How Long Can You Keep Saying “Is Nooooooottttt!!!!!”??????

Restoring executive leadership willing to honor the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power is ALWAYS an improvement... ALWAYS.
What problem was encountered at handover?
What problem was encountered at handover?
None, because...

1. the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had publicly warned Rump weeks in advance that the military was loyal to the Constitution and would not obey unlawful orders

2. Cabinet members and middle-managers and staff were resigning on him left-and-right and by Inauguration Day he had very little actual power left for him to leverage

3. the January 6, 2021 Insurrection... the rioters summoned and incited by Rump and his henchmen and even some family - had failed, and he had lost too much face

4. senior GOP leadership in both House and Senate had publicly denounced him and even though they backtracked later Rump knew that he was finished by January 20th

5. even most Conservative media had turned on Rump and he was rapidly losing public support in the wake of January 6th even within much of his own party

6. even Rump realized that some of his bedfellows ( the Pillow Guy, Rudi-Leaky-Hair, etc. ) were so whacked-out that their idiotic schemes were not going to save him

So... like the weasel that he is... he ended-up sneaking out of town... with only a handful of True Believers and a mandatory-participation military cortege to see him off.

His sneaking-out-of-town made the Nixon helicopter ride from the White House lawn look like a 3-imile-long ticker-tape parade by comparison. :cool:
None, because...

1. the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had publicly warned Rump weeks in advance that the military was loyal to the Constitution and would not obey unlawful orders

2. Cabinet members and middle-managers and staff were resigning on him left-and-right and by Inauguration Day he had very little actual power left for him to leverage

3. the January 6, 2021 Insurrection... the rioters summoned and incited by Rump and his henchmen and even some family - had failed, and he had lost too much face

4. senior GOP leadership in both House and Senate had publicly denounced him and even though they backtracked later Rump knew that he was finished by January 20th

5. even most Conservative media had turned on Rump and he was rapidly losing public support in the wake of January 6th even within much of his own party

6. even Rump realized that some of his bedfellows ( the Pillow Guy, Rudi-Leaky-Hair, etc. ) were so whacked-out that their idiotic schemes were not going to save him

So... like the weasel that he is... he ended-up sneaking out of town... with only a handful of True Believers and a mandatory-participation military cortege to see him off.

His sneaking-out-of-town made the Nixon helicopter ride from the White House lawn look like a 3-imile-long ticker-tape parade by comparison. :cool:
well wait, you just posted that now we have a president for a smooth transfer of power. So how can it be smoother than encountering no issues.
from your link.

The United States ultimately upheld its long tradition of the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 20, 2021, and Biden began governing immediately with a substantial foundation of planning and personnel in place.
from your link.

The United States ultimately upheld its long tradition of the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 20, 2021, and Biden began governing immediately with a substantial foundation of planning and personnel in place.
And then they went.....

"Nonetheless, the events of 2020–21 revealed longstanding areas of fragility in the presidential transition process.

Trump’s refusal to concede the election led to a delay in ascertainment—the formal decision that initiates the government’s post-election financial and substantive support for the winning candidate. In addition to delaying funding and access to federal agencies, some members of the Trump administration were not fully cooperative with the incoming Biden team, further complicating matters.

In previous transitions, some practices have been determined by law. Other major elements have been governed by norms and traditions. Sitting administrations helped a new administration prepare to take office regardless of party. While the Trump White House and federal agencies worked hard to meet the statutory transition planning requirements during the preelection period, Trump’s doubts about the integrity of the election and, in some instances, the lack of cooperation from his administration after the election exposed areas where norms and precedents were not enough to ensure a seamless transfer of power."

This report offers a detailed examination of the planning and execution of the 2020–21 presidential transition from the perspective of the Biden transition team, the incumbent administration and the federal agencies, with recommendations for future transitions.
so you don't think that made america better? haahahahahahahaha you fking racist pig ass.
You simpleton... I answered the challenge... you and your fellow Rump a$$lickers didn't like the answer... tough $hit... have a nice day.
You simpleton... I answered the challenge... you and your fellow Rump a$$lickers didn't like the answer... tough $hit... have a nice day.
naw, you never named one fking thing simp.......

Again, did trump help blacks with that bill? yes or no? I have more, but I'm still waiting for your first one on xiden making it better.
naw, you never named one fking thing simp.......
I did. You just choose not to acknowledge it as such. Not my cross to bear.
Again, did trump help blacks with that bill? yes or no?
Doesn't matter, in the context of how the country is better off with Biden.

Trump did a NUMBER of good things, but
HE was the cost or price-tag, and that price-tag was far higher than Americans were willing to pay in 2020.
I have more, but I'm still waiting for your first one on xiden making it better.
I really don't give two $hits WHAT your Orange Baboon-God did... his Goebbels -like Big Lie and his Brown-Shirt insurrection of January 6, 2021 cancel it all.

Besides... there is an excellent chance that your boy is going to be neutralized in the Federal criminal law courts following the 2022 mid-terms, so...

Orange is the New Black... :itsok:
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name a lie fk face!!! I've been waiting for five years for one of you stupid fks to post one.
JC, you are going down. You will be a marginalized extremist hanging with Nazis and KKK. Maybe you already are.

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