How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice

Uh ,no Industry & Labor were Socialized , get over it
Really ? You’re ignorant. German labor , industry were all under the control of the Nazi party.

You are ignorant also not knowing the Nazi party DESTROYED labor unions. They killed and incarcerated in camps ANY industrial labor union opposition.

The Nazi party was RIGHT WING totalitarian dictatorship under Hitler‘s command. They MURDERED not only minorities, but murdered, injured and threatened anyone who did not support them.

You must have been home schooled.
They confiscated the Prize Winnings of Max Schmelling in his victory over Joe Louis and his loss Earnings to Joe Louis , They took over Companies and Socialized Labor at Horst , Auto -Union , Zundapp , Beta , Mercedes Benz , Messerschmidt , Walther , BMW , Focke Wolf , Schmiesser , ... Socialism can be instituted by a Far Right Regime like the Nationalist Socialists did
I'm registered as a Republican these days...but my posture on abortion was best reflected by Obama: "Abortions should be legal...but RARE.".

It's difficult to say how honest his posture was, but it sounds reasonable to me. Legal abortion but with certain ways of making it slightly difficult or even impossible to get in SOME circumstances. I don't have all the answers. Abortion is possibly THE most difficult of all social issues to be fair about.
I'm registered as a Republican these days...but my posture on abortion was best reflected by Obama: "Abortions should be legal...but RARE.".

It's difficult to say how honest his posture was, but it sounds reasonable to me. Legal abortion but with certain ways of making it slightly difficult or even impossible to get in SOME circumstances. I don't have all the answers. Abortion is possibly THE most difficult of all social issues to be fair about.
Nope , removing the stigma around Pedo / NAMBLA ( Minor Attracted ) is a more difficult decision .
Abortion should be legal until after 26 weeks when fetus can survive without the mother.

Since most of the migrant women are raped & impregnated along their journey to the USA. Now the strict state abortion regulations are forcing an explosion of anchor babies making deportation impossible.
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I'm a Republican and I detest women who have an abortion as a means of birth control. Or because they don't want to have the responsibility of raising a child. If the woman's health is at risk or if she becomes pregnant because she was raped, then I can understand the choice of abortion. Ultimately, it's the woman's choice, right or wrong.
Or what if she gets pregnant by a man who has no interest in taking responsibility for the child and devoting his life to raising it?
Far Left & Left Types who see them as a voting Bloc or as a Victim Class
They're not a majority. The Democrats appease and appeal to different types of weirdos to get extra votes, that's all. Most Dems vote Dem because of supposed support for Unions, welfare, government programs. All the OLD reasons. My family was Democrat until we began to see how full of shit the Dems are about the good things they claim to care about. The Dems have lost more followers than Republicans have in the last few years. Eventually ONLY pedos, trans, gays, convicts, many immigrants, abd feminists will make up their voter base. People who believe in the old Democrat platform of the mid-20th century will be forced to start a new party and divorce themselves from those kooks. They may be conservatives exactly, but they also will start to find that Dems don't support American values or normal life at all. Plenty of Dems are just working class families who aren't on the modern Woke bandwagon. Their reasons for being Democrats are being addressed by the Democratic party anymore.

There won't have to be some kind of legislation to address it like there is with abortion. It's more a matter of free-market political party choice hitting the Dems in the ass.
Abortion should be legal until after 26 weeks when fetus can survive without the mother.

Since most of the migrant women are raped & impregnated along their journey to the USA. Now the strict state abortion regulations are forcing an explosion of anchor babies making deportation impossible.

That's why you vote for people like Trump to make sure they don't get in the country in the first place.
They confiscated the Prize Winnings of Max Schmelling in his victory over Joe Louis and his loss Earnings to Joe Louis , They took over Companies and Socialized Labor at Horst , Auto -Union , Zundapp , Beta , Mercedes Benz , Messerschmidt , Walther , BMW , Focke Wolf , Schmiesser , ... Socialism can be instituted by a Far Right Regime like the Nationalist Socialists did
Socialized ? Do you really know what that means….where do you get off just making up stuff ?
the Nazi party was a far right authoritarian dictatorship. Socialism is the redistribution of wealth as regulated by the community as a whole. Tell us, when did the Nazi party do anything that provide the community with any say in anything, dullard. Socialized labor ? Are you shitting us ? They killed and imprisoned labor union heads in the name of one man, Hitler.
Socialized ? Do you really know what that means….where do you get off just making up stuff ?
the Nazi party was a far right authoritarian dictatorship. Socialism is the redistribution of wealth as regulated by the community as a whole. Tell us, when did the Nazi party do anything that provide the community with any say in anything, dullard. Socialized labor ? Are you shitting us ? They killed and imprisoned labor union heads in the name of one man, Hitler.
They created the Highway system
, Socialized Medicine , The KDF ( VW) Wagen ( Peoples Car Program ) , and numerous other Socialistic programs ( Pre War ) because when the war began they took over every aspect of Industry & people’s lives & livelihoods
They created the Highway system
, Socialized Medicine , The KDF ( VW) Wagen ( Peoples Car Program ) , and numerous other Socialistic programs ( Pre War ) because when the war began they took over every aspect of Industry & people’s lives & livelihoods
The military annexed the funds to do everything including* the autobahn In 1913 which the Nazi party utilized. It was done for military transportation by industry on consignment.

The US interstate system, set up for the same reason, was made by bids going out to the private corporations. They were free to make a bid OR NOT.

There were no private corporations under the Nazi party unless they supported the goals and regulations of the Nazi party. Of which, they had to eliminate minorities the govt chose from any economic role. THATS NOT SOCIALISM FOOLISH.
Like unions, uncooperative business heads could be imprisoned or shot. You’re really FOS. You have no idea what you are talking about.
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The military annexed the funds to do everything including* the autobahn In 1913 which the Nazi party utilized. It was done for military transportation by industry on consignment.

The US interstate system, set up for the same reason, was made by bids going out to the private corporations. They were free to make a bid OR NOT.

There were no private corporations under the Nazi party unless they supported the goals and regulations of the Nazi party. Of which, they had to eliminate minorities the govt chose from any economic role. THATS NOT SOCIALISM FOOLISH.
Like unions, uncooperative business heads could be imprisoned or shot. You’re really FOS. You have no idea what you are talking about.
The Highway system projects began in early 30s prior to that the decimated German Economy of the 20s was about the same as Uruguay or Serbia . The Government Socialized Everything by 36 For the War Efforts
More made up shit. Hilter was far right.
Nope. He was a socialist that was against private property and business. He believe in big government that could make every decision for you. The NAZI philosophy is much more in line with leftist of today, despite what so called leftist historians say.

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