How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

Q Republicans make up a very small faction of the party…almost too small to recognize.
A nationalist is one who will openly say America is a better nation than all the rest.

It was hilarious to watch the meltdown that an acquaintance had when she realized that she couldn't sky-scream President Trump out of existence, and she started posting on Fascistbook, over and over and over and over and over................


I couldn't stop laughing!

Her hubby was a civil servant, made their good living with the fed gov, and here she is screaming..............



America is a better nation than all the rest. That's why many people crash the borders and overstay their visas.

Which proves how just plain stupid the left are. We're looking at something so obvious that a rock could see it, but the vermin just close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears and go LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!

It was hilarious to watch the meltdown that an acquaintance had when she realized that she couldn't sky-scream President Trump out of existence, and she started posting on Fascistbook, over and over and over and over and over................


I couldn't stop laughing!

Her hubby was a civil servant, made their good living with the fed gov, and here she is screaming..............



People like her need to be deported to Liberia for a 12 month sentence.
People like her need to be deported to Liberia for a 12 month sentence.

At the very least. The fact that she has a biracial -- half black, half white -- grandchild makes her think that people must see her as some kind of SJW wise woman.

She's an asshole and I'm so glad to be free of her.
I doubt that the Republicans will 'move to the left'. What may happen is that the traditional Republicans will get fed up with being bullied by the maggots (i.e MAGA idiots).

The truth is that Trump was never anything more than a little dog with a big bark.

The political high point of the MAGA movement was the 2016 election of Trump. But in that election:

1. Clinton was a piss poor candidate that:
a. Thought that she was destined to be President
b. Alienated Sanders supporters
c. Was so sure that she'd win that she (and the MSM) convinced supporters that they didn't need to bother voting
d. Did not bother to campaign in many Democratic strongholds
e. Did not bother to try to figure out Trump's campaign strategy

2. Despite all the above Trump won 3 of the 5 battleground states by less than 0.5%, and the other 2 by less that 1.5%. He won by the skin of his teeth and had absolutely nothing close to a mandate.

Yet, being the little dog that he is, and the mindless maggots that his supporters are, he acted like he had a huge mandate. (of course, the concept and importance of a mandate is probably beyond his comprehension.

3. Trump and his supporters have lost the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections. They are politically impotent.

However, Trump and his maggots are infinitely tenacious. I don't expect them to change. That's why it's up to the traditional Republicans to put an end to their BULLSHIT!
^^^ This is a Democrat who refers to human beings who disagree with his politics “maggots.”

Remember, most people voted AGAINST Democrats this election, and your nasty attitude toward your fellow Americans is a big reason why.
^^^ This is a Democrat who refers to human beings who disagree with his politics “maggots.”

Remember, most people voted AGAINST Democrats this election, and your nasty attitude toward your fellow Americans is a big reason why.

Well, to be fair, I refer to democriminals as maggots.

But then, to be honest, THEY ARE.

But, yes. I agree that the dems have committed political suicide.

.“Traditional Republicans“ have spent decades fucking themselves with self pussification and they know it…while they don’t have the balls to go all in and participate in the MAGA movement they are happy riding the coattails of those who do.
It doesn’t take balls to participate in the MAGA movement. It takes gullibility, lack of self discipline, and a heightened emotional state.
And you are an atheist and a pervert; not my problem.
For someone who claims to be informed you just posted that you don't check the news that's closest to the source.
And you are either arrogant or ignorant, possibly both, since you make assertions and then demand other prove them to be true. Not happening.
And you are either arrogant or ignorant, possibly both, since you make assertions and then demand other prove them to be true. Not happening.
I read your posts and my posts concerning you are dead on, not that LibTards have the emotional capability to see themselves for the self-destructive fools they are.

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