How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

How are you not getting this?

If it’s too expensive here, then people are going to look for cheaper options.

“Why are so many people choosing to leave California?

Various factors contribute to decisions to move.

The leading factor is cost — it is far more expensive to live in California than in other places, and multitudes have decided they are unable or unwilling to pay the premium to live in this state.”
Its ALWAYS been "too expensive". Tgat doesnt explain the recent mass exodus. You arent smart enough to formulate a solid argument against me on this one, so just stop.
California management is fine, it's the National Management the last 40 years under Reagan tax rates. No money to invest in infrastructure or Americans. Great... it's their own fault if they can't make it AAARRGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Cuomo said Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Use to be called the unfortunate.
Youre blaming Californias mass exilodus on fucking Reagan? What the fuck man? Where did you imbeciles learn how to debate? Every democrat argument in this thread is weak as fuck. :cuckoo:
Its ALWAYS been "too expensive".
According to who? The prices have skyrocketed recently and people are being forced to re-evaluate their options. Stupid argument.

Tgat doesnt explain the recent mass exodus.
Due to the RECENT skyrocketing in house prices. How are you not getting this?

You arent smart enough to formulate a solid argument against me on this one, so just stop.
I just posted a link that you chose to ignore. Would you care to address it this time? Or perhaps you can find a link that shows that housing prices aren’t a factor? Go ahead. Let's see how smart you are.
You literally just said the price of that home in Mississippi compared to the same house in Florida didn't matter.
The same home in Florida will cost more than the identical house in Mississippi.

You asked why this matters. I said it doesn’t as in it’s just a stupid argument on an anonymous message board. But it doesn’t change the fact that location obviously has a lot to do with cost of housing, which has a lot to do with why people choose to move.
The same home in Florida will cost more than the identical house in Mississippi.

You asked why this matters. I said it doesn’t as in it’s just a stupid argument on an anonymous message board. But it doesn’t change the fact that location obviously has a lot to do with cost of housing, which has a lot to do with why people choose to move.
Can you not see that you're contradicting yourself?
What comment? That houses in blue states are typically more expensive than houses in red states? That’s not ignorant. That’s a fact. You getting pissy about it isn’t my problem.

Everything is more expensive in blue states. You people cater to the rich. Hence the disastrous wealth inequality and poverty in blue state shitholes like California, New York, and Illinois.
Can you not see that you're contradicting yourself?
No. I'm not interested in playing your word games instead of addressing the point.

Point: Housing price is a factor for people when they decide to move.

Agree or disagree? You can keep the word game bullshit to yourself. I'm not interested.
Good, we agree. And that's why people have been moving out of California.

What was your point again?

That may be one reason. It's certainly not the only one. Like I said, the DemoKKKrats are in the business of keeping people poor, so running them out of blue states is just one part of the plan.
No. I'm not interested in playing your word games instead of addressing the point.

Point: Housing price is a factor for people when they decide to move.

Agree or disagree? You can keep the word game bullshit to yourself. I'm not interested.
Who’s playing games? You said that house prices in one area vs another doesn’t matter and in the next breath name it as the primary driver for people moving from California to Tx.
Who’s playing games? You said that house prices in one area vs another doesn’t matter and in the next breath name it as the primary driver for people moving from California to Tx.
So you can’t answer if you agree or disagree with the point. Gotcha.

I’ll post it again for you. Try not to dodge it this time.

Point: Housing price is a factor for people when they decide to move. Agree or disagree.
According to who? The prices have skyrocketed recently and people are being forced to re-evaluate their options. Stupid argument.

Due to the RECENT skyrocketing in house prices. How are you not getting this?

I just posted a link that you chose to ignore. Would you care to address it this time? Or perhaps you can find a link that shows that housing prices aren’t a factor? Go ahead. Let's see how smart you are.
You're stuck on housing....forget the housing, something is going on in Ca. and it's not the housing market.
It's the political environment for the most part. The policies are ripping Ca. from its once golden years.
Thanks Newsome!

You're stuck on housing....forget the housing, something is going on in Ca. and it's not the housing market.
It's the political environment for the most part. The policies are ripping Ca. from its once golden years.
Thanks Newsome!

Because housing prices are obviously a big reason for people leaving California.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Polling suggest most dems voters want someone other then Xiden.....this is why the DNC shut down the idea of any debates prior to Xiden even publicly annoucing. They don't want the voters to have the choice, the party is taking a page from their tyrantically pals in other leftist regimes

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