How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

this is information that you should be seeing if you keep up with election results. I'm not posting it for you because it makes no damn difference as far as voter fraud is concerned,
So you have nothing, I figured that would be the case.
There is definitely a trend...Republicans lose, baseless accusations of fraud and another two years of screaming, crying and whining. Election day is beginning to resemble groundhog day.
So you have nothing, I figured that would be the case.
Doesn't matter what i have or what i think or what i vote for. Your side takes the power. Perfect opportunity to kill more babies and charge rightwingers with domestic terrorism for supporting President Trump. You win. Party on.

Congratulations are in order.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?

No way.
But they are in disarray right now.
Nominating someone from the House Freedom Caucus to replace Kevin McCarthy would be a good start!
But they need to hold off for now and NOT pick a House Majority Leader this upcoming week.
Play a wait and see strategy. McCarthy is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer. We need one made out of Cold Steel!!!
I never said it’s illegal. It IS however highly unethical and not reflective of what Americans want.
I would think it depends on how it's done and the state laws on it. Clearly both parties have utilized it. There are situations where people can't get to the polls, for example some of the tribal lands where are eztremely poor, spread far apart, and lack cars. One person will take their ballots in.
I would think it depends on how it's done and the state laws on it. Clearly both parties have utilized it. There are situations where people can't get to the polls, for example some of the tribal lands where are eztremely poor, spread far apart, and lack cars. One person will take their ballots in.
I'm sure the Democratic fat cats can't pick them up in a bus or 2. :laughing0301:
No way.
But they are in disarray right now.
Nominating someone from the House Freedom Caucus to replace Kevin McCarthy would be a good start!
But they need to hold off for now and NOT pick a House Majority Leader this upcoming week.
Play a wait and see strategy. McCarthy is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer. We need one made out of Cold Steel!!!
You aren't going to find one in a caucus of sporks.
I saw that. But I’m sure that the liberal media that Coyote follows didn’t report how “undesirable” ballots (those marked for the R] were dumped in a ravine.
No way.
But they are in disarray right now.
Nominating someone from the House Freedom Caucus to replace Kevin McCarthy would be a good start!
But they need to hold off for now and NOT pick a House Majority Leader this upcoming week.
Play a wait and see strategy. McCarthy is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer. We need one made out of Cold Steel!!!
What new neo-Con will make a difference?
I'm sure the Democratic fat cats can't pick them up in a bus or 2. :laughing0301:
The situations Coyote lists were always eligible for mail-ins. What is new is mailing out millions of ballots to low-income city dwellers a short ride away from a polling place in Philadelphia and other places in swing states.

My grandparents and parents all took the subway or bus to vote, and they were proud to do so.
The situations Coyote lists were always eligible for mail-ins. What is new is mailing out millions of ballots to low-income city dwellers a short ride away from a polling place in Philadelphia and other places in swing states.

My grandparents and parents all took the subway or bus to vote, and they were proud to do so.
Well, you know what Democrats think about minorities...

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