How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I’menm kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?

They could start by not talking down to women or calling them "sluts" or "whores", or taking away their rights and threatening them with jail, because there are 8 million more women voting than men.
They could start by not talking down to women or calling them "sluts" or "whores", or taking away their rights and threatening them with jail, because there are 8 million more women voting than men.
It's a shame women don't have the morals women had two and three generations ago.
The Pubs don't have to move very far Left.

Some helpful hints:

1. Guarantee that you will leave Social Security and MediCare alone

2. Increase taxes on the rich and reduce taxes on the middle class

3. Develop and publicize a plan to restore American energy independence - both short- and long-term

4. Develop and publicize a plan to restore American primacy in manufacturing - beginning with strategically vital goods

5. Develop and publicize a plan to eliminate Inflation and restore the economy to a prosperous and growth-capable condition

6. Develop and publicize proposed legislation to guarantee the right to abortion up to the end of the first trimester, with states ruling individually beyond that

7. Develop and publicize proposals for revitalizing urban areas that have deteriorated under Democratic control for decades

8. Develop and publicize proposals to revitalize and modernize the Armed Forces to an extent in which neither China nor Russia can achieve parity

9. Dump Donald Trump
Yeah...what's wrong with's the unprincipled winners that we must now honor.

You mean the people who won on the lie of the stolen election? That was a real winner for Republicans.

Or how about threatening women with a national abortion ban?? Another winning idea.

Last but not least, threatening to end student loan forgiveness and calling the students "deadbeats" while Republican billionaires write off all of their PPP loans, probably lost you 30 million votes nationwide. That's how many students were applying for that debt relief.

Why don't you try running on things people will vote for? Lies and hate are a losing ticket.
You mean the people who won on the lie of the stolen election? That was a real winner for Republicans.

Or how about threatening women with a national abortion ban?? Another winning idea.

Last but not least, threatening to end student loan forgiveness and calling the students "deadbeats" while Republican billionaires write off all of their PPP loans, probably lost you 30 million votes nationwide. That's how many students were applying for that debt relief.

Why don't you try running on things people will vote for? Lies and hate are a losing ticket.
well, 'we' don't have to do anything other than just let y'all have your way. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Things could not possibly be worse than the 3 economic crashes and social collapse of the nation under Republican policies and tax codes.
i'm sure biden started fixing that as soon as he came into office in Jan 2021. Dems are really good on the economy. We're doin' GREAT. He says so.

We'll all feel so much better when Western Civilization comes crashing down.
When you can’t defeat them, join them. You expect us to let you go on cheating your way to a win, while we play by the older and more fair ways? F that.
Got any evidence of illegal ballot harvesting?
What the lefties are suggesting is that principles dont matter and winning is all that counts

I reject that

Otherwise why have two parties at all?
The Republicans rejected their principles when the took in Trump. Remember when they used to be anti big gov, pro free speech, pro free trade?
yeah...we all know that only the left can talk tough in order to destroy american's security and sovereignty. Biden can call half the country terrorists...oh no...that is not repulsive. Hilliary can call half the country deplorable...that's not insulting. The media and various and sundry dems can call for violence against the right to keep the right in it's inferior place...but that is okay.
The Left doesn't just talk tough, they allow their constituents to literally get away with murder.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?

They are already left on fiscal issues, so there is not too far for them to move
What the lefties are suggesting is that principles dont matter and winning is all that counts

I reject that

Otherwise why have two parties at all?

The voters are free to choose whoever they please
What you seem to be suggesting is that principles are more important than winning so what the voters want is less important than your principles. I guess you are not one of the whiners over the mid-term losses.
What you seem to be suggesting is that principles are more important than winning so what the voters want is less important than your principles. I guess you are not one of the whiners over the mid-term losses.
you're saying the voters want people with no principles in office. I can agree with that.

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