How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??

Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

Thank you for confirming that you have no interest whatsoever in being part of the solution, PC. Have a nice day.
I do know, but I want you to look them up so that you too will know

Then you know that I was right and you were wrong.

The following data is available for 2012 from the US Census Burea. States not listed are insignificant or no data available.

State Black % of Pop Poverty Black People
Oregon 0.017879633 0.408
Iowa 0.029816023 0.355
Washington 0.036049089 0.256
Colorado 0.04207972 0.297
Arizona 0.043694775 0.262
Nebraska 0.046069441 0.342
Minnesota 0.053384938 0.378
Kansas 0.058010919 0.248
California 0.05950678 0.261
Wisconsin 0.062747472 0.382
Rhode Island 0.064591561 0.261
Massachusetts 0.071248381 0.234
Oklahoma 0.071515825 0.298
Kentucky 0.078664693 0.363
Nevada 0.082530516 0.275
Indiana 0.091500756 0.329
Connecticut 0.102037491 0.24
Pennsylvania 0.109687707 0.295
Missouri 0.114850943 0.316
Texas 0.118937828 0.249
Ohio 0.12240839 0.356
New Jersey 0.136237322 0.207
Michigan 0.140474495 0.364
Illinois 0.143953343 0.32
New York 0.155675492 0.233
Arkansas 0.15671803 0.351
Florida 0.16077588 0.29
Tennessee 0.169101287 0.292
Virginia 0.192558467 0.203
Delaware 0.214754899 0.183
North Carolina 0.216149736 0.284
Alabama 0.264653238 0.316
South Carolina 0.276706953 0.29
Maryland 0.292449244 0.163
Georgia 0.308808869 0.279
Louisiana 0.322310623 0.335
Mississippi 0.376431443 0.377

if I am reading this correctly Oregon has less than 2% black population but 40% of them are in poverty. right? whereas Mississippi has 38% blacks and 38% of them are in poverty.

So, the original premise that there is a higher rate of black poverty in southern states is categorically wrong. As I stated originally. :lol:
Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

Thank you for confirming that you have no interest whatsoever in being part of the solution, PC. Have a nice day.

since your "solutions" are always making the country more marxist and/or collectivist, then I agree with PC, we do not want to be part of your solution.
Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

Thank you for confirming that you have no interest whatsoever in being part of the solution, PC. Have a nice day.

Wow....another Liberal who can's stand the light of day.

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Although, in your case, I would add that actual disinfectant might not be a bad idea either.)
me too, and illegals with all kinds of sickness--mild and severe. and they are all treated FREE.

Oh, the hospital sends them a bill, if they have an address, but they write it off after a couple of months.

Thank God for Obamacare. Republicans would rather they just die. And how many Republicans go to the emergency room? Republicans would see them die too.


Are you a liar in your real life, too?


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

2. Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey - Bloomberg

3. A key [Democrat] administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey

That's the Death Panel guy.

So.....really.....are you a liar, or just stupid?

I take it you are irresponsible enough not to complete an Advanced Health Care Directive. know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

Thank you for confirming that you have no interest whatsoever in being part of the solution, PC. Have a nice day.

Wow....another Liberal who can's stand the light of day.

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Although, in your case, I would add that actual disinfectant might not be a bad idea either.)

Ironic that you are taking yet another quote out of context in a feeble attempt to hide your own duplicity and malfeasance, PC!
Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised.

Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race

It doesn't say they rejected Barack Obama. It says that some people said...

Obviously, white people did vote for Barack Obama....they didn't reject him. So the article is bs
Last edited:
Thank God for Obamacare. Republicans would rather they just die. And how many Republicans go to the emergency room? Republicans would see them die too.


Are you a liar in your real life, too?


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

2. Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey - Bloomberg

3. A key [Democrat] administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Betsy McCaughey

That's the Death Panel guy.

So.....really.....are you a liar, or just stupid?

I take it you are irresponsible enough not to complete an Advanced Health Care Directive.

Listen, I'd like to tell you, really I would, but this is need-to-know stuff, and why sugarcoat it?
You do not need to know.

How about we simply add it to the long list of things you don't know....


And......don't bother to enquire as to my undies size, either.
Ironic considering that instead of trying to close the divide, PC chooses to fan the flames of division by pouring fuel onto the "blame the liberals" pyre! know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised.

Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race

It doesn't say they rejected Barack Obama. It says that some people said...

Such is the defense attempted by a Liberal offal sack.

It is clear what the holistic meaning....the message....of the garbage is. are consistent......

Another Liberal with no problem with the indoctrination of the young.
Thank you for confirming that you have no interest whatsoever in being part of the solution, PC. Have a nice day.

Wow....another Liberal who can's stand the light of day.

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Although, in your case, I would add that actual disinfectant might not be a bad idea either.)

Ironic that you are taking yet another quote out of context in a feeble attempt to hide your own duplicity and malfeasance, PC!

Wait....didn't you say you were leaving???

Why am I a bug-light for morons???

BTW....see if you can learn the meaning of 'context.'
Clear from your post, you don't know.

Don't close the dictionary....."duplicity and malfeasance" next.
Wow....another Liberal who can's stand the light of day.

As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Although, in your case, I would add that actual disinfectant might not be a bad idea either.)

Ironic that you are taking yet another quote out of context in a feeble attempt to hide your own duplicity and malfeasance, PC!

Wait....didn't you say you were leaving???

Why am I a bug-light for morons???

BTW....see if you can learn the meaning of 'context.'
Clear from your post, you don't know.

Don't close the dictionary....."duplicity and malfeasance" next.

Your ignorance regarding what Brandeis was referring to is exposed in this link, PC.

Brandeis And The History Of Transparency - Sunlight Foundation Blog

Brandeis made his famous statement that "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" in a 1913 Harper's Weekly article, entitled "What Publicity Can Do." But it was an image that had been in his mind for decades. Twenty years earlier, in a letter to his fiance, Brandeis had expressed an interest in writing a "a sort of companion piece" to his influential article on "The Right to Privacy," but this time he would focus on "The Duty of Publicity." He had been thinking, he wrote, "about the wickedness of people shielding wrongdoers & passing them off (or at least allowing them to pass themselves off) as honest men." He then proposed a remedy:

If the broad light of day could be let in upon men’s actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects.

Interestingly, at that time the word "publicity" referred both to something like what we think of as "public relations" as well to the practice of making information widely available to the public (Stoker and Rawlins, 2005). That latter definition sounds a lot like what we now mean by transparency.
Ironic that you are taking yet another quote out of context in a feeble attempt to hide your own duplicity and malfeasance, PC!

Wait....didn't you say you were leaving???

Why am I a bug-light for morons???

BTW....see if you can learn the meaning of 'context.'
Clear from your post, you don't know.

Don't close the dictionary....."duplicity and malfeasance" next.

Your ignorance regarding what Brandeis was referring to is exposed in this link, PC.

Brandeis And The History Of Transparency - Sunlight Foundation Blog

Brandeis made his famous statement that "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" in a 1913 Harper's Weekly article, entitled "What Publicity Can Do." But it was an image that had been in his mind for decades. Twenty years earlier, in a letter to his fiance, Brandeis had expressed an interest in writing a "a sort of companion piece" to his influential article on "The Right to Privacy," but this time he would focus on "The Duty of Publicity." He had been thinking, he wrote, "about the wickedness of people shielding wrongdoers & passing them off (or at least allowing them to pass themselves off) as honest men." He then proposed a remedy:

If the broad light of day could be let in upon men’s actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects.

Interestingly, at that time the word "publicity" referred both to something like what we think of as "public relations" as well to the practice of making information widely available to the public (Stoker and Rawlins, 2005). That latter definition sounds a lot like what we now mean by transparency.'ve earned 'imbecile.'

Wear it with pride.

You force me to prove that you are one.

The OP is the 'sunlight' I'm shining on Liberals.

I use said disinfectant at every opportunity....and will continue to do so.

BTW....I am more than familiar with Brandeis....It was this jurist who made it possible for Woodrow become the first Progressive President...and defeat Taft and TR.

If you decide that an education would be advisable at some future date, pick up a copy of James Chace's "1912"

Wilson needed a strategy to counter TR, and that was provided by Louis Brandeis, who persuaded Wilson to base his campaign on the issue of monopolies. Roosevelt’s view was government regulation was the best way of dealing with big business; the Brandeis plan was for Wilson to seek to restore competition by destroying monopolies. The ‘New Freedom’ was to be Wilson’s answer to Roosevelt’s ‘New Nationalism.’
Leonard Baker, “Brandeis and Frankfurter,” p. 85

What is surprising is that you might actually believe you know as much as I do, after the thrashing you sustained in the other thread...... know what they say, 'If the shoe fits....."

But speaking of the mouth-breathing, despicable very glad you showed up, Einstein.....

I'm certain you can explain why, in this whole thread.....none of you Libs have leapt to the defense of the 'progressive' textbook author who stooped to the indoctrination of nine year old children with this:

'Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.'

Don't you want to start some sort of petition to get a Pulitzer for this disgusting tripe???

After's another Liberal, right?

You're down with this....aren't you?

C'mon....say something memorable about the textbook, so I can laminate it and carry it in my purse.

Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race

It doesn't say they rejected Barack Obama. It says that some people said...

Such is the defense attempted by a Liberal offal sack.

It is clear what the holistic meaning....the message....of the garbage is. are consistent......

Another Liberal with no problem with the indoctrination of the young.

Reading is reading. Objective is objective. You can't read objectively.
It doesn't say they rejected Barack Obama. It says that some people said...

Such is the defense attempted by a Liberal offal sack.

It is clear what the holistic meaning....the message....of the garbage is. are consistent......

Another Liberal with no problem with the indoctrination of the young.

Reading is reading. Objective is objective. You can't read objectively. da' man.....

Liberals this, liberals that.

It's all the liberals fault.

Liberals are intolerant.

Liberals are evil.

Liberals are destroying the family.

Liberals hate America.

Liberals are fascists.

Liberals are socialists.

Blah blah blah.

(Orwell is laughing at us. The GOP has manufactured a magical and omnivorous Liberal Demon much like Emmanuel Goldstein)

Your party spends every second of every day convincing its voters that liberals are evil and not to be trusted. You can't share power with liberals because they are not Americans. You must destroy all Liberals. Even if Obama nominates a Republican or tries to pass legislation created by Republicans, you must oppose him.

Your party invented divide and conquer. Rather than letting consenting adults choose who to love, you use private sexual preference to divide and conquer. You speak of good Americans versus fake or false Americans, much like Hitler's Real Germans. A liberal has as much right to love this country for the New Deal as you have to love it for dropping bombs on Vietnamese or Iraqi villages. Let free individuals decide why they love this country. Stop telling us that people with different values are not Real Americans. Stop dividing people.

God help us.
Wait....didn't you say you were leaving???

Why am I a bug-light for morons???

BTW....see if you can learn the meaning of 'context.'
Clear from your post, you don't know.

Don't close the dictionary....."duplicity and malfeasance" next.

Your ignorance regarding what Brandeis was referring to is exposed in this link, PC.

Brandeis And The History Of Transparency - Sunlight Foundation Blog

Brandeis made his famous statement that "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" in a 1913 Harper's Weekly article, entitled "What Publicity Can Do." But it was an image that had been in his mind for decades. Twenty years earlier, in a letter to his fiance, Brandeis had expressed an interest in writing a "a sort of companion piece" to his influential article on "The Right to Privacy," but this time he would focus on "The Duty of Publicity." He had been thinking, he wrote, "about the wickedness of people shielding wrongdoers & passing them off (or at least allowing them to pass themselves off) as honest men." He then proposed a remedy:

If the broad light of day could be let in upon men’s actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects.

Interestingly, at that time the word "publicity" referred both to something like what we think of as "public relations" as well to the practice of making information widely available to the public (Stoker and Rawlins, 2005). That latter definition sounds a lot like what we now mean by transparency.'ve earned 'imbecile.'

Wear it with pride.

You force me to prove that you are one.

The OP is the 'sunlight' I'm shining on Liberals.

I use said disinfectant at every opportunity....and will continue to do so.

BTW....I am more than familiar with Brandeis....It was this jurist who made it possible for Woodrow become the first Progressive President...and defeat Taft and TR.

If you decide that an education would be advisable at some future date, pick up a copy of James Chace's "1912"

Wilson needed a strategy to counter TR, and that was provided by Louis Brandeis, who persuaded Wilson to base his campaign on the issue of monopolies. Roosevelt’s view was government regulation was the best way of dealing with big business; the Brandeis plan was for Wilson to seek to restore competition by destroying monopolies. The ‘New Freedom’ was to be Wilson’s answer to Roosevelt’s ‘New Nationalism.’
Leonard Baker, “Brandeis and Frankfurter,” p. 85

What is surprising is that you might actually believe you know as much as I do, after the thrashing you sustained in the other thread......

:lol: at PC squirming like a 3 year needing to pee!
Liberals this, liberals that.

It's all the liberals fault.

Liberals are intolerant.

Liberals are evil.

Liberals are destroying the family.

Liberals hate America.

Liberals are fascists.

Liberals are socialists.

Blah blah blah.

(Orwell is laughing at us. The GOP has manufactured a magical and omnivorous Liberal Demon much like Emmanuel Goldstein)

Your party spends every second of every day convincing its voters that liberals are evil and not to be trusted. You can't share power with liberals because they are not Americans. You must destroy all Liberals. Even if Obama nominates a Republican or tries to pass legislation created by Republicans, you must oppose him.

Your party invented divide and conquer. Rather than letting consenting adults choose who to love, you use private sexual preference to divide and conquer. You speak of good Americans versus fake or false Americans, much like Hitler's Real Germans. A liberal has as much right to love this country for the New Deal as you have to love it for dropping bombs on Vietnamese or Iraqi villages. Let free individuals decide why they love this country. Stop telling us that people with different values are not Real Americans. Stop dividing people.

God help us.

Right....."liberals are evil and not to be trusted."

Can I get an 'amen'!
Your ignorance regarding what Brandeis was referring to is exposed in this link, PC.

Brandeis And The History Of Transparency - Sunlight Foundation Blog've earned 'imbecile.'

Wear it with pride.

You force me to prove that you are one.

The OP is the 'sunlight' I'm shining on Liberals.

I use said disinfectant at every opportunity....and will continue to do so.

BTW....I am more than familiar with Brandeis....It was this jurist who made it possible for Woodrow become the first Progressive President...and defeat Taft and TR.

If you decide that an education would be advisable at some future date, pick up a copy of James Chace's "1912"

Wilson needed a strategy to counter TR, and that was provided by Louis Brandeis, who persuaded Wilson to base his campaign on the issue of monopolies. Roosevelt’s view was government regulation was the best way of dealing with big business; the Brandeis plan was for Wilson to seek to restore competition by destroying monopolies. The ‘New Freedom’ was to be Wilson’s answer to Roosevelt’s ‘New Nationalism.’
Leonard Baker, “Brandeis and Frankfurter,” p. 85

What is surprising is that you might actually believe you know as much as I do, after the thrashing you sustained in the other thread......

:lol: at PC squirming like a 3 year needing to pee!

No you're lying.

I've answered you with eloquence and erudition.

And you lie.

You represent all the ethics of a Liberal.

You've been skewered.

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