How Many Lives Would Have Been Saved Had we Tortured the Captured Paris Terrorist?

Would torture have saved any lives in Brussells today?

  • No

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters
Depends on how much he valued his life versus how much he valued 70 virgins...

Torture is not as simple as most people think it is. You have to involve more than just a fear of death. You have to make the target comfortable, and then strip them of their comfort for bad behavior, and have a nice friendly person who sees to the targets health and well being, who gives the target a chance to save themselves pain and discomfort by trading some information, and he engages the target with talk to see if the target has any other personal fears, hopes, or desires and then offers hope that these things can be attained after his release.

The torturers record everything that is said, and they use pain to set the mindset, dig for information, then to erase what the target said by replacing those memories with pain. The information is verified while the target is in captivity and rest. If he has lied, he loses comfort and dignity. If his information checks out, he is rewarded. in the next session, the same question are asked and then compared to the previous answers, rinse and repeat.

This process could take a long time, but waterboarding as the torture method can yield quick results as it is extremely unpleasant, making a person feel as though they are drowning.

As the uncooperative target loses comforts, he can be reduced to having no bed, a cold wet cell with his food being served in the same unwashed dish time after time. His food can be fowled and his water filthy. He can face other things that he personally finds frightening, such as close quarters if he is claustrophobic, spiders put in if he fears them also, etc. Once the target breaks down and pleads for better accommodations, he is an empty vessel.

Yes, it is cruel, but it can save a great many lives, and the target can walk away with all his fingers and toes intact.

[rolling eyes] Keyboard Kowboys are so amusing.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?
I say, "Hey dumb fuck. The Paris attacker has already been cooperating."

You also ASSUMED the Paris attacker would have known something about an upcoming attack in Belgium.

Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam 'worth his weight in gold' - BBC News

Salah Abdeslam, a suspect in last year's Paris attacks who was arrested in Belgium last week, is "worth his weight in gold" to investigators, his lawyer has said.

"He is collaborating... He is not maintaining his right to remain silent," said lawyer Sven Mary.

He's already been talking, dumb ass. Since his arrest. Notice the date of that article. It precedes the Belgium attack.

It's amazing how uninformed you retards are.

It's also a Fallacy of the Excluded Middle to bleev torture is the only way to get information out of a suspect.

TardLogic™ loses. Again.
[rolling eyes] Keyboard Kowboys are so amusing.

Lol, irony is just eating your ass up and you dont even realize it.

Who is being a cowboy? The person who is speaking on what he has had training of, or the idiot liberal who cannot go any further than to roll their eyes and act all pissy.
I've been on both ends of waterboarding in training. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't work. Just go to Ft Bragg and go to Smoke Bomb Hill and ask SF to let you witness a water boarding. It will convince even Ol' Cankles.
I'm sure you bleev pulling fingernails works, too.

Here's the thing, dumb fuck. It's TORTURE. A human rights violation.

And torture is not the ONLY way to get information out of a suspect. Why this never occurs to you retards is beyond me.

In fact, the information gained from torture is well known to be unreliable.
So how many lives could be saved if we made this piece of garbage talk and tell us about these other attacks?

Police Report: 90 More Suicide Bombers Ready to Explode in Europe

The mastermind of the November 2015 Paris attacks told an acquaintance that he was the commander of 90 “kamikazes-in-waiting” who infiltrated Europe to carry out terrorist attacks, according to information contained in a 55-page report compiled by French anti-terrorism officials.
The report was leaked to the New York Times, which published the startling details on Saturday. The report is newly relevant in light of the Islamic State’s Tuesday terror attacks in Brussels that killed at least 31 people and wounded at least 270 others.

The French report included details of a meeting between the Paris mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud; his first cousin, 26-year-old Hasna Aitboulahcen; and a friend of Aitboulahcen’s.

The Times reported:

On Nov. 15, [Aitboulahcen] and a friend drove out to a remote spot along the freeway, where Mr. Abaaoud came out of the bushes and joined them, the report said, quoting the account of the friend.

According to the friend’s account to the police, Mr. Abaaoud regaled them with stories about how he had made it to Europe by inserting himself in the stream of migrants fleeing across the Mediterranean. He explained that he was among 90 terrorists who had made it back and who had gone to ground in the French countryside, the friend told the police.

“Abaaoud clearly presented himself as the commander of these 90 kamikazes-in-waiting, and that he had come directly to France in order to avoid the failures they had experienced in the past,” the police said the friend had told them.

If we wont use 'harsh interrogation' methods on this jack ass to protect our own children, we deserve, in the words of National Review, to 'die off'.
So how many lives could be saved if we made this piece of garbage talk and tell us about these other attacks?

I guess you just blew right past my post telling you the Paris attacker has already been cooperating. Without being tortured. And even though he has a lawyer.

Sorry to destroy your tard narrative.

And you assume these criminals have knowledge of all other planned attacks. That is an idiotic assumption.
So how many lives could be saved if we made this piece of garbage talk and tell us about these other attacks?

I guess you just blew right past my post telling you the Paris attacker has already been cooperating. Without being tortured. And even though he has a lawyer.

Sorry to destroy your tard narrative.

And you assume these criminals have knowledge of all other planned attacks. That is an idiotic assumption.
But gosh darn it, torture makes us feel like REAL MEN!
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

They say the info you get is useless and not accurate.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?
Let's torture her and see if that's true. ;)
I've been on both ends of waterboarding in training. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't work. Just go to Ft Bragg and go to Smoke Bomb Hill and ask SF to let you witness a water boarding. It will convince even Ol' Cankles.
I'm sure you bleev pulling fingernails works, too.

Here's the thing, dumb fuck. It's TORTURE. A human rights violation.

And torture is not the ONLY way to get information out of a suspect. Why this never occurs to you retards is beyond me.

In fact, the information gained from torture is well known to be unreliable.
You have no idea what I believe and I believe you know jack shit about the treatment of prisoners. If you know so much about it why don't you give the CIA the benefit of your vast knowledge, Cum Bubble?
When it comes to terrorism, we dont know what kind of data we dont know. We dont know what action we lack information on, and any squeezing of the terrorist lemon can produce lemonade, so why not give it a few twists to find out?

Why not get off our lazy squeemish asses and look under the fucking couch?

Well three points
  1. You asked how many lives would have been saved- and I pointed out there is no way for any of us to know- your response of course doesn't deal with that.
  2. Does torture work? Well certainly it does result in the victims of torture telling the torturer stuff- whatever they think that the torturer wants to hear. This is why many experts do not believe torture is valuable- other methods work better.
  3. What you cannot say is that torture in this instance would have saved a single life- or whether it might even cost more lives because the information provided sent us down the wrong road.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?
-------------------------- MAYBE or I don't know !!
So why not take a look in case there is data that can save over 230 lives from death and ruin?

We do have the right to defend our own people, you do realize that, right?

We have a right to defend our people.

We don't have the right to go to France and demand that France let us torture their prisoner- nor do we know whether torturing that person would defend anyone.

Let me ask you this- if other interrogation techniques were shown to be more effective- would you still prefer to the torture the prisoner?
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?
-------------------------- MAYBE or I don't know !!
So why not take a look in case there is data that can save over 230 lives from death and ruin?

We do have the right to defend our own people, you do realize that, right?

We have a right to defend our people.

We don't have the right to go to France and demand that France let us torture their prisoner- nor do we know whether torturing that person would defend anyone.

Let me ask you this- if other interrogation techniques were shown to be more effective- would you still prefer to the torture the prisoner?

It was a hypothetical question, and of course I would want to use the most effective technique, which I believe to be a more detailed process than just inflicting pain on people.
When it comes to terrorism, we dont know what kind of data we dont know. We dont know what action we lack information on, and any squeezing of the terrorist lemon can produce lemonade, so why not give it a few twists to find out?

Why not get off our lazy squeemish asses and look under the fucking couch?

Well three points
  1. You asked how many lives would have been saved- and I pointed out there is no way for any of us to know- your response of course doesn't deal with that.
  2. Does torture work? Well certainly it does result in the victims of torture telling the torturer stuff- whatever they think that the torturer wants to hear. This is why many experts do not believe torture is valuable- other methods work better.
  3. What you cannot say is that torture in this instance would have saved a single life- or whether it might even cost more lives because the information provided sent us down the wrong road.

1. I did address your claim that there is no way to know if the target has intel or not. The explanation, again just for you, as that you dont know untill you start, so you interrogate to find out.

2. Torture done right works. The historical record leaves no doubt about it. You are comfortable leaving terrorists with uncovered data simply because you do not think that your loved ones are at risk. but if your child was at risk, I doubt you would be so self-righteous about not using torture.

3. Again, we dont h ave to know it will work, all we have to know is that it MIGHT work and is therefore worth doing.
When it comes to terrorism, we dont know what kind of data we dont know. We dont know what action we lack information on, and any squeezing of the terrorist lemon can produce lemonade, so why not give it a few twists to find out?

Why not get off our lazy squeemish asses and look under the fucking couch?

Well three points
  1. You asked how many lives would have been saved- and I pointed out there is no way for any of us to know- your response of course doesn't deal with that.
  2. Does torture work? Well certainly it does result in the victims of torture telling the torturer stuff- whatever they think that the torturer wants to hear. This is why many experts do not believe torture is valuable- other methods work better.
  3. What you cannot say is that torture in this instance would have saved a single life- or whether it might even cost more lives because the information provided sent us down the wrong road.

1. I did address your claim that there is no way to know if the target has intel or not. The explanation, again just for you, as that you dont know untill you start, so you interrogate to find out.

2. Torture done right works. The historical record leaves no doubt about it. You are comfortable leaving terrorists with uncovered data simply because you do not think that your loved ones are at risk. but if your child was at risk, I doubt you would be so self-righteous about not using torture.

3. Again, we dont h ave to know it will work, all we have to know is that it MIGHT work and is therefore worth doing.

Where is your proof it works?
When it comes to terrorism, we dont know what kind of data we dont know. We dont know what action we lack information on, and any squeezing of the terrorist lemon can produce lemonade, so why not give it a few twists to find out?

Why not get off our lazy squeemish asses and look under the fucking couch?

Well three points
  1. You asked how many lives would have been saved- and I pointed out there is no way for any of us to know- your response of course doesn't deal with that.
  2. Does torture work? Well certainly it does result in the victims of torture telling the torturer stuff- whatever they think that the torturer wants to hear. This is why many experts do not believe torture is valuable- other methods work better.
  3. What you cannot say is that torture in this instance would have saved a single life- or whether it might even cost more lives because the information provided sent us down the wrong road.

1. I did address your claim that there is no way to know if the target has intel or not. The explanation, again just for you, as that you dont know untill you start, so you interrogate to find out.

2. Torture done right works. The historical record leaves no doubt about it. You are comfortable leaving terrorists with uncovered data simply because you do not think that your loved ones are at risk. but if your child was at risk, I doubt you would be so self-righteous about not using torture.

3. Again, we dont h ave to know it will work, all we have to know is that it MIGHT work and is therefore worth doing.
But...but...what about all the expert witnesses who have never been within a thousand miles of a terrorist being questioned? They have all the right answers. Besides, the interrogators aren't going to reveal what the prisoner admitted. Unless it served a purpose.
When it comes to terrorism, we dont know what kind of data we dont know. We dont know what action we lack information on, and any squeezing of the terrorist lemon can produce lemonade, so why not give it a few twists to find out?

Why not get off our lazy squeemish asses and look under the fucking couch?

Well three points
  1. You asked how many lives would have been saved- and I pointed out there is no way for any of us to know- your response of course doesn't deal with that.
  2. Does torture work? Well certainly it does result in the victims of torture telling the torturer stuff- whatever they think that the torturer wants to hear. This is why many experts do not believe torture is valuable- other methods work better.
  3. What you cannot say is that torture in this instance would have saved a single life- or whether it might even cost more lives because the information provided sent us down the wrong road.

1. I did address your claim that there is no way to know if the target has intel or not. The explanation, again just for you, as that you dont know untill you start, so you interrogate to find out.

2. Torture done right works. The historical record leaves no doubt about it. You are comfortable leaving terrorists with uncovered data simply because you do not think that your loved ones are at risk. but if your child was at risk, I doubt you would be so self-righteous about not using torture.

3. Again, we dont h ave to know it will work, all we have to know is that it MIGHT work and is therefore worth doing.

Where is your proof it works?
It works.Don't be so skeptical.

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