How many "black leaders"...have applied for open Ferguson Police Chief and officer jobs?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Seeing as they know so much more about policing than the career many black leaders have applied for the vacant Ferguson Police chiefs job? Or Darren Wilsons vacant spot?

Anyone can be a police chief...even if you've never been a cop. If a mayor hires you, all you have to do is get certified by going through the academy....and upom graduation they can say you're the chief.

So....Al Sharpton? Eric Holder? Ben Jealous? ANY of the black agitators? Any of the white anarchists?

Racheal Maddow?

Will ANY of the people who bitched....step up and accept that massive and nearly impossible task of policing that city?
Blacks don't plan as that isn't something they do. Blacks just bitch and hate on whites.

Blacks are a very shallow people that don't put their best foot forward to improve shit. None of these mother fuckers is going to step forward with a real plan to improve anything.

It will be layed at the foot of white people.
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I guess I see why the average protester and hooligan wont apply. They dont want ANY job.

But Al Sharpton? Soon to be unemployed Eric Holder? NAACP president Ben Jealous?

Why arent they lobbying to be appointed as the new Ferguson Chief of Police?????
That's a great point. Instead of protesting why aren't they at the police station filling out applications?
That's a great point. Instead of protesting why aren't they at the police station filling out applications?

Thats what I dont get. They dont like how the police are policing their community. Its easier for the Army to get a Ferguson resident to enlist to go police Baghdad than it is for the PD to get them to protect their own city.

Instead of chanting for dead cops.....they should chant "OUR city; OUR streets; Hire I am".
Most departments now require two years of college and no felony convictions.

Yep. And many black leaders fit that.

Countless courageous brave Americans volunteered to be military officers and lead policing efforts in Baghdad and Fallujah and Kabul.

Why wont a few black leaders volunteer to police an American city in chaos?
Seems they're more than happy to trash the folks who take on that task. But wont accept the responsibility themselves.
Eric Holder will soon be looking for a new job, maybe he can put his money where his mouth is and take on the job.
Weeeeee! A RW racist circle jerk! The best kind!

Huh? Im asking why they dont become the change they want to see?

Id be open eyes and ears to see one of them take charge of the PD and show the nation how to properly police a tough neighborhood.

Dont bitch without being willing to lead.

So...are they in the application line?
You realize there are a lot of black police officers and police chiefs out there...
Seeing as they know so much more about policing than the career many black leaders have applied for the vacant Ferguson Police chiefs job? Or Darren Wilsons vacant spot?

Anyone can be a police chief...even if you've never been a cop. If a mayor hires you, all you have to do is get certified by going through the academy....and upom graduation they can say you're the chief.

So....Al Sharpton? Eric Holder? Ben Jealous? ANY of the black agitators? Any of the white anarchists?

Racheal Maddow?

Will ANY of the people who bitched....step up and accept that massive and nearly impossible task of policing that city?
Clearly a job for Judge Dredd:
You realize there are a lot of black police officers and police chiefs out there...

Of course I do. Many speak out in support of white cops. Media ignores them.

I wanna know about this job though. Why arent the vocal leaders lobbying for that hugely important job?

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