How Many Angels Can Dance On The Head Of A Pin?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Which party has voters who will cogitate on that question?

1.It was never a real question…it was a deflection from real threatening observations.

"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" (alternatively "How many angels can stand on the point of a pin?"[1]) is a reductio ad absurdum challenge to medieval scholasticism in general, and its angelology in particular, as represented by figures such as Duns Scotus and Thomas Aquinas.[2][3] It is first recorded in the 17th century, in the context of Protestant apologetics. It also has been linked to the fall of Constantinople, with the imagery of scholars debating while the Turks besieged the city.[4][5]

In modern usage, the term has lost its theological context and is used as a metaphor for wasting time debating topics of no practical value, or questions whose answers hold no intellectual consequence, while more urgent concerns accumulate.”

2. Yet, this day, the how-many-angels ploy is successful in politics: they get the inattentive to focus on persons, not the important things, policies. The pretense is that WHO becomes President is important.....while it is WHAT is being empowered.
Hence a Leftwing clod, a moron, is pronounced President, bringing the Green New Deal and every radical policy to fruition.
There are actually fools claiming, even now, that Biden is a successful President, in the face of Afghanistan, huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda.


Medieval….primitive policies, are those shown time and again to fail. If one has had the advantage of an education, the similarity of Democrat/Leftist what-passes-for-thinking to medieval/pagan ideas, is astounding.

It is amazing to those of us who expect to use insight, experience, logic, history and facts in our calculations.
The Democrat voters are absorbed by the misdirection, and by a religion, Militant Secularism, rather than a realistic worldview.

It is a great time-saver: they never have to think or read, simply follow orders.
And....they do.

3. For a time, the three witches of communism, Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx, were ascendant. They are the godfathers of Leftist thought, and at the heart of Democrat policies.
And not just during the creation of the Depression, the great threat. It is more clear today than ever before:
There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

4. Just as the Depression Era had many believing that capitalism was dead, more recently, communism was seen as the future:
“Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…”

And the communist franchise was opened here as the Democrat Party.

5. It seemed as though the Sherwin-Williams logo, a world covered in “red”, was the future.


But then many of us, the educated ones, realized that the “red”……

….was blood.

And since then, we’ve voted against Democrats at every opportunity.
How Many Angels Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?

"In order to arrive at an answer, the following facts must be taken into consideration:

Firstly, angels simply don’t dance. It’s one of the distinguishing characteristics that marks an angel. They may listen appreciatively to the Music of the Spheres, but they don’t feel the urge to get down and boogie to it. So, none.

At least, nearly none. Aziraphale had learned to gavotte in a discreet gentlemen’s club in Portland Place, in the late 1880s, and while he had initially taken to it like a duck to merchant banking, after a while he had become quite good at it, and was quite put out when, some decades later, the gavotte went out of style for good.

So providing the dance was a gavotte, and providing that he had a suitable partner (also able, for the sake of argument, both to gavotte, and to dance it on the head of a pin), the answer is a straightforward one."

-- Terry Prachett & Neil Gaiman - "Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter"
How Many Angels Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?

"In order to arrive at an answer, the following facts must be taken into consideration:

Firstly, angels simply don’t dance. It’s one of the distinguishing characteristics that marks an angel. They may listen appreciatively to the Music of the Spheres, but they don’t feel the urge to get down and boogie to it. So, none.

At least, nearly none. Aziraphale had learned to gavotte in a discreet gentlemen’s club in Portland Place, in the late 1880s, and while he had initially taken to it like a duck to merchant banking, after a while he had become quite good at it, and was quite put out when, some decades later, the gavotte went out of style for good.

So providing the dance was a gavotte, and providing that he had a suitable partner (also able, for the sake of argument, both to gavotte, and to dance it on the head of a pin), the answer is a straightforward one."

-- Terry Prachett & Neil Gaiman - "Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter"

PLeeeeeeeze learn to read beyond the title.

You've missed the point of a brilliant analysis yet again.
None. Angels are God's warriors and I doubt any of them can fit on the head of a pin.
Two. Angels don't do Threesomes.

Demons on the other hand, can all dance on the same pin, all over it in fact.
I think the real issue here is that Angels do not enjoy dancing on pins. You may find one or two to dance, but to get enough to fill up the pin is difficult
6. What should be the focus of every voter, is how successful the Leftists have been at producing the Utopia and the creation of a new human nature that they've promised.

Based on their belief in the Left’s religion, Militant Secularism, the supporters need to produce that Utopia here on earth based on their guidance, their governance.

Where is the finest example of what socialism, the central pillar of Democrat governance, can provide?

See how well they did in the “Worker’s Paradise”?

“They planned the Ferris wheel originally as a replica of the seventy-one- meter-tall ride in Prater Park in Vienna—the Wiener Riesenrad. Have you seen it? No? Well, it’s stunning. This one was supposed to be like that, but funds were short, and it kept being shrunk until it is what you see, a plaything for children.

It’s like the Soviet State. Big ambitions, the beautiful idea of worker equality. But there was no will to build that world. It was easier to execute the ones who saw the hypocrisy. Billboards declared prosperity on collective farms while children starved. It was miserable under the tsar, and my family starved then too, but there was no hypocrisy.”
Paul Vidich, in his novel “The Mercenary”

And so it has ever been, they create nothing but murder, chaos, poverty and hostility.

Do you notice how Democrats mirror their forebears?

They also lie about everything.
How big is the pin?

Standard pin holds six

Known fact. Saw it on YOUTUBE
If angels (those who choose to dance), can infinitely alter their corporeal form ... the answer would be someone less than infinite.

The most important limiting factor would be the number of available angels. Assumption being that the set of angels (heavenly and fallen) isn't infinite. Number of angels X is less than infinity.

Another would be the available gravity where the angels choose to dance. In Earth normal gravity, the number of angels is limited by the quantum states of their constituent electrons. If the angels choose the form of the smallest atom (Hydrogen) then the distance between the angels can not be less than the distance between the Proton and the Electron of the Hydrogen atom. That distance is controlled by the quantum state. Electrons can only exist in quantum layers around the Proton.

If the angels were, however, dancing inside a Neutron star, with a gravity of several BILLION G's, the electrons would no longer be free and Neutrons could actually touch each other. This increases the number of terpsichorean angels exponentially. But, the number is still less than infinite because a Hydrogen Proton still occupies physical space.
If angels (those who choose to dance), can infinitely alter their corporeal form ... the answer would be someone less than infinite.

The most important limiting factor would be the number of available angels. Assumption being that the set of angels (heavenly and fallen) isn't infinite. Number of angels X is less than infinity.

Another would be the available gravity where the angels choose to dance. In Earth normal gravity, the number of angels is limited by the quantum states of their constituent electrons. If the angels choose the form of the smallest atom (Hydrogen) then the distance between the angels can not be less than the distance between the Proton and the Electron of the Hydrogen atom. That distance is controlled by the quantum state. Electrons can only exist in quantum layers around the Proton.

If the angels were, however, dancing inside a Neutron star, with a gravity of several BILLION G's, the electrons would no longer be free and Neutrons could actually touch each other. This increases the number of terpsichorean angels exponentially. But, the number is still less than infinite because a Hydrogen Proton still occupies physical space.'ve done your best.

We each work up to our agility.

Titles seem to be as far as you can go.

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