How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

Have you not heard about the ongoing exodus from that state? I assume you have. They lost nearly a million people in just 2 years. How do you explain that? They arent leaving cuz things are great there. :dunno:
Costs a lot to live there
Some people can only afford Red States
Double wides are cheap
A. Irrelevant. basically just means they are not incredibly unfriendly and racist about asylum seekers which is what these people should be called, brainwashed functional moron racist.

B. GOP led sanctions against Cuba venezuela nicaragua are causing many of these, after ruining their economies... It would be nice if the GOP would stop wrecking other countries. American dollars streaming in would make Cuba capitalist, although still socialist- with elections that is- see? Nicaragua and Venezuela have been the victims of ridiculous sanctions and covert action under the GOP and yes they are asylum seekers and yes it is your fault as always. GOP is a snarling lying racist give away to the rich Obstructionist p o s now....

Cuban sanctions started in 62 under JFK (D) and have persisted since, spanning both D and R's in the whitehouse and controlling Congress. Where do you get that it's the R's alone responsible for their inception and continuance? If the D's had any interest in ending the sanctions against Cuba it could have been done long ago, and multiple times.

The same is true of the sanctions against Venezuela, which started in earnest under Pres Obama, and have continued through Trump and Biden. What's stopping the current President who is last I checked a Democrat from ending the sanctions? If it's just the R's who want them and have continued them why do they still exist?
He wrecked California. Why in the fuckity fuck would you want him to be president? Is it because you are attracted to him? What else could explain your support for him?
California was too successful and now it's full and of course we haven't had enough money to invest in low income housing since Reagan started these giveaway to the rich tax rates... so in New York City number one again....haha
But Californians re-elected him by a wide margin
Hold on…so a bunch of desperate thirdworlders, purple haired weirdos, faggots and feminazis and free shit begging degenerates voted themselves further down the shitter like blacks always do?
Tell us something we don’t know.
Cuban sanctions started in 62 under JFK (D) and have persisted since, spanning both D and R's in the whitehouse and controlling Congress. Where do you get that it's the R's alone responsible for their inception and continuance? If the D's had any interest in ending the sanctions against Cuba it could have been done long ago, and multiple times.

The same is true of the sanctions against Venezuela, which started in earnest under Pres Obama, and have continued through Trump and Biden. What's stopping the current President who is last I checked a Democrat from ending the sanctions? If it's just the R's who want them and have continued them why do they still exist?
****, W Bush started the sanctions against Hugo right away. And Obama lowered sanctions against Cuba. It's difficult to do the right thing with you screaming idiots on the right....
Hold on…so a bunch of desperate thirdworlders, purple haired weirdos, faggots and feminazis and free shit begging degenerates voted themselves further down the shitter like blacks always do?
Tell us something we don’t know.
40 million people
Costs a lot to live there
Some people can only afford Red States
Double wides are cheap
But Mexifornia has the highest poverty rate in the nation…12% of the nations population but 33% of the nations welfare filth.
I thought you hated poverty….income inequalities and disparities? Are you and XponentialChaos bragging about those things today?
What happens if young dynamic Gavin Newsom runs against Fat Donnie?
I realize you will back anyone, and I mean ANYONE as long as there is a (D) by their name... hell Satan himself could run as Democrat and you would fully support him... but Newsom?
In a debate he will get destroyed.
There is really no problem that CA has that hasn't gotten much worse under Newsom. None.
And he has done exactly nothing to fix them besides "initiative" that amount to outrageous overspending that solved nothing but enrich a few contractors.
Honestly, I don't think there is another candidate in America were there is such a stockpile of skeletons to show Americans against.
The man is a disaster. And voters in CA have nothing to do with it. Because CA is full of folks like you RW that, again, would vote for a (D) if it was Lucifer himself.
I realize you will back anyone, and I mean ANYONE as long as there is a (D) by their name... hell Satan himself could run as Democrat and you would fully support him... but Newsom?
In a debate he will get destroyed.
There is really no problem that CA has that hasn't gotten much worse under Newsom. None.
And he has done exactly nothing to fix them besides "initiative" that amount to outrageous overspending that solved nothing but enrich a few contractors.
Honestly, I don't think there is another candidate in America were there is such a stockpile of skeletons to show Americans against.
The man is a disaster. And voters in CA have nothing to do with it. Because CA is full of folks like you RW that, again, would vote for a (D) if it was Lucifer himself.
Newsom showed he could more than handle himself in a debate and took Hannity’s best shots
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Hopefully, none. But Newsome appears to be setting himself up for 2028.
****, W Bush started the sanctions against Hugo right away. And Obama lowered sanctions against Cuba. It's difficult to do the right thing with you screaming idiots on the right....
Obama increased the sanctions against Venezuela. Did Trump increase them against Cuba? Has Biden abolished them? Fuck off hack.
But Mexifornia has the highest poverty rate in the nation…12% of the nations population but 33% of the nations welfare filth.
I thought you hated poverty….income inequalities and disparities? Are you and XponentialChaos bragging about those things today?
I just said that it’s expensive there. Because it is. You fucking idiot.
California was too successful and now it's full and of course we haven't had enough money to invest in low income housing since Reagan started these giveaway to the rich tax rates... so in New York City number one again....haha
Wait, you're blaming Reagan for the current problems in CA? How many Democrat Governors have been in power since Reagan was Gov of CA?
Newsom showed he could more than handle himself in a debate and took Hannity’s best shots
I saw about 1/3 of the interview before I quit watching it in disgust.
All Gavin did was repeat talking points. He is very good at that.
Talking points like "Biden created 13.5 million jobs" - which is bullshit and everyone knows it. Almost all of those are post covid rebounds that no matter who was President was going to come back. That is not "creating jobs".
He wouldn't say Biden has done a poor job on immigration, he repeated the same rhetoric as Biden admin that it is Trumps fault.
On and on.
Just like I already told you... Newsom is going to run - 1000%. And everyone knows it.
The left media is going to start playing their part by attacking Biden by the end of this year.
They will start talking about his cognitive decline, start saying things like "maybe it is time we consider someone else" etc. etc. - it is going to happen.
And in comes Newsom to take on DeSantis.
Trump is history. Over.
It is going to be Newsom and DeSantis.
A fantastically failed governor running against a fantastically successful governor.

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