How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?

How about some common sense? Nothing is more valuable than that besides life. Also, just because YOU benefited from the last 7 years, along with anyone on government assistance, doesn't mean that everyone else got to benefit like you. So what you said may be facts for you, but it's bullshit for me. Especially healthcare.

So you don't want to put your money (what little you evidently have) where your big fucking mouth is?
I voted for Obama twice. I have never had government "assistance" in my life. But I am looking forward to getting my SSI. That I paid for through my payroll taxes. You know what "payroll taxes" are?

What I can tell you is that IF you haven't "recovered" from the fucking financial disaster that was George Bush, then it is all on you for being a stupid fuck.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to leave your money in your investment accounts and let the market recover, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house you could afford if things went to shit, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house (or a couple houses) with the dirt cheap mortgage money that was out there, that's on you.

Your entire fucking miserable life is on you. But don't fucking tell me I am lying when I post the truth and then fucking back down like a pussy after you called me a liar. That's just you being an asshole dude. I (fortunately) do not have to lie about my financial accomplishments. Meager that they are, they are still what I accomplished. The fact you never had a financial plan to implement and now you are sucking hind tit is still on you and no one else.
We have a saying on the manufacturing shop floor, the 30 years I have worked full time

"Get these dumb mother fucking college kids off the floor, make them God damn pencil pushers, we don't care, Let us get it done"

Exactly. College educated kids today are miles below an experienced employee. I don't care about your education, I prefer to hire based on hands-on experience. It does me no good knowing you can read a book to pass a test.

How about some common sense? Nothing is more valuable than that besides life. Also, just because YOU benefited from the last 7 years, along with anyone on government assistance, doesn't mean that everyone else got to benefit like you. So what you said may be facts for you, but it's bullshit for me. Especially healthcare.

So you don't want to put your money (what little you evidently have) where your big fucking mouth is?
I voted for Obama twice. I have never had government "assistance" in my life. But I am looking forward to getting my SSI. That I paid for through my payroll taxes. You know what "payroll taxes" are?

What I can tell you is that IF you haven't "recovered" from the fucking financial disaster that was George Bush, then it is all on you for being a stupid fuck.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to leave your money in your investment accounts and let the market recover, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house you could afford if things went to shit, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house (or a couple houses) with the dirt cheap mortgage money that was out there, that's on you.

Your entire fucking miserable life is on you. But don't fucking tell me I am lying when I post the truth and then fucking back down like a pussy after you called me a liar. That's just you being an asshole dude. I (fortunately) do not have to lie about my financial accomplishments. Meager that they are, they are still what I accomplished. The fact you never had a financial plan to implement and now you are sucking hind tit is still on you and no one else.
Zeke you know god damn well both partys were at fault for that recession it was a long time in the making.

Zeke you know god damn well , that is was not going to last forever and regardless which party was in the white house the economy would come back, obama did not do a damn thing except use bushs tax cuts and make them permanent

Obama made it worse by dragging it out with obama care, we should have been out if it 4 years ago and it has not been 7 years it has been a cluster fuck 16 years, it started in 1999 with the Beginning of the mini recession also them fault of both partys
Zeke you know god damn well both partys were at fault for that recession it was a long time in the making.

Zeke you know god damn well , that is was not going to last forever and regardless which party was in the white house the economy would come back, obama did not do a damn thing except use bushs tax cuts and make them permanent

Obama made it worse by dragging it out with obama care, we should have been out if it 4 years ago and it has not been 7 years it has been a cluster fuck 16 years, it started in 1999 with the Beginning of the mini recession also them fault of both partys

Man and you seemed so reasonable just a short post ago. Oh well.

But your inconsistencies are showing.

On the one hand, you claim BOTH parties (with no mention of Bush) were responsible for the economic collapse. Which of course I disagree with.

Then in almost your next sentence, it is OBAMA's fault the recovery didn't happen as fast as you say it should.

BTW, those Bush tax cuts meant jack shit to me. I have been working my financial plan all the way back to the time Clinton was President.

But dude, you can't absolve one President from any responsibility (for failure) and then assign all blame to the next President.
Not if you want to be taken as a real true honest to god thinker. And not just some Republican mouth piece.

Besides all that, If I want to know who the President of the past 15 years has served me and mine better, all I have to do is go look at the investment statements from the end of the Bush Presidency. Game set match for Obama.
*smacks forhead*

So you don't know that Democrats actually produce a budget and Republicans don't and you don't know that Republicans voted down the Left's budget out of spite.


I didn't know that, but I don't think there are 99 Senate Repubicans.

2011 budget proposal Senate rejected it 97-0
2012 budget proposal Senate rejected it 99-0
2013 budget proposal House rejected it 414-0
2015 budget proposal House rejected it 413-2

Obama got 2 Democrat votes for his proposed budgets in those 4 years.
How about some common sense? Nothing is more valuable than that besides life. Also, just because YOU benefited from the last 7 years, along with anyone on government assistance, doesn't mean that everyone else got to benefit like you. So what you said may be facts for you, but it's bullshit for me. Especially healthcare.

So you don't want to put your money (what little you evidently have) where your big fucking mouth is?
I voted for Obama twice. I have never had government "assistance" in my life. But I am looking forward to getting my SSI. That I paid for through my payroll taxes. You know what "payroll taxes" are?

What I can tell you is that IF you haven't "recovered" from the fucking financial disaster that was George Bush, then it is all on you for being a stupid fuck.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to leave your money in your investment accounts and let the market recover, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house you could afford if things went to shit, that's on you.

If you didn't have enough "common sense" to buy a house (or a couple houses) with the dirt cheap mortgage money that was out there, that's on you.

Your entire fucking miserable life is on you. But don't fucking tell me I am lying when I post the truth and then fucking back down like a pussy after you called me a liar. That's just you being an asshole dude. I (fortunately) do not have to lie about my financial accomplishments. Meager that they are, they are still what I accomplished. The fact you never had a financial plan to implement and now you are sucking hind tit is still on you and no one else.
you tell em zeke....after all you got yours....if the other guy didnt....:dunno:

Your entire fucking miserable life is on you. But don't fucking tell me I am lying when I post the truth and then fucking back down like a pussy after you called me a liar. That's just you being an asshole dude. I (fortunately) do not have to lie about my financial accomplishments. Meager that they are, they are still what I accomplished. The fact you never had a financial plan to implement and now you are sucking hind tit is still on you and no one else.

Hmm ... Welcome to Zeke's world.

Where the responsibility for whatever happens to anyone else is squarely on them ... But he can attribute his financial success, wellbeing and general welfare to the current administration ... And has done so repeatedly in this thread.

Democrats? Why didn't Republicans pass it?

Because they weren't in power and Dingy Harry prevented any from coming up for debate.

And why did Harry do that?

I don't know. It's his Constitutional duty to deal with the budget. Why do YOU think he abdicated it?

How did he "abdicate" it?

By refusing to craft a budget.

When did Obama ever do that?

Obama has presented a budget to the congress every February of is presidency.

He's not the guy who passes it through congress. He's the guy who proposes the budget and then signs it into law after the congress has passed it.
That seems to be the relationship between Republican leaders and their base.
Is that why the democrats didn't produce a budget?

When has President Obama not submitted a budget?

Obama's record is as follows:

2011 budget proposal Senate rejected it 97-0
2012 budget proposal Senate rejected it 99-0
2013 budget proposal House rejected it 414-0
2015 budget proposal House rejected it 413-2

It seems even his fellow Democrats wouldn't vote for his totally ridiculous budget proposals.

He knew he had Reid to block everything, so he was free to go wi
Because they weren't in power and Dingy Harry prevented any from coming up for debate.

And why did Harry do that?

I don't know. It's his Constitutional duty to deal with the budget. Why do YOU think he abdicated it?

How did he "abdicate" it?

By refusing to craft a budget.

When did Obama ever do that?

Obama has presented a budget to the congress every February of is presidency.

He's not the guy who passes it through congress. He's the guy who proposes the budget and then signs it into law after the congress has passed it.

We were talking about Harry Reid, not Obama.
That seems to be the relationship between Republican leaders and their base.

When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice

When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice

Better have that clap looked at. How does that help the American people?

Answered it in the quote

What about Americans who voted for Obama TWICE? Don't they matter?

What about the people who voted Republicans into the House and Senate. Don't they matter?
When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice

Better have that clap looked at. How does that help the American people?

Answered it in the quote

What about Americans who voted for Obama TWICE? Don't they matter?

What about the people who voted Republicans into the House and Senate. Don't they matter?

My question was first.
When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice

Better have that clap looked at. How does that help the American people?

Answered it in the quote

What about Americans who voted for Obama TWICE? Don't they matter?

What about the people who voted Republicans into the House and Senate. Don't they matter?

My question was first.

I just answered your question
They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.

Let's start by you citing what laws Harry Reid supposedly broke. We'll go from there...

Let's just be comprehensive about BOTH the President's legal budgetary obligations and those of Congress and save some time, shall we?

The Congress has amended the requirements many times and has codified them as Chapter 11, Title 31, U.S. Code. These are some of the requirements:  "On or after the first Monday in January but not later than the first Monday in February of each year, the President shall submit a budget of the United States Government for the following fiscal year."

The Congress does not enact a budget, as such. The Congress reviews the President’s budget and develops its budget by approving three distinct kinds of measures:  The Congress adopts a concurrent resolution in the spring that specifies total receipts and outlays and major categories of spending.  Next, legislation authorizing changes in direct spending programs and in taxes are enacted consistent with the budget resolution.  Finally, the Congress enacts discretionary appropriations in the regular appropriations bills for the upcoming fiscal year.

1974 Budget and Impoundment Control Act - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California Berkeley

The 1974 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act created a set of institutional changes designed to help Congress regain power over the budget process.

The Act had two main goals: (1) strengthen and centralize Congress' budget authority; (2) reduce the President's impoundment authority. The latter was done by drafting detailed guidelines restricting how the President can impound funds already appropriated by Congress. The former—which has proven the more significant of the two—was done through a variety of means. The Act created the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to give Congress independent economic analysis and end the Executive Branch's monopoly on budgetary information created by the 1921 Budget and Accounting Act. It created standing budget committees in both the House and the Senate, provided for greater numbers of staff for these and other committees involved in budget decisions, and made changes in the procedure of passing a budget. The new budget committee was required to pass a ‘concurrent budget resolution' (to be passed by Congress no later than May 15) outlining the government's overall expenditures and receipts, based on CBO estimates.
When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice

Better have that clap looked at. How does that help the American people?

Answered it in the quote

What about Americans who voted for Obama TWICE? Don't they matter?

Not one bit more than the ones who voted Republican into power in Congress. See, Americans really WANT divided government. They always gravitate back to one party having the executive branch and the other having the legislative because less happens that way. They WANT government tied up in knots most of the time, because that tends to produce the most stable economic and regulatory environment. Anything that actually gets through the jam thus has the most bipartisan support and most likely represents the actual will of the people. Why do you think no one likes obamadon'tcare?
That seems to be the relationship between Republican leaders and their base.

When the choices are doing what Obama wants and "doing nothing," on one rare occasion, the Republicans made the right choice


Better have that clap looked at. How does that help the American people?

Just how many Obama roofies have you taken, that you are literally incapable of seeing how someone who thinks Obama's programs are noxious and destructive could think that doing nothing rather than implementing those programs is helpful? You may not AGREE with their assessment, but even you can't be that damned stupid.

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