How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?

Three and 1/2 years. I challenge you to find a "credible" source that claims the Senate passed a budget in 2010, 2011, or 2012.

Okay, please tell us WHY those budgets were not passed - with "credible" sources...

They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.
Okay, please tell us WHY those budgets were not passed - with "credible" sources...

They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.

Let's start by you citing what laws Harry Reid supposedly broke. We'll go from there...
They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.

Let's start by you citing what laws Harry Reid supposedly broke. We'll go from there...

First, let's establish that I have been correct, that Harry Reid prevented budgets from being passed for several years. Next, I will let you do your own homework and peruse the 1974 Congressional Budget Act.

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.

Let's start by you citing what laws Harry Reid supposedly broke. We'll go from there...

First, let's establish that I have been correct, that Harry Reid prevented budgets from being passed for several years. Next, I will let you do your own homework and peruse the 1974 Congressional Budget Act.

In other words - you can't cite any budget-related laws that Harry Reid has broken. Just admit it and move on.
He is president of the entire country, not just his constituency.

How is ANY President supposed to represent the entire country when the country has a large group of people that call themselves Republicans and those people HATE the President and want absolutely nothing to do with anything he does?

Kinda hard to represent the entire country when part of the country feels like you all do.

I want Obama to say fuck off to the Repuibs and do what I want him to do. He has been representing me just fine.
gee Zeke that kinda sounds like those nasty RW's you love to bad mouth...."hey i got mine,....
Womyn's Studies. Gotta love a Master's in Womyn's Studies. It qualifies you to do SO much: both the drive-thru window AND the Fryolator.

I wonder what kind of perks you get in real life if you attended a seminar on evil White Privilege or boycotted school because your feelings were so shredded over a thug attacking a policeman and getting his head whacked off.
What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because no one has the balls to bring him up on charges. Do you REALLY think Obama's sycophant Justice Department would? Doesn't change reality.

Let's start by you citing what laws Harry Reid supposedly broke. We'll go from there...

First, let's establish that I have been correct, that Harry Reid prevented budgets from being passed for several years. Next, I will let you do your own homework and peruse the 1974 Congressional Budget Act.

In other words - you can't cite any budget-related laws that Harry Reid has broken. Just admit it and move on.

Do you read more than the first sentence of a post before replying to it?
That seems to be the relationship between Republican leaders and their base.
Is that why the democrats didn't produce a budget?

When has President Obama not submitted a budget?
Then why didn't the democrats pass it?

Democrats? Why didn't Republicans pass it?

Because for the last eight god awful years democrats have had control. Pay attention.
Because for the last eight god awful years democrats have had control. Pay attention.

I know, it has been so awful.

My retirement accounts recovered from the debacle of Bush.
My equity in property has recovered from the debacle of Bush.
I have borrowed mortgage money at DIRT CHEAP rates. That's awful.
My kids are all still afford-ably insured. That's awful.
My wife works for a French company and just got a big raise. That's not awful but Bush had nothing to do with that.
My wife just got my oldest kid a job with her company. Not Bush or Obama fault. But not to awful.
And I get to file for SSI this year. Now that is awful that I am that old. But not Bush's fault either.
Actual income taxes this year as a percentage of real income, 14%. That wasn't to bad.

So yep them sure has been some awful years for me under Obama and them Dems. Many more of them awful Dem years and I might just recover fully from the robust fucking I took under Republican leadership.
But thank God Dems came along. I couldn't afford any more Bush.
Because for the last eight god awful years democrats have had control. Pay attention.

I know, it has been so awful.

My retirement accounts recovered from the debacle of Bush.
My equity in property has recovered from the debacle of Bush.
I have borrowed mortgage money at DIRT CHEAP rates. That's awful.
My kids are all still afford-ably insured. That's awful.
My wife works for a French company and just got a big raise. That's not awful but Bush had nothing to do with that.
My wife just got my oldest kid a job with her company. Not Bush or Obama fault. But not to awful.
And I get to file for SSI this year. Now that is awful that I am that old. But not Bush's fault either.
Actual income taxes this year as a percentage of real income, 14%. That wasn't to bad.

So yep them sure has been some awful years for me under Obama and them Dems. Many more of them awful Dem years and I might just recover fully from the robust fucking I took under Republican leadership.
But thank God Dems came along. I couldn't afford any more Bush.

Spit your lies to someone that'll believe em. I can't afford to pay for all the lazy deadbeat tards anymore since so many have dragged the lazy boat down under obama...
Spit your lies to someone that'll believe em. I can't afford to pay for all the lazy deadbeat tards anymore since so many have dragged the lazy boat down under obama..

Lies? Lets bet. We surely are smart enough, that IF you can put up enough money to make it worth my while to take it from you, we can figure out how to verify and how I get your money. I know lawyers who can set it up. . I can prove everything I wrote is fact. You game and what you got to bet? Money? Property? Gold? What do you have of value that you want to give to me?

Or are you one of them complete failures that have to blame someone for you being a fuck up? And you've got nothing but mouth? What you wanna do?
Lies? Lets bet. We surely are smart enough, that IF you can put up enough money to make it worth my while to take it from you, we can figure out how to verify and how I get your money. I know lawyers who can set it up. . I can prove everything I wrote is fact. You game and what you got to bet? Money? Property? Gold? What do you have of value that you want to give to me?

Or are you one of them complete failures that have to blame someone for you being a fuck up? And you've got nothing but mouth? What you wanna do?

How about some common sense? Nothing is more valuable than that besides life. Also, just because YOU benefited from the last 7 years, along with anyone on government assistance, doesn't mean that everyone else got to benefit like you. So what you said may be facts for you, but it's bullshit for me. Especially healthcare.

@ RightWiener - There's your feller wreaking of butthurt...
That seems to be the relationship between Republican leaders and their base.
Is that why the democrats didn't produce a budget?

When has President Obama not submitted a budget?

Obama's record is as follows:

2011 budget proposal Senate rejected it 97-0
2012 budget proposal Senate rejected it 99-0
2013 budget proposal House rejected it 414-0
2015 budget proposal House rejected it 413-2

It seems even his fellow Democrats wouldn't vote for his totally ridiculous budget proposals.
Three and 1/2 years. I challenge you to find a "credible" source that claims the Senate passed a budget in 2010, 2011, or 2012.

Okay, please tell us WHY those budgets were not passed - with "credible" sources...

They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because they passed a continuing resolution instead of a budget.
Okay, please tell us WHY those budgets were not passed - with "credible" sources...

They weren't passed because they weren't voted on. What kind of "source" do you need for that?

Try this...

Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget - PolitiFact

What does that have to do with anything? Harry Reid was bound by law to pass a budget. If he didn't like Obama's, he had both the right and the responsibility to write his own and craft a compromise with the House. He didn't do so.

Then why isn't Harry Reid in jail?

Because they passed a continuing resolution instead of a budget.

So? What's your point?
*smacks forhead*

So you don't know that Democrats actually produce a budget and Republicans don't and you don't know that Republicans voted down the Left's budget out of spite.


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