How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

The “big deal” is you lost bigly and people are asking why.
I am not crying about democrat success in the 2022 election so why should you?

In my opinion abortion drove promiscuous young women and libs in general to the polls to the exclusion of all other issues

Now you are gloating and telling me I have to conform to your values just so i can be popular with people who are disgusting

But no thanks, I’ll stick with my principles
I just listed all the harmful things that have happened under your Demented “President,” and you ignore all of them and just did the usual - yell out an insult.


Get out of your cult and realize that Americans did indeed vote AGAINST what you crazy liberals are pushing.

All they have is insults and cheating.

Oh, and fat ugly chicks that can't possibly get pregnant because they're so fucking stank UGLY but want us to pay for their abortions! :laughing0301:


Looks at a land whale with an ass in front and calls me a mutant!

Y'all, that's what you get when you trust the judgement of a ..........................................

Well, nevermind.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I can’t believe a woman like that would wear tucked-in pants and tight stretchy pants over her belly for all the world to see. What is wrong with these people??
I can’t believe a woman like that would wear tucked-in pants and tight stretchy pants over her belly for all the world to see. What is wrong with these people??

No self respect.

Because they loathe themselves, they demand that we must loathe them as well.

Or they do it on purpose just to punish us because they know we can't lock them away from public view.

What is that bullshit? Are you denying that there are moderate Republicans and far right Republicans?
I know there is…I’m simply asking what your idea of a “far right Republican“ is?
Is that a pro-life, pro-heterosexualality, pro-law and order, anti-illegal alien, hyper-patriotic, constitutional traditionalist and Christian nationalist?
I know there is…I’m simply asking what your idea of a “far right Republican“ is?
Is that a pro-life, pro-heterosexualality, pro-law and order, anti-illegal alien, hyper-patriotic, constitutional traditionalist and Christian nationalist?

What's "hyper-patriotic"?

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
There is no need for that at all. There is a need to cleanup voter roles, and get rid of mass mail in balloting, and other measures like ballot harvesting which The Left uses to rig elections. Also, NO STATE should be allowed to have Dominion Voting machines as these were used to rig Maduro's election in Venezuela.
Oh…..wise one who knows so much better…..

Record-high inflation, swarms of uneducated illegals being supported by American taxpayers, verge of nuclear war from Putin, retirees loosing their life savings, etc., etc.,…..yup, you sure know better!
What do any of those things have to do with me and what I know??
I know there is…I’m simply asking what your idea of a “far right Republican“ is?
Is that a pro-life, pro-heterosexualality, pro-law and order, anti-illegal alien, hyper-patriotic, constitutional traditionalist and Christian nationalist?
Independentthinker who I describe in the post above is who I consider to be a “MODEL” Republican…so I’m extremely curious, what makes a Republican “far right”?

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