How Many Days Will it Take Democrats to Steal the Election?

How Many Days Will it Take Democrats to Steal the Election?

  • 3 Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 23, 2014
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?
Well, they been trying to rig it for 1461 days, so we'll see.
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?
It matters little who votes but it matters a lot who counts the votes.
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?

Joe Biden's Campaign Manager has said they can "win" without Pennsylvania and Florida, my feeling is that they are going to attempt to steal Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. The MSM have been pushing the Memo about Texas going Blue for weeks, today on Morning Joe they were all saying keep an eye on Texas which means they are in on the stealing of Texas.
Let's not forget about all of the Counterfeit Driver Licenses we were confiscating coming in to this country.

Who knows how many of those got through? That is why they wanted massive mail in balloting to match up with the fake IDs.

The only way to counter that is with Massive At The Polls turnout.
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?

Joe Biden's Campaign Manager has said they can "win" without Pennsylvania and Florida, my feeling is that they are going to attempt to steal Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. The MSM have been pushing the Memo about Texas going Blue for weeks, today on Morning Joe they were all saying keep an eye on Texas which means they are in on the stealing of Texas.
We have had massive early voter turnout here.

I believe the electoral college meets, sometime around the 14th of Dec.

I'm of the opinion that the elites want to cause havoc until then. The Democratic governors will claim disenfranchisement of woman and minority voters, so they will want one slate of electors seated, their conservative legislators will want another set of electors seated, both sides have already lawyered up back in mid-October, but there is a law on the books that state this MUST be resolved by the time the EC is seated. . .

. . . . thus, the BLM and ANTIFA will take it out into the streets if it is even close. So, if folks don't want their cities burned down, they best hope that Biden wins by a landslide and Trump concedes.
this election best be an honest one...
people know where the candidates live
take that for what you want
there are consequences for dishonesty
just saying.......

I believe the electoral college meets, sometime around the 14th of Dec.

I'm of the opinion that the elites want to cause havoc until then. The Democratic governors will claim disenfranchisement of woman and minority voters, so they will want one slate of electors seated, their conservative legislators will want another set of electors seated, both sides have already lawyered up back in mid-October, but there is a law on the books that state this MUST be resolved by the time the EC is seated. . .

. . . . thus, the BLM and ANTIFA will take it out into the streets if it is even close. So, if folks don't want their cities burned down, they best hope that Biden wins by a landslide and Trump concedes.
xiden encourages antifa and black flies are pretty stupid for thinking differently. they already admitted that....
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How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?

Joe Biden's Campaign Manager has said they can "win" without Pennsylvania and Florida, my feeling is that they are going to attempt to steal Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. The MSM have been pushing the Memo about Texas going Blue for weeks, today on Morning Joe they were all saying keep an eye on Texas which means they are in on the stealing of Texas.
We have had massive early voter turnout here.

Yes but who for? It's concerning that so many from California have moved to Texas, they take their Left-Wing voting with them, they fuck up a State like California but do not change their voting. They did the same in Nevada and it looks now like Arizona also, Nevada used to be a Red State until a ton of Left-Wing Californians moved into it.

The good thing in Texas is that the Governor, A-G and Secretary of State are all Republican, but the Texas Supreme Court made a bad call already about the early voting in Houston.
I think we will know Trump won, earlier than most anticipate.
The total of remaining ballots needed to be counted, will be irrelevant when compared to his accumulated electoral.
2016 all over again...the election is rigged..the election is later..the election was fair and square..yipeee.. (chuckle)
How about a dose of reality? What is really happening rather fantasies about what may happen. Can Trump's supporters deal with reality?

I don't know how many times I have asked this over the years.

Just how dumb is Trump?

I only know I have never gotten a response from Trump's supporters. They must be in agreement with what I have said in the past.

Just how dumb is Trump? Dr. Fauci is perhaps the number one expert on epidemiology. Trump stopped listening to him months ago, blames Dr. Fauci for the pandemic's effect on the nation's economy, and recently hinted at firing him.

Dr. Fauci has been replaced by Dr. Atlas who is not an epidemiologist, doesn't know beans about epidemiology, but has one huge major qualification. Trump likes what Atlas has to say.

Now we get to the really stupid part.

Atlas is now Trump's chief advisor on the Covid-19 pandemic, and Trump allowed Atlas to appear on a Russian network, the Kremlin's main propaganda arm into the U.S.

Don't believe me? I can hardly blame you. A White House advisor appearing on Russian propaganda television is pretty outrageous, but Trump let it happen. I will allow an expert reveal the details.

NPR writes, "White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas apologized on Sunday for doing an interview with Russia's state-backed RT network, saying he "was unaware they are a registered foreign agent."

"RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is an international television and digital news network financed by the Russian government. The production company behind its U.S. arm, RT America, registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act in 2017, meaning its content is labeled as propaganda.

"In the interview published Saturday, Atlas downplayed the severity of the U.S. coronavirus surge and said that lockdowns aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 are "not impactful" and "killing people."

"The lockdowns will go down as an epic failure of public policy by people who ... were wrong, refused to accept they were wrong, didn't know the data, didn't care, and became a frenzy of stopping COVID-19 cases at all costs and those costs are massive," Atlas said.

I told you Trump liked what Atlas had to say.

Trump hinted at firing Dr. Fauci? Good Lord, what an administration. Wow!

I believe the electoral college meets, sometime around the 14th of Dec.

I'm of the opinion that the elites want to cause havoc until then. The Democratic governors will claim disenfranchisement of woman and minority voters, so they will want one slate of electors seated, their conservative legislators will want another set of electors seated, both sides have already lawyered up back in mid-October, but there is a law on the books that state this MUST be resolved by the time the EC is seated. . .

. . . . thus, the BLM and ANTIFA will take it out into the streets if it is even close. So, if folks don't want their cities burned down, they best hope that Biden wins by a landslide and Trump concedes.
xiden encourages antifa and black flies are pretty stupid for thinking differently. they already admitted that....retard

I'm not "thinking" differently. This is actually the strategy of the globalists. It has nothing to do with "democrats" or "republicans." Do you even know who the neo-cons are? Did you read the forth scenario in the Transition Integrity Project, the one that the press DID NOT report on?

I am only giving you the facts, sorry if you don't like it. These are the establishment neo-cons, you know, the corporate supported "Lincoln Project" republicans that were behind the Iraq War? They were in on this project as well.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I am just telling you what to expect. . . if you don't like it, don't get angry at me, get angry at them.

Why do you think Barr did not prosecute anyone in the last administration, the ones that are going to do this coup? Why do you think Durham investigation didn't produce any meaningful results before the election?

Don't be so dull.

“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election
A group of “bipartisan” neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been “simulating” multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020 election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes “unprecedented” measures, which the Biden campaign could take to foil a new Trump inauguration.


". . . Of their known members, the most outspoken is Lawrence Wilkerson, who has fashioned himself the group’s “unofficial” spokesperson, having done the majority of media interviews promoting the group and its “war games.” In an interview in late June with journalist Paul Jay, Wilkerson notes that the TIP lacks transparency and that, aside from their “war games,” their other activities are largely confidential.

He specifically stated that:

“There is some confidentiality about what we agreed to, and what we’ve put out publicly, and who’s responsible for that, and other aspects of our doing that. The Transition Integrity Project is to this point very, very close, whole, and confidential.”
In that same interview, Wilkerson also noted that the current “combination of events” involving the recent unrest in several U.S. cities, the coronavirus crisis, the national debate over the future of policing, the economic recession and the 2020 election was the foundation for a revolution in the U.S. He told Jay that:

“I want to say this is how things like 1917 and Russia, like 1979 and Tehran, and like 1789 in France. This is how these sorts of things get started. So we’ve got to be very careful about how we deal with these things. And that worries me because we don’t have a very careful individual in the White House.”


". . . . Who would stand to benefit the most from the imposition of martial law in the United States? I would argue that one need look no further than the battle within Washington power factions over the future of AI, which has been deemed of critical importance to national security by the public sector, the private sector and prominent think tanks. The Schmidt-led NSCAI and other bodies determining the country’s AI policy plan to implement a series of policies that will be deeply resisted by most Americans – from the elimination of individual car ownership to the elimination of cash as well as the imposition of an Orwellian surveillance system, among other things.

All of these agendas have advanced under the guise of combatting coronavirus, but their advance can only continue to use that justification for so long. For groups like the NSCAI, Americans must welcome these AI-driven advances or else, even if it means Americans face losing their jobs or their civil liberties. Otherwise, these groups and their billionaire backers argue, the U.S. will be “left out” and “left behind” when it comes time to set the new global standards for AI technology, as the U.S. will then be left in the dust by China’s growing AI industry, which is fed by its own implementation of these technologies.

By keeping Americans angry and distracted by the partisan divide through pre-planned election chaos, a “New America” waits in the wings – one that is coming regardless of what happens on election day. That is, of course, unless Americans quickly wake up to the ruse."

. . . . thus, the BLM and ANTIFA will take it out into the streets if it is even close. So, if folks don't want their cities burned down, they best hope that Biden wins by a landslide and Trump concedes.
Get stocked up on shotgun shells. Got a feeling the undertakers are going to be doing a brisk business.

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How about a dose of reality? What is really happening rather fantasies about what may happen. Can Trump's supporters deal with reality?

I don't know how many times I have asked this over the years.

Just how dumb is Trump?

I only know I have never gotten a response from Trump's supporters. They must be in agreement with what I have said in the past.

Just how dumb is Trump? Dr. Fauci is perhaps the number one expert on epidemiology. Trump stopped listening to him months ago, blames Dr. Fauci for the pandemic's effect on the nation's economy, and recently hinted at firing him.

Dr. Fauci has been replaced by Dr. Atlas who is not an epidemiologist, doesn't know beans about epidemiology, but has one huge major qualification. Trump likes what Atlas has to say.

Now we get to the really stupid part.

Atlas is now Trump's chief advisor on the Covid-19 pandemic, and Trump allowed Atlas to appear on a Russian network, the Kremlin's main propaganda arm into the U.S.

Don't believe me? I can hardly blame you. A White House advisor appearing on Russian propaganda television is pretty outrageous, but Trump let it happen. I will allow an expert reveal the details.

NPR writes, "White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas apologized on Sunday for doing an interview with Russia's state-backed RT network, saying he "was unaware they are a registered foreign agent."

"RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is an international television and digital news network financed by the Russian government. The production company behind its U.S. arm, RT America, registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act in 2017, meaning its content is labeled as propaganda.

"In the interview published Saturday, Atlas downplayed the severity of the U.S. coronavirus surge and said that lockdowns aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 are "not impactful" and "killing people."

"The lockdowns will go down as an epic failure of public policy by people who ... were wrong, refused to accept they were wrong, didn't know the data, didn't care, and became a frenzy of stopping COVID-19 cases at all costs and those costs are massive," Atlas said.

I told you Trump liked what Atlas had to say.

Trump hinted at firing Dr. Fauci? Good Lord, what an administration. Wow!
Fauci never should have been hired. He started the pandemic by financing the Wuhan lab. Then caused the economy crash by suggesting the lockdown. He's a Democrat Trump hater just like all the rest of them.
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?

As many as it takes. Once they have a lead they will demand we stop counting
How many days will it take Democrats to determine the number of mail-in votes they to steal the election and manufacture those votes?

As many as it takes. Once they have a lead they will demand we stop counting
I agree and liberal judges and county clerk's will do just that.
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