How many Democrat senators will vote with Republicans to Impeach Joe Biden? (Poll)

How many democrat senators will vote to remove Joe Biden after the House votes to Impeach?

  • 0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • 1 - 10 enough to NOT remove Joe Biden, (<67), but not zero.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Enough to remove Joe Biden totaling 67 or more senators

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
Thanks for never reading my posts; I'm insulted.
It's obvious you give my posts the Thumbs Down without reading them.

The voter rolls are rarely updated to account for the deceased and people who move out of the district.
You can get the rolls and hand them out to people to knock on doors.

I know as I did it once and was appalled.
They were doing it, checking twitter....
Really? You have some video of rioters fighting with police with bats, sticks and tear gas asking the cops to stop beating them for a second to check tik toc to see if Trump gave them a stand down order? I'd like to see that! And what if they didn't want to stop? I mean, they were out to stop the election, right?

That's how they learned Pence didn't act (illegally) on what Trump wanted him to do....
How is it illegal to decide you are going with the primary electors over any alternate ones when that's the whole point of them meeting that day? You do know that has been done before? If the election and electors were already decided, then what was the point of the meeting? Maybe just rub elbows and all sit around eating fried chicken?


And know to stop and go home....
So you think all those thousands of people were only there because someone TOLD them to go and not because they WANTED to be there? How were they controlled, by brainwaves, telepathy, some sort of bat signal in the sky? Maybe Trump was holding their first born and they were being coerced!!! :omg:

Trump's request via twitter....and why they immediately stopped, and went home.
So six hours later when there was nothing left to do and everyone was tired, they just dropped it and left because of Trump and not because of police reinforcements? Then what kind of government guards its capitol with police so feeble that in a quarter of a DAY, neither Nancy Pelosi nor the capitol police could order or send in enough troops to hold off a few hundred people who were carrying nothing more than flags and selfies? Sounds like Nancy was TRYING to get something bad to happen that day!

You damn right they were following Trumps direction... There is video showing such!
Really? Do please link us to the video where Trump ordered the rally crowd to go down and storm the capitol and seize the election! I'm waiting! :th_waiting:
No, It was Conservatives being unable to understand plain English in the context of what was being spoken

Sounds like Conservatives are the ones suffering from dementia
You actually believe Biden said Voter Fraud organization on purpose? Wow. That’s seriously next level. You have no credibility to criticize the Trumpers.
Not according to what Biden said. He said they had a phone bank with people to assist voters having to deal with issues with voting. And the website provides help to vote for others who are also facing issues.
So they set up a website to help people vote. Crazy that sounds so very much like a get out the vote website. How exactly is that an organization that investigates and stops voter fraud?
You actually believe Biden said Voter Fraud organization on purpose? Wow. That’s seriously next level. You have no credibility to criticize the Trumpers.
In the context of what he was saying, you have to be an idiot to believe otherwise
Joe Biden's presidency is over... He's all done... Turn off the lights... He is in the running for worst president in history.

So the question the democrats have is WTF do they do to prepare for 2024.
1. The House will still be GOP after 2024
2. The Senate will probably be more Republican, since the dems will have more senate seats to defend in 2024.
3. Who will the dems nominate to run for president in 2024, or to be VP if Biden is removed?

Joe Biden? (too old, too stupid, too much baggage)
Kamala Harris? (its her turn, if not her the black women stay home)
Gavin Newsom (pretty boy has a shitty record to defend, CA is a disaster)
Buttplug? (good talker, but is he ready for the big show?)
Stacy Abrams? (maybe she can rally dems?)
_______________? someone else to be VP?

IF Joe Biden is impeached AND REMOVED the dems name a new VP, that person would have name recognition for 2024, plus two-years of glowing MSM coverage.
So what do the dems do?
1. Vote to impeach Joe Biden and name a new, more electable VP?
2. Vote to keep Joe Biden?

Trump owns title if worst president hands down. Biden is one n the top 10 of presidents with a record showing it, and he’s only been in office two years.

You can hang up any delusions you have of impeachment. That’s not happening, and Biden will continue being President for another two years at least.

That’s two years of vetoing Republican bullshit that has no chance of getting by his desk.
And you seem to forget, or more likely to stupid to know, that Democrats are still in charge until January, considering that they lose, and that remains to be seen, and they can pass a whole lot of stuff between now and then.

And you have one pissed off Nancy Pelosi, whose husband you criminals tried to kill. I can only imagine e what she’s going allow to be voted on the floor.

Don’t get to comfortable yet asswipe.
In the context of what he was saying, you have to be an idiot to believe otherwise doesnt think so

“When Biden used the phrase “voter fraud organization,” he was referring to the systems put into place to help people who have trouble voting. He wasn’t admitting to voter fraud.”

Neither does Reuters

“Shared on Facebook and Instagram days leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election, posts show a clip of Joe Biden saying, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The posts falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate “admit(ting) to voter fraud.” It was a slip of the tongue - Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against President Donald Trump.”

Someone is talking out of their ass here. Is it you or these outlets?
Thanks for never reading my posts; I'm insulted.
It's obvious you give my posts the Thumbs Down without reading them.

The voter rolls are rarely updated to account for the deceased and people who move out of the district.
You can get the rolls and hand them out to people to knock on doors.

I know as I did it once and was appalled.
Then what? How do they get a dead persons ballot in any of the contested swing states?

Who Is The Ballot Mailed To, who individually requests it, how do they figure out the dead voters signature?

And proclaiming every one that moved out of state, voted twice and became felons, with jail time due, is ridiculous and mental paranoia disorder....let alone impossible... Maybe republicans that moved out of state did it cuz trump urged them to vote twice, but Democrats did not do that.... And there would never be enough of neo felons to risk that felony charge....

If people with lists requested the ballots of those that moved, individually, one by one from the state, where did the state individually mail them, for this fraudster group with the voter rolls you claim they have and the moved out of state list, HOW DID THEY GET ANOTHER PERSONS BALLOT?

Answer the question, please.
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Then what? How do they get a dead persons ballot in any of the contested swing states?

Who is the ballot mailed to, who individually requests it, how to they figure out the dead voters signature?

And proclaiming every one that moved out of state, voted twice and became felons, with jail time due, is ridiculous and mental paranoia disorder....let alone impossible... Maybe republicans that moved out of state did it cuz trump urged them to vote twice, but Democrats did not do that.... And there would never be enough of neo felons to risk that....

If people with lists requested the ballots of those that moved, individually, one by one from the state, where did the state individually mail them, for this fraudster group with the voter rolls you claim they have and the moved out if state list, HOW DID THEY GET ANOTHER PERSONS BALLOT?

Answer the question, please.

Contact Im sure their voter fraud division can tell you... LMAO..
Then what? How do they get a dead persons ballot in any of the contested swing states?

Who is the ballot mailed to, who individually requests it, how to they figure out the dead voters signature?

And proclaiming every one that moved out of state, voted twice and became felons, with jail time due, is ridiculous and mental paranoia disorder....let alone impossible... Maybe republicans that moved out of state did it cuz trump urged them to vote twice, but Democrats did not do that.... And there would never be enough of neo felons to risk that....

If people with lists requested the ballots of those that moved, individually, one by one from the state, where did the state individually mail them, for this fraudster group with the voter rolls you claim they have and the moved out if state list, HOW DID THEY GET ANOTHER PERSONS BALLOT?

Answer the question, please.
Are you fucking retarded?
No Id required, moron.
You get someone to walk in and say the name and address and, depending on which polling place you go to, nobody checks the signature.
Are you fucking retarded?
No Id required, moron.
You get someone to walk in and say the name and address and, depending on which polling place you go to, nobody checks the signature.
So in Pennsylvania you got 80,000 people, which trump lost by, to individually walk in and risk a felony charge and being caught or recognized as not the voter, and say I'm so and so, and I need an absentee ballot ....and they hand them one, without any processing with their typed label on it, just a blank return envelope?

Yeah, sure they did.... Sheesh!

Did 150,000 people walk in to get a fraudulent ballot in Michigan?

Did 11, 779 people risk felonies in Georgia too by walking in to request another's ballot?

Did 10,700 people risk felonies, individually in Arizona too?

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO! stop with these silly, not thought out, conspiracies that are impossible to do, to overcome Biden's win, without being caught.....
So in Pennsylvania you got 80,000 people, which trump lost by, to individually walk in and risk a felony charge and being caught or recognized as not the voter, and say I'm so and so, and I need an absentee ballot ....and they hand them one, without any processing with their typed label on it, just a blank return envelope?

Yeah, sure they did.... Sheesh!

Did 150,000 people walk in to get a fraudulent ballot in Michigan?

Did 11, 779 people risk felonies in Georgia too by walking in to request another's ballot?

Did 10,700 people risk felonies, individually in Arizona too?

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO! stop with these silly, not thought out, conspiracies that are impossible to do, to overcome Biden's win, without being caught.....
The signatures didn't match the PA Supreme Court said, "Yeah? So?".
Then what? How do they get a dead persons ballot in any of the contested swing states?

Who Is The Ballot Mailed To, who individually requests it, how do they figure out the dead voters signature?

And proclaiming every one that moved out of state, voted twice and became felons, with jail time due, is ridiculous and mental paranoia disorder....let alone impossible... Maybe republicans that moved out of state did it cuz trump urged them to vote twice, but Democrats did not do that.... And there would never be enough of neo felons to risk that felony charge....

If people with lists requested the ballots of those that moved, individually, one by one from the state, where did the state individually mail them, for this fraudster group with the voter rolls you claim they have and the moved out of state list, HOW DID THEY GET ANOTHER PERSONS BALLOT?

Answer the question, please.
Then why did Biden and the DNC have to create the biggest anti-fraud organization in political history? Sorry largest and most inclusive in political history. Why an anti-fraud organization's inclusivity is important is a mystery to me.
Trump owns title if worst president hands down. Biden is one n the top 10 of presidents with a record showing it, and he’s only been in office two years.
You can hang up any delusions you have of impeachment. That’s not happening, and Biden will continue being President for another two years at least. That’s two years of vetoing Republican bullshit that has no chance of getting by his desk.
And you seem to forget, or more likely to stupid to know, that Democrats are still in charge until January, considering that they lose, and that remains to be seen, and they can pass a whole lot of stuff between now and then.
And you have one pissed off Nancy Pelosi, whose husband you criminals tried to kill. I can only imagine what she’s going allow to be voted on the floor. Don’t get to comfortable yet asswipe.
Classy post for a low-IQ democrat! You can't prove any of your lies, so why type so much?

Paul Pelosi and the intruder were BOTH wearing underwear! His gay lover apparently was pissed about something.
As for passing shit, Joe Manchin will probably switch to be a Republican after the way the dems shit on him.

Impeachment will happen, removal won't, same as Trump, but Biden and the dems will look a lot worse.

p.s. whatever Nancy and Joe pass the GOP House won't fund <g>.
Classy post for a low-IQ democrat! You can't prove any of your lies, so why type so much?

Paul Pelosi and the intruder were BOTH wearing underwear! His gay lover apparently was pissed about something.
As for passing shit, Joe Manchin will probably switch to be a Republican after the way the dems shit on him.

Impeachment will happen, removal won't, same as Trump, but Biden and the dems will look a lot worse.

p.s. whatever Nancy and Joe pass the GOP House won't fund <g>.
Totally debunked but it does make for nice chatter in the RW Echo Chamber
There was no reason for Trump to ask Zelenskyy to open an investigation into Biden other than for his own political gain. He didn't do that until after Biden declared he was running for president and we have a treaty with Ukraine to perform investigations which requires our Attorney General to make such a request formally with Ukraine's Prosecutor General, which Trump avoided by sending his own personal attorney instead.
There was no reason for Trump to ask Zelenskyy to open an investigation into Biden other than for his own political gain.

That's your opinion, not a fact. If the bidens were up to corruption in another country, shouldn't it be investigated? Especially if the corruption involved the then VP of the US? You dems have been clamoring for trumps taxes for 7 years because you "thought" he committed some crime.

Again, show me the statement by Trump that he wanted to find dirt on Biden to help him in re election.

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