How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

"25% no health care"

America had and continues to have 100%, citizens and non-citizens, with healthcare since President Reagan.

Just one more fact about which you are ignorant.

Did you know that Ronald Reagan was a member of the GOP?


That is false.

Shocker...another lie from the liar.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment with the informed consent of the patient, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, get back in the sewer....

....and would the rest of you stop lifting the manhole cover for him!!!!

Well, now that is just ignorant. Clearly, when we speak of people having healthcare, we mean access to the average care that the majority of families enjoy. Being stupid on purpose doesn't make for an argument.
The pic is of himself. Anyway? God bless Texas. They have it correct. Now that Perry is leaving office? It is my hope that Texas keeps the momentum going and shut out any contender for the Governorship from the left.

Perry will be a hard act to follow. He gets it as do most Texans.

25% no health care

Number one in pollution

drop outs


number one in children without health care

You know, I don't think that's such a hard act to follow. I think cleaning up GOP mess is harder.

"25% no health care"

America had and continues to have 100%, citizens and non-citizens, with healthcare since President Reagan.

Just one more fact about which you are ignorant.

Did you know that Ronald Reagan was a member of the GOP?


Isn't it interesting... it's soooo freaking bad in Texas, and people are still moving to there.

"You can all go to Hell and I'm going to Texas." - Davy Crockett.
I've been in ER's and seen families bring in kids with bad colds......

me too, and illegals with all kinds of sickness--mild and severe. and they are all treated FREE.

Oh, the hospital sends them a bill, if they have an address, but they write it off after a couple of months.

The hospitals turn the unpaid bills over to collection agencies.

yes they do, and after a few attempts to collect, they are written off. A collection agency is not interested in spending time to collect a per centage of nothing.
I've been in ER's and seen families bring in kids with bad colds......

me too, and illegals with all kinds of sickness--mild and severe. and they are all treated FREE.

Oh, the hospital sends them a bill, if they have an address, but they write it off after a couple of months.

The hospitals turn the unpaid bills over to collection agencies.

Yes they do. But if they are still unable to collect, they write off the charges. I worked for one that wrote off a billion dollars every year.
Thank God for Obamacare. Republicans would rather they just die. And how many Republicans go to the emergency room? Republicans would see them die too.


Are you a liar in your real life, too?


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

2. Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey - Bloomberg

3. A key [Democrat] administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey

That's the Death Panel guy.

So.....really.....are you a liar, or just stupid?

Are you willing to expand Medicare and Medicaid funding enough so that every recipient, including the very elderly, has access to unlimited treatment, at any cost, if the patient so desires it?

Because that is the alternative to what you errantly refer to as 'death panels'.

you are missing the point, the question is who do we want making those end of life decisions for us----------some civil servant at a phone bank or ourselves and our families?

be careful what you wish for.
The three biggest obstacles to black advancement are education, healthcare, and illegitimacy. White racism does not make the top ten.

I agree and it's the lack of the first one, education, that all but ensures they will deal the next two on the list. These days many are likely 5th and 6th generation welfare recipients, so they grow up with no positive role models. That means the schools are tasked with picking up the slack. Look at the conditions of the schools and the liberal curriculum that fails to prepare them for real life. They teach that government, not personal responsibility, is the way out of poverty.

Clearly, without an education a good work ethic they will not find employment and, therefore, not be insured. Turning to welfare and/or crime is often the next step. Having illegitimate children increases the amount of welfare and liberals pretend that every increase in welfare elevates them.

I've noted before that the great welfare state was nothing more than a scheme by the left to use the newly freed slaves to their advantage. Most minorities would have done great on their own, but over the years they have suffered the consequences of the break down of the family, poor education and constant propaganda aimed at convincing them that government is all that stands between them and a meaningless life.

The more politicians help people, the more in need the people become. That is the truth about all socialist programs. They are not designed to encourage independence, they are designed to ensure permanent dependence. Nanny government needs helpless people to care for since socialists and communists are unable to function in a society that has equal opportunity and expects the people to rise to the occasion. They know only control or being controlled.

I believe that the far left is far more power hungry than any other group. Look at every dictator in history and you see men who wanted to be worshipped by the people and they sought to micromanage every aspect of their lives. It's the same way most pet owners operate. You feed them, make all the rules, punish them when they disobey and, in return, they give you unconditional devotion. Dictators especially control information because they don't want the free people of the world to give their hostages any big ideas.

America was always different because the only thing we knew was freedom and liberty and, sadly, many took it for granted. Others don't value the freedom, maybe because they have been too afraid to exercise it and improve their lives on their own. To some, survival without effort is more important than possessing the liberty to acquire things on your own.

It used to be we had the "haves" and the "have nots." Now we have the workers and the entitled. One group is getting frighteningly close to half the population. Of course, they vote for those who promise to redistribute even more of other people's money. Only our liberty and the constitution should prevent this hostile takeover of our lives, but then we'd need politicians who actually follow it.

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man. Well educated and he has lived through every hardship known to minorities. The difference between him and many other minorities is that Sowell has the gall to really believe that he is equal in every way and able to succeed as well as any other citizen. He's right. Shame that too many will never even try because they've been brainwashed into believing that equal opportunity is a myth and waiting for government to come to their rescue is the only option.
Thank God for Obamacare. Republicans would rather they just die. And how many Republicans go to the emergency room? Republicans would see them die too.


Are you a liar in your real life, too?


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

2. Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey - Bloomberg

3. A key [Democrat] administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey

That's the Death Panel guy.

So.....really.....are you a liar, or just stupid?

Are you willing to expand Medicare and Medicaid funding enough so that every recipient, including the very elderly, has access to unlimited treatment, at any cost, if the patient so desires it?

Because that is the alternative to what you errantly refer to as 'death panels'.

Careful now.
Don't get your tail caught in the sewer grate when you scurry on home.
Ame®icano;8189218 said:
I think that's the number one obstacle in the advancement of all people. If you fix that then the three symptoms moon mentioned will be fixed.

Education and healthcare are NOT responsibility of the federal government.

The federal government is responsible for whatever we want it to be responsible for.

Another government school grad.

Have you ever heard of the Constitution, you moron?
That is false.

Shocker...another lie from the liar.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment with the informed consent of the patient, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, get back in the sewer....

....and would the rest of you stop lifting the manhole cover for him!!!!

Well, now that is just ignorant. Clearly, when we speak of people having healthcare, we mean access to the average care that the majority of families enjoy. Being stupid on purpose doesn't make for an argument.

No, moron.

"We" speak English.

noun: health care; modifier noun: health-care; noun: health-care
the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services.

What services do you imagine hospitals provide.
When did Michigan, California, and New York become southern states? has there been a geographical realignment of the continent?

and can you please quantify "tend" ?

What's the black poverty rate in New York?

What is it in Georgia?

What is it in Arizona?

The black poverty rate is directionaly proportional to the black population in the state.

States with more blacks "tend" to have more black poverty----Duh !

The US Census data disagrees with this. The relationship between % population and % poverty for available data for 2012 is shown here

At best, there is a statistically insignificant decrease in poverty rate for blacks as percentage of population rises.

Data can be found at the American Fact Finder;

American FactFinder - Search
Shocker...another lie from the liar.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment with the informed consent of the patient, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, get back in the sewer....

....and would the rest of you stop lifting the manhole cover for him!!!!

Well, now that is just ignorant. Clearly, when we speak of people having healthcare, we mean access to the average care that the majority of families enjoy. Being stupid on purpose doesn't make for an argument.

No, moron.

"We" speak English.

noun: health care; modifier noun: health-care; noun: health-care
the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services.

What services do you imagine hospitals provide.

So, your gonna double down on the ignore-ance, eh.....
Ame®icano;8189218 said:
Education and healthcare are NOT responsibility of the federal government.

The federal government is responsible for whatever we want it to be responsible for.

Another government school grad.

Have you ever heard of the Constitution, you moron?

I have and it allows for the government to do whatever we the people want it to do. Apparently you don't understand it, or what a democracy is...retard

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Followed by Amendments beginning with

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

And amended as late as

AMENDMENT XXVII - Originally proposed Sept. 25, 1789. Ratified May 7, 1992.

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.

Well, looky there. The Constitution was amended to do whatever we the people want it to do.
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Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre!
Well, now that is just ignorant. Clearly, when we speak of people having healthcare, we mean access to the average care that the majority of families enjoy. Being stupid on purpose doesn't make for an argument.

No, moron.

"We" speak English.

noun: health care; modifier noun: health-care; noun: health-care
the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services.

What services do you imagine hospitals provide.

So, your gonna double down on the ignore-ance, eh.....

Why 'double' when I showed you up as an imbecile with a 'single.'

Good news.....with 'double word score' in Scrabble, you're worth 28 points...imbecile.
Are you admitting you don't know, after making a post implying that you did know?

I do know, but I want you to look them up so that you too will know

Then you know that I was right and you were wrong.

The following data is available for 2012 from the US Census Burea. States not listed are insignificant or no data available.

State Black % of Pop Poverty Black People
Oregon 0.017879633 0.408
Iowa 0.029816023 0.355
Washington 0.036049089 0.256
Colorado 0.04207972 0.297
Arizona 0.043694775 0.262
Nebraska 0.046069441 0.342
Minnesota 0.053384938 0.378
Kansas 0.058010919 0.248
California 0.05950678 0.261
Wisconsin 0.062747472 0.382
Rhode Island 0.064591561 0.261
Massachusetts 0.071248381 0.234
Oklahoma 0.071515825 0.298
Kentucky 0.078664693 0.363
Nevada 0.082530516 0.275
Indiana 0.091500756 0.329
Connecticut 0.102037491 0.24
Pennsylvania 0.109687707 0.295
Missouri 0.114850943 0.316
Texas 0.118937828 0.249
Ohio 0.12240839 0.356
New Jersey 0.136237322 0.207
Michigan 0.140474495 0.364
Illinois 0.143953343 0.32
New York 0.155675492 0.233
Arkansas 0.15671803 0.351
Florida 0.16077588 0.29
Tennessee 0.169101287 0.292
Virginia 0.192558467 0.203
Delaware 0.214754899 0.183
North Carolina 0.216149736 0.284
Alabama 0.264653238 0.316
South Carolina 0.276706953 0.29
Maryland 0.292449244 0.163
Georgia 0.308808869 0.279
Louisiana 0.322310623 0.335
Mississippi 0.376431443 0.377
No, moron.

"We" speak English.

noun: health care; modifier noun: health-care; noun: health-care
the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services.

What services do you imagine hospitals provide.

So, your gonna double down on the ignore-ance, eh.....

Why 'double' when I showed you up as an imbecile with a 'single.'

Good news.....with 'double word score' in Scrabble, you're worth 28 points...imbecile.

Only in your own mind.
Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

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