How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
Why? All the Republicans have to do is stop with the bullshit of Trump
I think the answer is to play the same game the Dims have been playing: encourage early voting, and then a week before Election Day, get the list of who hasn’t voted yet, identify the pockets where conservatives live, and then go door-to-door harvesting ballots.

I'm ready to move left if "moving left" means we learn to lie, cheat and steal without conscience or morals, as the leftist vermin do.

Hell yes!

Unless we have to start looking like them.


I will not wear an ass in the front of my pants. No way!

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
What the hell does that mean, move "left"?

There is no left anymore.

Progtards are not 'left', they're an aberration. They're the Democratic version of Neo-Cons
We know you want to see your brethren take over in your lifetime.
You must be thrilled to not live in a violent crime infested slum.
Thrilled wouldn’t be my chosen word, but you could say that. Grateful would be more fitting
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?​
Your thoughts?


Anyone willing to ignore their principles and ideology in order to win elections was never a Conservative to begin with. Real Conservatives will go to our political and physical graves before we give up our morals, values, and ideology.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
No. The Party should not move left. Most in the party have the right hope, vision, understanding of what makes a country great and gives the greatest options and opportunity for its citizens to prosper. Capitulating only kicks the can down the road and continues America's slow decline into mediocrity and eventually weakness and inferiority.

What the Party and Patriots need to do is to discuss those things on which we don't all agree and seek compromise positions we can live with. But otherwise we need to do what the Democrats do and present a united front. And we also need to learn how to put our hope and vision and how to accomplish out there is a form that is understandable, interesting, attractive to those who see or hear it. And do that in a positive way.

They have all the advantage by controlling most of the MSM, social media, government, education, scientific institutions etc. They have us seriously outnumbered in voter registrations. But they have no hope, no vision, no workable plan to fix problems or any clue how everybody can do better, even prosper.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. So long as we are focused on villains and sins and attacking each other and being as hateful and snarky as they are, we are no better and offer nothing better.

We win zero hearts and minds (or votes) with insulting photos, memes, dishonest quotes, etc. no matter who they are aimed at. And we turn a lot of people who would be on our side off when we focus on and complain about leftist sins or snarl about RINOS and turncoats or attack each other over this or that minor issue and offer nothing better.

We need to know our stuff so we can counter their lies. And we need to present and be able to defend a unified vision, hope, and system that is MAGA in as attractive a package as we can make it.

Do that and we won't lose another election.
When the time comes hedonists will say they dont personally approve of pedophilia

But if children freely choose to have sex libs will say its none of their business and no one has the right to interfere with the children’s civil rights
I think the rules should be different for 4 year olds vs 17 year olds.
I'm ready to move left if "moving left" means we learn to lie, cheat and steal without conscience or morals, as the leftist vermin do.

Hell yes!

Unless we have to start looking like them.

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I will not wear an ass in the front of my pants. No way!

Her shirt says “the struggle is real.” What struggle is she talking about? The struggle to pull her pants over her belly?
I don't but since you do you should be able to provide a link.
And you are an atheist and a pervert; not my problem.
For someone who claims to be informed you just posted that you don't check the news that's closest to the source.

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