How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

BULLSHIT… us to three out of 58,189 of your posts that clearly demonstrate a Republican / Conservative position or point of view.
Why? Maybe I’m on here to debate conservatives to make them stronger and push them to do better… either way the content of my posts makes zero difference towards which way i vote

How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?​

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….

Just another democrat-socialist ploy trying to break up MAGA from within by seeding discontent and blame through misdirection. MAGA is SUCH a threat that even after stealing two elections and trying everything, Trump and MAGA are SUCH a threat.

Just as the best way to destroy America was to corrupt it from within, now they are trying to infiltrate, corrupt and break up MAGA from within.

TRUMP DID IT! Blame him! ELECT DeSantis! DeSantis is the future! Heaven help the left if DeSantis and Trump unite as a 24 team.

Anyone who talks about the need to move left to stay competitive is admitting their RINOHOOD. Beware people telling you the GOP is lost. All we need:
  1. Is get McConnell and McCarthy the hell out of there and find leaders who put America First.
  2. Find people who can get the message out to people what the real issues are and spread the money where it is needed.
  3. Continue to work at cracking down on election, media and big tech fraud and corruption which enable it all in the first place.
Her shirt says “the struggle is real.” What struggle is she talking about? The struggle to pull her pants over her belly?


This is such a prime example of leftist vermin and the reason they will never achieve anything on their own. It has no self respect. If it respected itself, it would take better care of itself. It is just a massive lump of wasted space, screaming at the sky because it can't have what it wants.

It makes me think of the good things in my life, like the fact that I will never have to pay a dime for its next Big Mac and fries, I will never have to pay for its rent or gas or its new T-shirt from Land Whales 'R' Us and I will never have to pay for its abortions................... uh............................. walk that one back. As if, right? :laughing0301:

This is such a prime example of leftist vermin and the reason they will never achieve anything on their own. It has no self respect. If it respected itself, it would take better care of itself. It is just a massive lump of wasted space, screaming at the sky because it can't have what it wants.

It makes me think of the good things in my life, like the fact that I will never have to pay a dime for its next Big Mac and fries, I will never have to pay for its rent or gas or its new T-shirt from Land Whales 'R' Us and I will never have to pay for its abortions................... uh............................. walk that one back. As if, right? :laughing0301:
communism has failed horribly every where it has been tried....thats why moving left is insane...for real
It comes down to leadership having standards.
People need to stop giving the nuts credulity, purchase.
The nuts from wherever they come need to be sent packing back to the margins as they historically were. Public discourse requires standards of civility and principles.
Well, this is what our "system" currently incentivizes and rewards -- the worst impulses of its participants.

Water flows downhill. These people are going to do what comes naturally, if the guardrails allow it.
Well, this is what our "system" currently incentivizes and rewards -- the worst impulses of its participants.

Water flows downhill. These people are going to do what comes naturally, if the guardrails allow it.

That's rich, coming from the side that has cheated its way in American politics for MANY decades!

From the party that has voted for defecating in the streets.


Another nutbird who is ignorant of my politics.

Damn I'm good.

Yeah, these guys want to talk to you about coming to work for them. They like your style. It tremulously whispers, "trailer park".


No one CARES about your issues, Mac.

Only your behavior.

Act like a leftard, get treated like one.

When the cities start falling, all that Mac and his crew of wannabe thugs will have left to eat is the vegan in the apartment next door that wears its sister's skinny jeans.

Not much nutrition there.


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