimonious. I’m sorry you get frustrated when I call you on that stuff but there is an easy solution…. Just be honest. It isn’t hard.
Asking people to back up their dishonest and hyperbolic claims is not sanctimonious. I’m sorry you get frustrated when I call you on that stuff but there is an easy solution…. Just be honest. It isn’t hard.
Of fuck off. Yoel Roth resigned because of his suppression of the laptop story that you said never happened. You’re a sanctimonious asshole.
Of fuck off. Yoel Roth resigned because of his suppression of the laptop story that you said never happened. You’re a sanctimonious asshole.
I said suppression of the laptop story never happened?! Haha. Care to prove that by showing my quote or can we expect another huffy stomp out of the room?
What all this boils down to, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Frigging Communists trying to tell Conservatives what to do. Their "ideal" Republican is a limp dick RINO like John McShitstain.
What are you talking about?!?!
You people tell us all the time to nominate "moderates", because they are easy to beat. The Republican base will never nominate moderates.
Y’all can nominate whatever whackos you want. I vote both sides of the aisle and sure as hell ain’t lending my support to any of the wingnuts y’all have been running lately. I doubt I’m the only one that feels this way

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