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Who thinks anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for a Democrat in 2020?

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  • Gawd I'm confused

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I'm voting 3rd party no patriotic duty. Neither party has a platform I can support.
People who voted for Trump but will not in 2020

People who hated Hillary
People who thought......How bad can he be?
People who thought he would provide something better than Obamacare
People who said.....Just watch, he will change once he is President
People who thought Mexico would pay for the wall
Coal Miners
Suburban women

Excellent points. A lot of people voted for Trump as a protest, never thinking he would get "elected" or realizing just how bad he could be.

Now we know.
I'm hoping for a razor close election...sign of a robust healthy nation.

I'm not. What we need if a 50 State Sweep throwing Trump out, to absolve ourselves of this sin.

We are tolerating from Trump behavior we'd never tolerate from coworkers, family members, bosses, etc.
Trump will lose Michigan and Pennsylvania

Makes it hard to repeat
I'm hoping for a razor close election...sign of a robust healthy nation.

Its healthy for half of America to be socialist baby-killing losers who want to give free stuff to illegal aliens and raise your taxes? What fucking planet are YOU from. Wherever it is, GO BACK
As we've seen, it matters less how many vote than where they vote.

If a million trump voters changed their minds in California or New York, those EC votes will go to a Democrat regardless. If they somehow got another million illegals to the polls than last time, same result.

If the next Democrat candidate is smarter than Hillary (not a very high bar) they will spend less time courting celebrity endorsements and insulting 'flyover' residents, and more time wooing the voters they really need.


So far they're making even bigger fools of themselves this time than they did last time. It's as if they're determined to lose and gut their partys chances forever in the process.
As we've seen, it matters less how many vote than where they vote.

If a million trump voters changed their minds in California or New York, those EC votes will go to a Democrat regardless. If they somehow got another million illegals to the polls than last time, same result.

If the next Democrat candidate is smarter than Hillary (not a very high bar) they will spend less time courting celebrity endorsements and insulting 'flyover' residents, and more time wooing the voters they really need.

Well, you make a good point. You also make a great argument in favor of the electoral college, which helps those swamped out people have a voice
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....

I wasn't talking about the perpetual cranks who vote for third parties so they can feel "Special" (yeah, your fucking special all right. Short bus wearing a helmet special!) I was talking specifically about the people who voted for 3rd parties in 2016, because they were told "Hillary Had it in the Bag" but "That Email thing makes her just as bad as Trump".
i have never encountered a 3rd partier who votes 3rd party to feel special....the ones i have talked too said they voted 3rd party because they could not stand either of the big 2....
Alas, time is short ...
There is a full on revolt going on in The Democrat Party.

They pulled this fake impeachment out of desperation as they were losing minorities, independents, and the party itself was $7 Million in debt vs Trump’s $250 Million and growing campaign war chest.

They can kiss the swing states Trump won goodbye. His support there is growing.
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....

I wasn't talking about the perpetual cranks who vote for third parties so they can feel "Special" (yeah, your fucking special all right. Short bus wearing a helmet special!) I was talking specifically about the people who voted for 3rd parties in 2016, because they were told "Hillary Had it in the Bag" but "That Email thing makes her just as bad as Trump".
i have never encountered a 3rd partier who votes 3rd party to feel special....the ones i have talked too said they voted 3rd party because they could not stand either of the big 2....
Did not realize we had met.
Alas, time is short ...

Some will... especially when the recession starts.

Of course, they don't need to get any Trump voters... All they have to do is get all the people who voted for third parties because "Hillary has this in the bag" to vote for the Democrat.
So, the obvious answer to a recession is voting for the candidate who has already declared his/her plan to completely destroy the economy.

As we've seen, it matters less how many vote than where they vote.

If a million trump voters changed their minds in California or New York, those EC votes will go to a Democrat regardless. If they somehow go another million illegals to the polls than last time, same result.

If the next Democrat candidate is smarter than Hillary (not a very high bar) they will spend less time courting celebrity endorsements and insulting 'flyover' residents, and more time wooing the voters they really need.

You would think that was obvious, but these Democrats refuse to admit they are wrong on anything.
Any democrat running for president that does not insult the flyover voters will NOT get the votes of coastal liberals.
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....

I wasn't talking about the perpetual cranks who vote for third parties so they can feel "Special" (yeah, your fucking special all right. Short bus wearing a helmet special!) I was talking specifically about the people who voted for 3rd parties in 2016, because they were told "Hillary Had it in the Bag" but "That Email thing makes her just as bad as Trump".
i have never encountered a 3rd partier who votes 3rd party to feel special....the ones i have talked too said they voted 3rd party because they could not stand either of the big 2....
Did not realize we had met.
yea last week at the fuck the 2 parties rally....
Its healthy for half of America to be socialist baby-killing losers who want to give free stuff to illegal aliens and raise your taxes? What fucking planet are YOU from. Wherever it is, GO BACK

Is it healthy to run up Trillions of dollars and debt and hate your neighbors for having a different skin color?
So, the obvious answer to a recession is voting for the candidate who has already declared his/her plan to completely destroy the economy.


Funny, guy, the last four recessions started when Republicans were in charge. Seems like you are the experts on destroying economies.
i am one of these "3rd" party people.....but i would not vote for any of the democrats running....

I wasn't talking about the perpetual cranks who vote for third parties so they can feel "Special" (yeah, your fucking special all right. Short bus wearing a helmet special!) I was talking specifically about the people who voted for 3rd parties in 2016, because they were told "Hillary Had it in the Bag" but "That Email thing makes her just as bad as Trump".
/—-/ A guy wrote a letter to the Editor in Newsday last week that he couldn’t support Hillary or Trump so he wrote in a vote for Andrew Jackson. Two days later he was blasted by others for wasting his vote.

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