How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

Youre blaming Californias mass exilodus on fucking Reagan? What the fuck man? Where did you imbeciles learn how to debate? Every democrat argument in this thread is weak as fuck. :cuckoo:
I blame everything that's wrong on Ronald Reagan and his giveaway to the rich tax rates and screw job for everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. Not to mention ending the fairness doctrine so we have brainwashed functional morons like you. Everything you know is wrong and there is no evidence for election steal vaccine hoax global warming conspiracy or any of the other ridiculous conspiracy theories you have about everything. And most of them are anti American disrespect for all our fine institutions and public servants. Change the GD channel dingbat...
He started the Democrat-Republican party. The party that lowered the national debt, government spending, and was wildly expansionist under Jefferson. It was created in opposition to the Federalist party that was trying to centralize power in the Federal Government.

I think you're confusing what it meant to be liberal then and what it means now.
Sounds like Democrats if you knew the actual story LOL. And what do you want to do, give back The Louisiana Purchase? And yes it is time to go back and listen to France instead of super savage capitalist England.....
Polling suggest most dems voters want someone other then Xiden.....this is why the DNC shut down the idea of any debates prior to Xiden even publicly annoucing. They don't want the voters to have the choice, the party is taking a page from their tyrantically pals in other leftist regimes

Sitting Presidents don’t debate in primaries
Especially against a fringe candidate like RFKjr
You are still stuck on just one. :rolleyes-41:

So why are so many people leaving California? To put it plainly, the number one reason is that California is expensive. The state consistently ranks in the top five of the most expensive states in the country. According to Zillow, between 2015 and 2022, the average home value increased 92 percent, nearly doubling. Increasingly high costs of living, housing, and transportation coupled with an increase in crime, pollution, and congestion has caused many people to relocate to more affordable cities and states.

Businesses have also been on the move out of California. A 2022 report by the Hoover Institution shows 352 businesses leaving California and moving their headquarters to a different state between 2018 and 2022. High rent, high taxes, high costs of living for employees, and red tape are just a few reasons why.

Stay stupid
That was the one we were discussing, dumbass.

Next time you see your fellow conservative on the short bus, make sure to tell him that house prices ARE a reason for people leaving the state.

Great. Thanks.
You said housing prices between areas dont matter.

You also said house prices between areas is the primary driver for people moving from CA.

What dont I understand?
Already answered in that post. Read it over as many times as you like.

Your misunderstanding is not my problem.
I already clarified, just for you. You’re either trolling or just really stupid.

Either way, your confusion is not my problem.

How can housing costs difference between 2 areas not matter AND be the driving factor in people moving out of CA? How in the fuck is that possible?
Newsome isn't much of a candidate but if Biden and Harris is my other option then he's a sure winner.
what about Newsom? also they canceled the debates even before he announced he was running
Newsom isn’t running
I don’t think he will unless Biden withdraws…….for medical reasons
Newsome vs DeSantis would appear to be an interesting test of choice for Americans. Actually, though, they simply represent the conflicting dualism the dominant duopoly has deployed. The extremes they personify are false issues when examined under the light of impending necessities.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own and willing to mix it up with the right.

Is that really the new low bar set for post-Biden democrats now? Being able to "mix it up" with Shawn Hannity?! :auiqs.jpg:

Interesting that you democrats all waiting years until Fox was no longer the right wing bastion it once was. Now you are willing to go on Fake Fox! :21:

Why don't you look at what Gruesome Newsom has done to his own state? Only 12% of the nation's population while having a THIRD of the nation's homeless now. That's TRIPLE the national standard for homelessness. Is that your plan for America? Do you want to get rid of Biden that bad?

I guess 81 million Americans are really regretting their 2020 votes!

Trump's looking pretty good now, eh?
He was chosen as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2005 . As a piece of shit he thererfore has ties to the cloaked Nazis . Nearly died after getting face paralysis after taking a Covid Booster Killer Shot . Ran to Mexico to get stem cell treatment and lied continuosly about it.
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