How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

Considering the fact that Left Wing establishment Republicans like JEB! and Mitt Romney endorsed Sleepy Joe in 2020, they really don't have much to say in the 2024 election if they ran against Biden.

It would be rather hypocritical for the Bushes and Cheneys to trash Biden when they were his big supporters when he got in. Nothing that Brandon has done was unexpected.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?

I doubt that the Republicans will 'move to the left'. What may happen is that the traditional Republicans will get fed up with being bullied by the maggots (i.e MAGA idiots).

The truth is that Trump was never anything more than a little dog with a big bark.

The political high point of the MAGA movement was the 2016 election of Trump. But in that election:

1. Clinton was a piss poor candidate that:
a. Thought that she was destined to be President
b. Alienated Sanders supporters
c. Was so sure that she'd win that she (and the MSM) convinced supporters that they didn't need to bother voting
d. Did not bother to campaign in many Democratic strongholds
e. Did not bother to try to figure out Trump's campaign strategy

2. Despite all the above Trump won 3 of the 5 battleground states by less than 0.5%, and the other 2 by less that 1.5%. He won by the skin of his teeth and had absolutely nothing close to a mandate.

Yet, being the little dog that he is, and the mindless maggots that his supporters are, he acted like he had a huge mandate. (of course, the concept and importance of a mandate is probably beyond his comprehension.

3. Trump and his supporters have lost the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections. They are politically impotent.

However, Trump and his maggots are infinitely tenacious. I don't expect them to change. That's why it's up to the traditional Republicans to put an end to their BULLSHIT!
There is no need for that at all. There is a need to cleanup voter roles, and get rid of mass mail in balloting, and other measures like ballot harvesting which The Left uses to rig elections. Also, NO STATE should be allowed to have Dominion Voting machines as these were used to rig Maduro's election in Venezuela.
Something has to change because we will see this over and over. What bothers me is that there is literature that Americans will never be frauded by elites and corrupted hucksters. Well, we have.
I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
the political situation in this country is just like the situation in the Church:

The Catholic Church went left at Vatican II. They lost a lot of members in doing so. After all, if it doesn't matter what Church you belong to.. if they are all essentially the same.. why bother going to a Catholic one (CINO: Catholic in Name Only) which is basically what Vatican II taught, when there are plenty of other churches close by and/or thye are more fun.. ?

same deal with the people in Congress. They don't get it that people need something OTHER than what we already have..

And again, people did vote for that something else.. they voted R but some states have crooked election counting systems
That’s the motto for unprincipled losers. Is that what y’all are?
worried, aren't you

that others will think the same as your crooked party and maybe some day, there will more than one party doing fake ballots (cheating)

oh, poor thing.. hate it when you lose.. hate it when the other side has an equaL chance..

so un-American. Why don't u move?
I know there is…I’m simply asking what your idea of a “far right Republican“ is?
Is that a pro-life, pro-heterosexualality, pro-law and order, anti-illegal alien, hyper-patriotic, constitutional traditionalist and Christian nationalist?
The far right are the nutcases like QAnon etc. But the right is the right. If you are Republican you are mostly pro-life, basically against homosexuality (not necessarily activists), anti-illegals & wanting a secure border, patriotic, believe in the Constitution, and everyone on both sides should be pro law and order. A lot are religious and Christian but not all. I'm not sure what you mean by a nationalist but we should be taking care of ourselves first before dishing out to others (for example, meeting our own energy needs before exporting to others) and we shouldn't be letting other countries take advantage of us. We shouldn't be adding even one dollar to our national debt forking out money to other countries, unless it is in our national security interest.
The far right are the nutcases like QAnon etc. But the right is the right. If you are Republican you are mostly pro-life, basically against homosexuality (not necessarily activists), anti-illegals & wanting a secure border, patriotic, believe in the Constitution, and everyone on both sides should be pro law and order. A lot are religious and Christian but not all. I'm not sure what you mean by a nationalist but we should be taking care of ourselves first before dishing out to others (for example, meeting our own energy needs before exporting to others) and we shouldn't be letting other countries take advantage of us.
Q Republicans make up a very small faction of the party…almost too small to recognize.
A nationalist is one who will openly say America is a better nation than all the rest.
worried, aren't you

that others will think the same as your crooked party and maybe some day, there will more than one party doing fake ballots (cheating)

oh, poor thing.. hate it when you lose.. hate it when the other side has an equaL chance..

so un-American. Why don't u move?
what in the world are you talking about? Are you trying to be funny or are you seriously trying to mock?

First off, both parties wreak of corruption so I’m don’t know what you are talking about when you refer to my party.

Second… what’s this fake ballot business all about? Empty claim or do you have evidence to back it up?
I doubt that the Republicans will 'move to the left'. What may happen is that the traditional Republicans will get fed up with being bullied by the maggots (i.e MAGA idiots).
WRONG….“Traditional Republicans“ have spent decades fucking themselves with self pussification and they know it…while they don’t have the balls to go all in and participate in the MAGA movement they are happy riding the coattails of those who do.
The truth is that Trump was never anything more than a little dog with a big bark.

The political high point of the MAGA movement was the 2016 election of Trump. But in that election:

1. Clinton was a piss poor candidate that:
a. Thought that she was destined to be President
b. Alienated Sanders supporters
c. Was so sure that she'd win that she (and the MSM) convinced supporters that they didn't need to bother voting
d. Did not bother to campaign in many Democratic strongholds
e. Did not bother to try to figure out Trump's campaign strategy
Trump was a game show host with no political experience…he ran on a very basic platform and three very powerful messages.
1.) Americans First
2.) Fuck wetbacks
3.) Fuck the establishment

2. Despite all the above Trump won 3 of the 5 battleground states by less than 0.5%, and the other 2 by less that 1.5%. He won by the skin of his teeth and had absolutely nothing close to a mandate.

Yet, being the little dog that he is, and the mindless maggots that his supporters are, he acted like he had a huge mandate. (of course, the concept and importance of a mandate is probably beyond his comprehension.
No Republican will EVER have what you Change America weirdos call a “mandate” as none will ever be able to win the filthy fucks who reside in Mexifornia and Loon York.
Further, Trump wins again in 2020 without any of the following anomalies.
No George Crackhead Floyd
No Scamdemic / Democrat virus
No changing of election guidelines in the 11th hour behind the backs of state legislatures
However, Trump and his maggots are infinitely tenacious. I don't expect them to change. That's why it's up to the traditional Republicans to put an end to their BULLSHIT!
Traditional Republicans like traditional conservatism are gone….things of the past…..things the fucked over America.

WRONG….“Traditional Republicans“ have spent decades fucking themselves with self pussification and they know it…while they don’t have the balls to go all in and participate in the MAGA movement they are happy riding the coattails of those who do.

Trump was a game show host with no political experience…he ran on a very basic platform and three very powerful messages.
1.) Americans First
2.) Fuck wetbacks
3.) Fuck the establishment

No Republican will EVER have what you Change America weirdos call a “mandate” as none will ever be able to win the filthy fucks who reside in Mexifornia and Loon York.
Further, Trump wins again in 2020 without any of the following anomalies.
No George Crackhead Floyd
No Scamdemic / Democrat virus
No changing of election guidelines in the 11th hour behind the backs of state legislatures

Traditional Republicans like traditional conservatism are gone….things of the pas…..things the fucked over America.

You MAGA losers are losing to vegans and pronouns

I can’t believe a woman like that would wear tucked-in pants and tight stretchy pants over her belly for all the world to see. What is wrong with these people??

my thoughts exactly

Nothing says Please don't take me too seriously than that kind of get up
You MAGA losers are losing to vegans and pronouns

Nope…just losing to all the un-American multicultural filth that Democrats have done a bang-up job importing over the last three decades.
No beaners destroying South Mexifornia, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas and there is no Democrat Party…..but but but…..DEMOCRACY!

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