How many are enough


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
How many illegals are enough to satisfy democrats . is there a limit or just enough to fix elections
Consider the following: The "Eleven Million" number that Leftists always cite as the number of "illegals" (although they won't use that word) in the U.S. Everybody accepts it.

But that number comes from an informal, non-scientific, voluntary survey from 2007. Do you really think that such a survey captured the actual number? Certainly not. And do you really think that NOBODY has entered the country illegally since 2007? The actual number is increasing AT LEAST in the tens of thousands every month.

The real number of illegals living in this country is AT LEAST 20 million, and if you count their progeny - many of whom are U.S. citizens, based on a flawed reading of the 14th Amendment - the number is closer to 30 MILLION.

And growing every day.

I am not a prognosticator, but you can take this to the bank:

THE MINUTE WE HAVE A DEMOCRAT CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT, every one of these. bastards will be converted into voting U.S. citizens!

They continue to spout the ELEVEN MILLION number, because that number doesn't seem all that significant in a country of over 300 million souls. But once the Super Amnesty is declared, there will be no way of stopping the registration and naturalization of every one of the thirty million. "We" won't be able to say, "Well, the eleven million are registered, so we'll stop it now..."

Once that. happens, Republicans will never win a national election again. The country is fucked.

And everything the Democrats are doing now with respect to immigration and naturalization is directed at that one goal: converting these illegals to voting citizens.

If you want to look closer, you can actually see the time when the Democrats figured it out. In the 1990's and the early 2000's, you can find countless videos and news stories about Democrat leaders decrying the cost, expense, and social cost of the millions of illegals, wanting to "seal the border," and so on. And then it stops. They remain silent for a couple years (on the subject), and starting around 2010, they allofasudden start ADVOCATING for the illegals. Wanting to "bring them out of the shadows." Pushing for "comprehensive immigration reform" which is code-words for mass legalization/amnesty.

Don't let them do it. Keep America Great.

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