How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

No need to move ‘left’ – just practice actual, consistent conservatism.

Actual, consistent conservatism means a comprehensive application of small government, less government conservative dogma.

Small government, less government means opposing abortion bans, opposing bans on same-sex marriage, opposing voter ID laws, opposing other like manifestations of government excess and overreach.

It means, as noted, rejecting Trump and his cult.

It means rejecting the Christo-fascist right, Christian nationalism, and other religious extremists.

It means rejecting white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and anti-immigrant nativism.

Start practicing actual, consistent conservatism and Republican will start winning elections.
You mean become Democrap lyte. No thanks.
The whole thing is so obvious. They go around to the poor areas of Democrat cities, scare the ignorant people there about how the Republicans will arrest their kids and turn America into Nazi Germany, and the fools believe them.
You've witnessed this?
The situations Coyote lists were always eligible for mail-ins. What is new is mailing out millions of ballots to low-income city dwellers a short ride away from a polling place in Philadelphia and other places in swing states.

My grandparents and parents all took the subway or bus to vote, and they were proud to do so.
Nothing new about that, 3 states have been doing just that without a hitch for over a decade.
The bullshit their pastors spew and then get to write off the Church expenses is beautiful.
Did you hear how that “scholar” on MSNBC warned voters that if the Republicans win they would arrest their children and possibly kill them“? Or that Dem Senator warn compared the pending Republican takeover of Congress as being the same way Nazi Germany started?

The fact is that the collective intelligence of Americans was a lot higher 50 years ago than it is today, and that’s why the Dems are getting away with this. Dems are counting on the continued drop in the caliber of voters to keep winning.

Our grandparents and great-grandparents who immigrated here 100 years ago were much more intelligent than what we see crossing the Rio Grande by the thousands every week.
Wouldn't it be nice if the extremes from both party's shut up, Be so happy to discuss both sides of a situation with people more interested in learning things than just buying what ever propaganda there party of choice puts out.

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