How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

I saw about 1/3 of the interview before I quit watching it in disgust.
All Gavin did was repeat talking points. He is very good at that.
Talking points like "Biden created 13.5 million jobs" - which is bullshit and everyone knows it. Almost all of those are post covid rebounds that no matter who was President was going to come back. That is not "creating jobs".
He wouldn't say Biden has done a poor job on immigration, he repeated the same rhetoric as Biden admin that it is Trumps fault.
On and on.
Just like I already told you... Newsom is going to run - 1000%. And everyone knows it.
The left media is going to start playing their part by attacking Biden by the end of this year.
They will start talking about his cognitive decline, start saying things like "maybe it is time we consider someone else" etc. etc. - it is going to happen.
And in comes Newsom to take on DeSantis.
Trump is history. Over.
It is going to be Newsom and DeSantis.
A fantastically failed governor running against a fantastically successful governor.

I hope you're right in that neither Trump or Biden will be running but I'd hope for a couple better candidates in their stead. DeSantis is ok, Im not sure how effective he'll be on the national stage. Newsome is terrible. I'd love to see what a RFK jr/Gabbert-Gabbert/RFK Jr. ticket would come up with policy wise.
I saw about 1/3 of the interview before I quit watching it in disgust.
All Gavin did was repeat talking points. He is very good at that.
Talking points like "Biden created 13.5 million jobs" - which is bullshit and everyone knows it. Almost all of those are post covid rebounds that no matter who was President was going to come back. That is not "creating jobs".
He wouldn't say Biden has done a poor job on immigration, he repeated the same rhetoric as Biden admin that it is Trumps fault.
On and on.
Just like I already told you... Newsom is going to run - 1000%. And everyone knows it.
The left media is going to start playing their part by attacking Biden by the end of this year.
They will start talking about his cognitive decline, start saying things like "maybe it is time we consider someone else" etc. etc. - it is going to happen.
And in comes Newsom to take on DeSantis.
Trump is history. Over.
It is going to be Newsom and DeSantis.
A fantastically failed governor running against a fantastically successful governor.

I think Newsom is waiting in the wings while he pledges support to Biden’s agenda.
I don’t think he would directly run against Biden.

But if Biden’s ratings tank or his health falters…..Dems will make him step aside with Newsom, not Kamala, stepping in
I think Newsom is waiting in the wings while he pledges support to Biden’s agenda.
I don’t think he would directly run against Biden.

But if Biden’s ratings tank or his health falters…..Dems will make him step aside with Newsom, not Kamala, stepping in
He is "pledging" support because no one is going to trash a sitting President, as well as what on earth is he going to trash Biden for that he himself hasn't done worse?
The DNC will get the media to do that for him. They can't say Biden isn't mentally/physically able to run again now, because that would be admitting he isn't able now. So they will wait until the end of this year providing the pathway for Newsom.
It is in the bag.
California was too successful and now it's full and of course we haven't had enough money to invest in low income housing since Reagan started these giveaway to the rich tax rates... so in New York City number one again....haha
Its not full at all. It has room for a billion people. The problem is its mismanagement.
No, home owners left in droves. They left because of the crime, the wacky mayors in every city, super high taxes and the tremendous homeless problem everwhere and its mismanagement.
You honestly believe that housing costs have had nothing to do with people leaving California?

Have you seen the price of a house here compared to other states?

Have you seen how much property values have gone up?
You didn’t debunk anything. You just repeated your dumb claim that housing costs had nothing to do with people leaving California.

This is and has been the reality. Debunk this.

Madison was one of the most Liberal minds of his era
He started the Democrat-Republican party. The party that lowered the national debt, government spending, and was wildly expansionist under Jefferson. It was created in opposition to the Federalist party that was trying to centralize power in the Federal Government.

I think you're confusing what it meant to be liberal then and what it means now.
You honestly believe that housing costs have had nothing to do with people leaving California?

Have you seen the price of a house here compared to other states?

Have you seen how much property values have gone up?
It happened all at once. No, it wasnt the fucking housing costs. Housing costs have always been high there. California was doing the wacky left wing shit that ruined a bunch of ither places in the US, so everyone moved to Florida and Texas instead. You know, sane states.
You didn’t debunk anything. You just repeated your dumb claim that housing costs had nothing to do with people leaving California.

This is and has been the reality. Debunk this.

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Did you see this, rightwinger? It looks like XponentialChaos debunked your lie about red states being "all trailer parks".

You need to get out once in a while, your bubble is very, very small.
You didn’t debunk anything. You just repeated your dumb claim that housing costs had nothing to do with people leaving California.

This is and has been the reality. Debunk this.

View attachment 797288
When has this ever NOT been the case? Texas has ALWAYS been cheaper than California. No one moved out in droves until now. Quit making excuses. Acknowledge their epic failures, otherwise its likely to continue.

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