How long will progressives get away with pretending to care about the poor?

Republicans wish the poor would just die. Do it quickly and cheap.

They are so surprised that not everyone feels that way. They were sure everyone hated Obama.

Do you normally engage in hysterical rants like this?

Help is available. :cuckoo:

Always, there is no help for deany...

Why would I need help? I do such a good job of slapping down right wingers now. You know you've won when they scream "LIAR!" but can't identify the lie.
Republicans wish the poor would just die. Do it quickly and cheap.

They are so surprised that not everyone feels that way. They were sure everyone hated Obama.

You need to learn more about Jesus christ my friend. He taught us that we must care for the poor...Casaur doesn't give a shit about the poor. :eusa_whistle:

When did he teach us to hate black people?
I wonder why people oppose the minimum wage so vehemently when they insist that it will make no difference in the lives of the poor. If it makes no difference, why the sustained assault?

It will make things worse, how is that no difference?
has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?
I wonder why people oppose the minimum wage so vehemently when they insist that it will make no difference in the lives of the poor. If it makes no difference, why the sustained assault?

It will make things worse, how is that no difference?
has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?

I've been looking for that data myself. I don't see any correspondence between unemployment and minimum wage increases since 1950. I found it interesting however that every time we've had a balanced budget, we've slid into a recession (not counting the Clinton budget - but that was held up by the dot com and housing bubbles).
I wonder why people oppose the minimum wage so vehemently when they insist that it will make no difference in the lives of the poor. If it makes no difference, why the sustained assault?

It will make things worse, how is that no difference?
has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?

I find it amazing that people don't read the OP or any linked articles before they comment on something.

I never said it made the economy worse. My position is that increases in the minimum wage decrease job opportunities for low skilled workers, and make it easier for employers to take advantage of those workers because they know that if a worker loses his job there is a large pool of workers to take his place. Just because you don't see a negative impact on the GDP, which is a very large picture, does not mean that the person at the bottom of that huge pile doesn't notice things getting worse.
It will make things worse, how is that no difference?
has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?

I've been looking for that data myself. I don't see any correspondence between unemployment and minimum wage increases since 1950. I found it interesting however that every time we've had a balanced budget, we've slid into a recession (not counting the Clinton budget - but that was held up by the dot com and housing bubbles).

Could someone please point out anywhere in this thread where I argued that minimum wage hikes increase overall unemployment?

Once you realize that you are talking about forests and I am talking about trees we might be able to hold an intelligent conversation. If you keep looking at the forest though, we will never get there.
has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?

I've been looking for that data myself. I don't see any correspondence between unemployment and minimum wage increases since 1950. I found it interesting however that every time we've had a balanced budget, we've slid into a recession (not counting the Clinton budget - but that was held up by the dot com and housing bubbles).

Could someone please point out anywhere in this thread where I argued that minimum wage hikes increase overall unemployment?

Once you realize that you are talking about forests and I am talking about trees we might be able to hold an intelligent conversation. If you keep looking at the forest though, we will never get there.

Bags, your slipping. From your opening statement:
If the price of unskilled labor rises, why wouldn’t employers buy less? No employer could long pay a worker more than the value he produced for the firm. That’s why economic theory and empirical observation tell us that an enforced minimum wage destroys jobs, degrades the quality of other jobs, and prevents new jobs from being created.
I've been looking for that data myself. I don't see any correspondence between unemployment and minimum wage increases since 1950. I found it interesting however that every time we've had a balanced budget, we've slid into a recession (not counting the Clinton budget - but that was held up by the dot com and housing bubbles).

Could someone please point out anywhere in this thread where I argued that minimum wage hikes increase overall unemployment?

Once you realize that you are talking about forests and I am talking about trees we might be able to hold an intelligent conversation. If you keep looking at the forest though, we will never get there.

Bags, your slipping. From your opening statement:
If the price of unskilled labor rises, why wouldn’t employers buy less? No employer could long pay a worker more than the value he produced for the firm. That’s why economic theory and empirical observation tell us that an enforced minimum wage destroys jobs, degrades the quality of other jobs, and prevents new jobs from being created.

Are you aware that altering quotes to make it look like someone said something they did not is a violation of board rules?
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Most of us older folks remember when ushers would guide us to seats in theaters, or how gas stations attendants would wash windows and check under the hood. Most people don't think about why we don't have things like that anymore, even though everyone complains about how customer service is no longer a priority with companies we do business with. If anyone actually thinks about it, they will understand why this is happening, but most people won't get it even after it is explained to them.

Crocodile tears are flowing again for low-income people. In his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour. A debate is shaping up between those who support the proposal and those who favor keeping the wage where it is today. But there are good grounds—for the sake of the poor—to repeal the minimum wage altogether.
Wages are not set by fiat, even in the U.S. economy, which is severely distorted by government privileges. Wages, rather, are determined by supply and demand. If the price of unskilled labor rises, why wouldn’t employers buy less? No employer could long pay a worker more than the value he produced for the firm. That’s why economic theory and empirical observation tell us that an enforced minimum wage destroys jobs, degrades the quality of other jobs, and prevents new jobs from being created.
The victims are the most vulnerable people in society: the unskilled. For the most part, these are young people (many from the middle class) without work experience. Few people over 24 make the minimum wage, and those who do usually move up before long. Young people desperately need that first job to learn skills and work habits, and of course income, but “progressive” politicians, whether they know it or not, favor policies that destroy entry-level jobs. Remember, the minimum-wage law doesn’t create employment; it forbids jobs that pay too little.
Advocates of the minimum wage ought to explain why they believe competition among employers hasn’t already bid up the wages of unskilled workers to reflect their productivity. How can anyone know that a $9 minimum won’t throw people out of work or make low-skilled jobs more onerous? No one can know this because only the market process can generate and disclose such information. Nevertheless, “progressives” are willing to gamble with the lives of people who are vulnerable enough as it is.

Every time the minimum wage has been increased(by Democrats) in the last thirty years the Republicans have screamed and ranted. Damn good thing the poor have somebody to stand for them or they'd all still be mowing and cleaning for $2.50 an hour. Hold that thought though.....the next ass kicking will be worse.
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has it made things worse every time the minimum wage has gone up?

IF SO, can you show statistics that proves this stance of yours? Showing us that the economy retracted after each rise in the minimum wage, and that overall unemployment increased after each one of these minimum wage increase?

I've been looking for that data myself. I don't see any correspondence between unemployment and minimum wage increases since 1950. I found it interesting however that every time we've had a balanced budget, we've slid into a recession (not counting the Clinton budget - but that was held up by the dot com and housing bubbles).

Could someone please point out anywhere in this thread where I argued that minimum wage hikes increase overall unemployment?

Once you realize that you are talking about forests and I am talking about trees we might be able to hold an intelligent conversation. If you keep looking at the forest though, we will never get there.

So are you saying the more people working for the least amount of money is a good thing? We should probably cut food stamps too. Hungry people work harder.


Remember when State Rep. Cynthia Davis (R-MO) on child hunger said, "Hunger can be a positive motivator."?

Certainly you can train dogs and cats with a judicious use of food. Why not children?
How long will progressives get away with pretending to care about the poor?
How much longer will Republicans be sabotaging our economy?????

"When President Barack Obama called for 5 million more community-college graduates by the end of the decade to boost U.S. competitiveness, this commuter school 30 miles northwest of Chicago figured out it would need to produce 10,604 additional graduates to do its part.

It won't be able to count on much government help.

Even as Harper and many of the nation's 1,200 other two-year community colleges try to deliver on Obama's vision of a revitalized manufacturing sector and a better-skilled work force, support from the federal and state governments is eroding.

"I've been in this business for 42 years. I've never seen anything like this - the pressure on the business model, the pressure on the whole institution of higher education," Harper College President Ken Ender said in an interview.

State funding covered 5.8 percent of Harper's budget last year - a record low and down from 13.3 percent a decade ago. Next year is likely to be worse, Ender says.

It reflects a trend in Illinois and across the nation that threatens to make education less affordable to millions of students at two-year colleges, which can provide a start for those working toward a four-year bachelor's degree or enable older workers to learn the skills needed for new careers.

Obama's efforts to expand spending on education, job training and other elements of what he has termed an "innovation agenda" have fallen flat as Republicans have pushed for spending cuts to rein in trillion-dollar budget deficits.

Obama won $2 billion for community-college training programs when his Democrats controlled Congress in 2009, but last year's $8 billion proposal went nowhere.

He has had more success expanding the Pell grants that help nearly half of all community-college students pay tuition. But budget pressures have led to cutbacks in that program as well."
Most of us older folks remember when ushers would guide us to seats in theaters, or how gas stations attendants would wash windows and check under the hood. Most people don't think about why we don't have things like that anymore, even though everyone complains about how customer service is no longer a priority with companies we do business with. If anyone actually thinks about it, they will understand why this is happening, but most people won't get it even after it is explained to them.

I remember those sorts of things, in the sixties...

...when the minimum wage was a helluva lot higher than it is now.

I remember the 1960s too, can you tell me how many people had wireless phones back then? Why do people who blather about the minimum wage and buying power ignore the fact that technology has dramatically improved the standard of living? Have you ever attempted to factor that into your understanding, or are you too simple minded to handle that?

Your post has nothing to do with what I posted. That's dementia.

Let's put the minimum wage back where it was in the '60's, adjusted for inflation,

if those were such good times for jobs.
The minimum wage has been raised many times over the years and yet somehow we've managed to survive.

And prosper.

Well then, why don't we just jack the minimum wage up to $20 an hour and eliminate the poor altogether?

Most of us thrive without reference to the minimum wage, but the poor do not seem to be prospering through all those many increases. I wonder why?

Mush be all those evil corporations working hard to keep the poor down.
The minimum wage has been raised many times over the years and yet somehow we've managed to survive.

And prosper.

Well then, why don't we just jack the minimum wage up to $20 an hour and eliminate the poor altogether?

Most of us thrive without reference to the minimum wage, but the poor do not seem to be prospering through all those many increases. I wonder why?

Mush be all those evil corporations working hard to keep the poor down.

And yet, in spite of all the subsidies, the tax cuts, and all the other support those companies are given, in spite of historic profits, in spite of CEO's making many millions, they STILL aren't creating jobs.

That's because Republicans have sold Americans a "bill of goods". It's OK, it was only worthless trash.
The minimum wage has been raised many times over the years and yet somehow we've managed to survive.

And prosper.

Well then, why don't we just jack the minimum wage up to $20 an hour and eliminate the poor altogether?

Most of us thrive without reference to the minimum wage, but the poor do not seem to be prospering through all those many increases. I wonder why?

Mush be all those evil corporations working hard to keep the poor down.

Be patient, for in the future it will be.

Just as in the past, it was $.75 an hour.
Fact is the Republicans who care about the poor

They will see all that wealth come trickling down to them any time now. They just have to be patient

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