How many african-americans were killed in WWII?

Truth, Justice and The American Way

Does that mean anything to anyone on here?

At this time in our history, only those who oppose the Trump Administration and his type of leadership believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way.

There is no doubt that Trump is a damn liar who has no moral compass, who has no respect for the Constitution, or of the principles established by our founders in their writings, in the law or in the values of the American People.

Please spare us the you think that most of the readers of this board are too stupid not to see how you lie?

Now for the truth...............Proof! Obama biggest liar in presidential history

My post was about Trump and his behavior, it has zero to do with Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc. etc.

You hate black people, there is no question about that (given your posts). Hate, and maybe fear, motivates your racism; anyone who hates an entire race of people s/he has never met and never will is a sign of pathological ignorance.

YOU are what is wrong with American in this time of our history.
Well...after all is said and done the bottom line remains the same....African-Americans siffered very little in WWII and thus though some did in the Tuskegee Airman who were volunteers the numbers of African-American who were killed in combat were very small....780....and when you compare that with the over 400,000 deaths of white soldiers then one is almost stunned at how small it actually was.

Anyhow all who served deserve to be honored be they black or white. WWII was a fight for our very survival...if Germany and Japan had won...can anyone imagine the world we would be living in now...indeed even would we be living?

Thus WWII a huge patriotic War fought by what some call the Greatest Generation should not be the subject matter of political diatribes as in radical blacks attempting to claim they were not honored whilst fighting for liberty whilst being denied liberty themselves.....a fallacious in American Negroes ever since slavery (which was not nearly as bad as some claim)have been free. Also we should not forget White Ameicans were enslaved during our colonial period...and still fought and died in the Revolutionary well as in the war of l812, and of course the Civil War where over 600,000 White Americans were killed...totally surpassing the deaths in WWII by a huge margin in order to free the Negroes.

Whilst some 40,thousand blacks died in the civil war....again a small number compared to white deaths.

Yet how many of these militant African-American groups want to thonor them?

Then there was many negroes died in that conflict? There could not have been that many since most of them were in service units...aka in the rear areas far from the combat zone as they were in WWII. I have not able to find the number of Negroes killed in WW1

Then there was the Korean War in which for the first time Black Americans did participate in combat in far greater numbers than any previous war....Of the more than 600,000 African-Americans who served in the armed forces during the Korean War, it is estimated that more than 5,000 died in combat. Because casualty records compiled by the services in the 1950s did not differentiate by race, the exact number of blacks killed in action cannot be determined.

There were over 36,000 American troops killed in Korea...which shows once again that black troops suffered far fewer deaths than White Americans

Then along came the vietnam war in which for the first time in our history black troops served in combat units. far more than in previous wars more of them being relegated to the rear echelon service troops.

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Yet there were many,many problems associated with blacks in the Vietnam War....drug usage, insubordination out right refusal to carry out orders, low morale etc

In Iraq, Blacks made up an average of 15 percent of combat troops in-country at any given time, and in the earliest weeks of the conflict accounted for a startlingly high percentage of casualties. However, due largely to their concentration in non-combat positions of the military, by the end of the war African Americans accounted for just 9 percent of fatalities – which is actually lower than other ethnicities.

There is anecdotal evidence, however, that African-American soldiers were purposely targeted because of their race. A Sunni insurgent interviewed in Baghdad in 2004 by Guardian reporter Jason Burke echoed the ethnocentrism that permeates much of the Middle East when he admitted: “To have Negroes occupying us is a particular humiliation. Sometimes we aborted a mission because there were no Negroes [to target].

Minorities continue to pay a high price for Iraq

So in final analysis I think it is fair to say that American troops have borne the brunt of the battle in all our wars....which is not to say American Blacks should not be honored for their participation and especially those who served with distinction.

However....for the radicalized blacks to try and make political hay out of the service of blacks by claiming they were not honored enough is fallacious and not even to mention they to honor all the White troops who died in far greater numbers to preserve America ....the nation where blacks have been given greater opportunities than anywhere else in the world.
Blacks stepped across the line when asked and swore to defend their country

That whites were condemnably racist and refused to use them in combat does not negate that. Whatever their role, they contributed to the war effort.

The issue was that in an era when US propaganda said we were fighting for freedom around the world, those soldiers returned to a country that ignored their service and sent them home to second class citizenship
And that was a big mistake for whites in the deep south because so many of the black vets returned home and saw America through different eyes. Many of them would become leaders in the Civil Rights movement.
Well...after all is said and done the bottom line remains the same....African-Americans siffered very little in WWII and thus though some did in the Tuskegee Airman who were volunteers the numbers of African-American who were killed in combat were very small....780....and when you compare that with the over 400,000 deaths of white soldiers then one is almost stunned at how small it actually was.

Anyhow all who served deserve to be honored be they black or white. WWII was a fight for our very survival...if Germany and Japan had won...can anyone imagine the world we would be living in now...indeed even would we be living?

Thus WWII a huge patriotic War fought by what some call the Greatest Generation should not be the subject matter of political diatribes as in radical blacks attempting to claim they were not honored whilst fighting for liberty whilst being denied liberty themselves.....a fallacious in American Negroes ever since slavery (which was not nearly as bad as some claim)have been free. Also we should not forget White Ameicans were enslaved during our colonial period...and still fought and died in the Revolutionary well as in the war of l812, and of course the Civil War where over 600,000 White Americans were killed...totally surpassing the deaths in WWII by a huge margin in order to free the Negroes.

Whilst some 40,thousand blacks died in the civil war....again a small number compared to white deaths.

Yet how many of these militant African-American groups want to thonor them?

Then there was many negroes died in that conflict? There could not have been that many since most of them were in service units...aka in the rear areas far from the combat zone as they were in WWII. I have not able to find the number of Negroes killed in WW1

Then there was the Korean War in which for the first time Black Americans did participate in combat in far greater numbers than any previous war....Of the more than 600,000 African-Americans who served in the armed forces during the Korean War, it is estimated that more than 5,000 died in combat. Because casualty records compiled by the services in the 1950s did not differentiate by race, the exact number of blacks killed in action cannot be determined.

There were over 36,000 American troops killed in Korea...which shows once again that black troops suffered far fewer deaths than White Americans

Then along came the vietnam war in which for the first time in our history black troops served in combat units. far more than in previous wars more of them being relegated to the rear echelon service troops.

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Yet there were many,many problems associated with blacks in the Vietnam War....drug usage, insubordination out right refusal to carry out orders, low morale etc

In Iraq, Blacks made up an average of 15 percent of combat troops in-country at any given time, and in the earliest weeks of the conflict accounted for a startlingly high percentage of casualties. However, due largely to their concentration in non-combat positions of the military, by the end of the war African Americans accounted for just 9 percent of fatalities – which is actually lower than other ethnicities.

There is anecdotal evidence, however, that African-American soldiers were purposely targeted because of their race. A Sunni insurgent interviewed in Baghdad in 2004 by Guardian reporter Jason Burke echoed the ethnocentrism that permeates much of the Middle East when he admitted: “To have Negroes occupying us is a particular humiliation. Sometimes we aborted a mission because there were no Negroes [to target].

Minorities continue to pay a high price for Iraq

So in final analysis I think it is fair to say that American troops have borne the brunt of the battle in all our wars....which is not to say American Blacks should not be honored for their participation and especially those who served with distinction.

However....for the radicalized blacks to try and make political hay out of the service of blacks by claiming they were not honored enough is fallacious and not even to mention they to honor all the White troops who died in far greater numbers to preserve America ....the nation where blacks have been given greater opportunities than anywhere else in the world.
Blacks stepped across the line when asked and swore to defend their country

That whites were condemnably racist and refused to use them in combat does not negate that. Whatever their role, they contributed to the war effort.

The issue was that in an era when US propaganda said we were fighting for freedom around the world, those soldiers returned to a country that ignored their service and sent them home to second class citizenship
And that was a big mistake for whites in the deep south because so many of the black vets returned home and saw America through different eyes. Many of them would become leaders in the Civil Rights movement.

Not really......most of them moved up north to the chagrin of the yankees....who never having been around many negroes were shocked by how they ruined grand ole neighborhoods and drove the big cities crime levels to heights never seen before and thence the destruction of our inner cities began trasnsitioning into black ghettoes where misery was so common.
The Great Migration (1915-1960) • BlackPast

A New Study Quantifies the Contribution of Early White Flight to Racial Segregation - CityLab

Crime, White Flight, and Racial Anxiety

The Jews were the driving force in the civil rights movement...they ignited and enabled it..............Jews in the Civil Rights Movement | My Jewish Learning

Yet, after all the jewish support for them...the negroes turned on the Jews.
Why Did Blacks Turn on Jews?

Many of the negroes in their old age have returned south to get out of the northern big city hell holes...dominated by violent thuggish young black males who show their elders no respect

The Black Exodus from the North—and West
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Well...after all is said and done the bottom line remains the same....African-Americans siffered very little in WWII and thus though some did in the Tuskegee Airman who were volunteers the numbers of African-American who were killed in combat were very small....780....and when you compare that with the over 400,000 deaths of white soldiers then one is almost stunned at how small it actually was.

Anyhow all who served deserve to be honored be they black or white. WWII was a fight for our very survival...if Germany and Japan had won...can anyone imagine the world we would be living in now...indeed even would we be living?

Thus WWII a huge patriotic War fought by what some call the Greatest Generation should not be the subject matter of political diatribes as in radical blacks attempting to claim they were not honored whilst fighting for liberty whilst being denied liberty themselves.....a fallacious in American Negroes ever since slavery (which was not nearly as bad as some claim)have been free. Also we should not forget White Ameicans were enslaved during our colonial period...and still fought and died in the Revolutionary well as in the war of l812, and of course the Civil War where over 600,000 White Americans were killed...totally surpassing the deaths in WWII by a huge margin in order to free the Negroes.

Whilst some 40,thousand blacks died in the civil war....again a small number compared to white deaths.

Yet how many of these militant African-American groups want to thonor them?

Then there was many negroes died in that conflict? There could not have been that many since most of them were in service units...aka in the rear areas far from the combat zone as they were in WWII. I have not able to find the number of Negroes killed in WW1

Then there was the Korean War in which for the first time Black Americans did participate in combat in far greater numbers than any previous war....Of the more than 600,000 African-Americans who served in the armed forces during the Korean War, it is estimated that more than 5,000 died in combat. Because casualty records compiled by the services in the 1950s did not differentiate by race, the exact number of blacks killed in action cannot be determined.

There were over 36,000 American troops killed in Korea...which shows once again that black troops suffered far fewer deaths than White Americans

Then along came the vietnam war in which for the first time in our history black troops served in combat units. far more than in previous wars more of them being relegated to the rear echelon service troops.

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Yet there were many,many problems associated with blacks in the Vietnam War....drug usage, insubordination out right refusal to carry out orders, low morale etc

In Iraq, Blacks made up an average of 15 percent of combat troops in-country at any given time, and in the earliest weeks of the conflict accounted for a startlingly high percentage of casualties. However, due largely to their concentration in non-combat positions of the military, by the end of the war African Americans accounted for just 9 percent of fatalities – which is actually lower than other ethnicities.

There is anecdotal evidence, however, that African-American soldiers were purposely targeted because of their race. A Sunni insurgent interviewed in Baghdad in 2004 by Guardian reporter Jason Burke echoed the ethnocentrism that permeates much of the Middle East when he admitted: “To have Negroes occupying us is a particular humiliation. Sometimes we aborted a mission because there were no Negroes [to target].

Minorities continue to pay a high price for Iraq

So in final analysis I think it is fair to say that American troops have borne the brunt of the battle in all our wars....which is not to say American Blacks should not be honored for their participation and especially those who served with distinction.

However....for the radicalized blacks to try and make political hay out of the service of blacks by claiming they were not honored enough is fallacious and not even to mention they to honor all the White troops who died in far greater numbers to preserve America ....the nation where blacks have been given greater opportunities than anywhere else in the world.
Blacks stepped across the line when asked and swore to defend their country

That whites were condemnably racist and refused to use them in combat does not negate that. Whatever their role, they contributed to the war effort.

The issue was that in an era when US propaganda said we were fighting for freedom around the world, those soldiers returned to a country that ignored their service and sent them home to second class citizenship
And that was a big mistake for whites in the deep south because so many of the black vets returned home and saw America through different eyes. Many of them would become leaders in the Civil Rights movement.

Not really......most of them moved up north to the chagrin of the yankees....who never having been around many negroes were shocked by how they ruined grand ole neighborhoods and drove the big cities crime levels to heights never seen before and thence the destruction of our inner cities began trasnsitioning into black ghettoes where misery was so common.
The Great Migration (1915-1960) • BlackPast

A New Study Quantifies the Contribution of Early White Flight to Racial Segregation - CityLab

Crime, White Flight, and Racial Anxiety

The Jews were the driving force in the civil rights movement...they ignited and enabled it..............Jews in the Civil Rights Movement | My Jewish Learning

Yet, after all the jewish support for them...the negroes turned on the Jews.
Why Did Blacks Turn on Jews?

Many of the negroes in their old age have returned south to get out of the northern big city hell holes...dominated by violent thuggish young black males who show their elders no respect

The Black Exodus from the North—and West
The GreatNorthward Migration or the Black Migration, was the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West that occurred between 1916 and 1970. In the later part of 20th century with segregation sinking into history and better jobs in the cities in the South some blacks began returning to major cities in the South to take advantage of better job prospects.


Great Migration (African American) - Wikipedia
Well...after all is said and done the bottom line remains the same....African-Americans siffered very little in WWII and thus though some did in the Tuskegee Airman who were volunteers the numbers of African-American who were killed in combat were very small....780....and when you compare that with the over 400,000 deaths of white soldiers then one is almost stunned at how small it actually was.

Anyhow all who served deserve to be honored be they black or white. WWII was a fight for our very survival...if Germany and Japan had won...can anyone imagine the world we would be living in now...indeed even would we be living?

Thus WWII a huge patriotic War fought by what some call the Greatest Generation should not be the subject matter of political diatribes as in radical blacks attempting to claim they were not honored whilst fighting for liberty whilst being denied liberty themselves.....a fallacious in American Negroes ever since slavery (which was not nearly as bad as some claim)have been free. Also we should not forget White Ameicans were enslaved during our colonial period...and still fought and died in the Revolutionary well as in the war of l812, and of course the Civil War where over 600,000 White Americans were killed...totally surpassing the deaths in WWII by a huge margin in order to free the Negroes.

Whilst some 40,thousand blacks died in the civil war....again a small number compared to white deaths.

Yet how many of these militant African-American groups want to thonor them?

Then there was many negroes died in that conflict? There could not have been that many since most of them were in service units...aka in the rear areas far from the combat zone as they were in WWII. I have not able to find the number of Negroes killed in WW1

Then there was the Korean War in which for the first time Black Americans did participate in combat in far greater numbers than any previous war....Of the more than 600,000 African-Americans who served in the armed forces during the Korean War, it is estimated that more than 5,000 died in combat. Because casualty records compiled by the services in the 1950s did not differentiate by race, the exact number of blacks killed in action cannot be determined.

There were over 36,000 American troops killed in Korea...which shows once again that black troops suffered far fewer deaths than White Americans

Then along came the vietnam war in which for the first time in our history black troops served in combat units. far more than in previous wars more of them being relegated to the rear echelon service troops.

Vietnam War Deaths, by Race, Ethnicity and Natl Origin

Yet there were many,many problems associated with blacks in the Vietnam War....drug usage, insubordination out right refusal to carry out orders, low morale etc

In Iraq, Blacks made up an average of 15 percent of combat troops in-country at any given time, and in the earliest weeks of the conflict accounted for a startlingly high percentage of casualties. However, due largely to their concentration in non-combat positions of the military, by the end of the war African Americans accounted for just 9 percent of fatalities – which is actually lower than other ethnicities.

There is anecdotal evidence, however, that African-American soldiers were purposely targeted because of their race. A Sunni insurgent interviewed in Baghdad in 2004 by Guardian reporter Jason Burke echoed the ethnocentrism that permeates much of the Middle East when he admitted: “To have Negroes occupying us is a particular humiliation. Sometimes we aborted a mission because there were no Negroes [to target].

Minorities continue to pay a high price for Iraq

So in final analysis I think it is fair to say that American troops have borne the brunt of the battle in all our wars....which is not to say American Blacks should not be honored for their participation and especially those who served with distinction.

However....for the radicalized blacks to try and make political hay out of the service of blacks by claiming they were not honored enough is fallacious and not even to mention they to honor all the White troops who died in far greater numbers to preserve America ....the nation where blacks have been given greater opportunities than anywhere else in the world.
Blacks stepped across the line when asked and swore to defend their country

That whites were condemnably racist and refused to use them in combat does not negate that. Whatever their role, they contributed to the war effort.

The issue was that in an era when US propaganda said we were fighting for freedom around the world, those soldiers returned to a country that ignored their service and sent them home to second class citizenship
And that was a big mistake for whites in the deep south because so many of the black vets returned home and saw America through different eyes. Many of them would become leaders in the Civil Rights movement.
They were tired of waiting
Just a little more time was used as an excuse up through JFK
Does anyone know?

One would think someone with a degree in American History would know.

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hehheh Still following me billy bob? hehheh

Of course I knew....what you don't know anything about is the art of to suck in da libbies and den demolish dem. Stay tuned billy can learn a lot form da pro. hehheh
Does anyone know?

One would think someone with a degree in American History would know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

hehheh Still following me billy bob? hehheh

Of course I knew....what you don't know anything about is the art of to suck in da libbies and den demolish dem. Stay tuned billy can learn a lot form da pro. hehheh

So you’re an racist asshole and a liar.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does anyone know?

One would think someone with a degree in American History would know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

hehheh Still following me billy bob? hehheh

Of course I knew....what you don't know anything about is the art of to suck in da libbies and den demolish dem. Stay tuned billy can learn a lot form da pro. hehheh

So you’re an racist asshole and a liar.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am like George Washington ....I cannot tell a lie and I never cut down dat cherry tree. hehheh

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