How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice

Ha ha
Trump thought he could control the weather by nuking storms.
Name one accredited university that agrees with you...just one.

You mean those universities that get their money from various governments?

Sometimes I picture a classroom of children in about 100 years or so. The teacher tells the class that at one time, man thought he could control the environment, and the children bust out in laughter like we did as kids when our teachers told us that man thought the earth was flat, and if you walk too far, you'll fall off the edge.

Our politicians have been trying to gain more and more control over the people as time went on. They've been quite successful so far. Older people like myself can think back to when we had more liberties in this country. The way for politicians to have total control over all of us is to dominate our energy and healthcare sectors. If they can control those two things, there will be no freedom left.

With our constitution and system of government, they can't march in with troops to take over these things. They have to make things so miserable for people we beg them to takeover these entities. They have to scare us to death. You can believe in the great OZ, and I'll continue looking at the man behind the curtain.
You mean those universities that get their money from various governments?
Really, all 3400 world wide ?
You’re dilusional. By your line of reasoning, you can’t trust any of yourfake sources parading around with degrees.
Let’s see, no university, no climate research facility, no Govt agency or military or any country and related private corporation-in the world is as sick as you.
Wtf is left, just individual dead beats. You are all alone and stupid.
The teacher tells the class that at one time, man thought he could control the environment
That’s one of your tuckerism dufus. Man influences the environment like a smoker influences and changes the air in the room he smokes in. He can stop smoking and allow the air to change gradually...but unlike your idiot assertion, he only has indirect control, dufus.
That’s one of your tuckerism dufus. Man influences the environment like a smoker influences and changes the air in the room he smokes in. He can stop smoking and allow the air to change gradually...but unlike your idiot assertion, he only has indirect control, dufus.

Oh please, the world is not a bubble that has no cleaning mechanisms. God made this place, remember? He put all those things that supposedly harm our environment into the earth for us to use.

So now I'm going to ask you a question I ask every envirokook: What will it take to shut you people up forever? Tell us the goal and tell us the cost so you never bring it up again. How many more trillions will it cost us, because it seems the last tens of trillions didn't make you happy. What is the goal, carbon dioxide that we and animals breathe out every day? One billionth of one particle of what? Tell us the goal and how much it's going to cost us.

I know you can't answer the question; no envirokook has been able to. Do you know why? Climate change is a bottomless money pit. Every US dollar could never fill it. How do I know this? Because we've been trying for over 50 years, and you people are more miserable today than you were 50 years ago. We got rid of freon, fluorocarbons, home incinerators, lead out of paint and gasoline, DDT, Dozens of Cafe standards for cars and trucks, lower sulfur diesel fuel which doubled the cost for us truck drivers, DEF mandates for all diesel powered vehicles, and you people still are not happy.

So tell us what would make you and all your envirokook friends happy. Again, you can't do it because you don't even know what that goal is or the cost.
Okay, fucktard, there's wrong and then there's you typing something that is beneath minimal human intelligence. So just fuck off already, obvious troll is obvious.

The human right to life is not something the guy who slaughtered millions of innocents cares about - he's your ideological cousin, your peer. You're literally the one promoting the slaughter of millions of innocent human beings, and we are trying to stop pieces of shit like you.

You're the Hitler here. Go to your bunker and don't come out.
Hitler, a Catholic and later a German Christian, championed exactly what you are promoting, state controlover a woman’s body. Congrats. Today’s pro-lifers are following mein mein kampf
What will it take to shut you people up forever?
What would it take for you deniers to stop claiming that every university and climate science institute is lying. Why is our military lying to everyone. Why is Mitch McConnell lying ?
Exactly why are all the smartest institutes in the world lying.
What would it take for you deniers to stop claiming that every university and climate science institute is lying. Why is our military lying to everyone. Why is Mitch McConnell lying ?
Exactly why are all the smartest institutes in the world lying.

I already explained that: money and power.
Hitler, a Catholic and later a German Christian, championed exactly what you are promoting, state controlover a woman’s body. Congrats. Today’s pro-lifers are following mein mein kampf
You’re beyond idiotic.

Pro-life folks believe in a natural human right to life, abhorring violence and aggression against innocent human beings.

You’re comparing us to the guy who sacked half of Poland appropriate of nothing and killed everyone he viewed as undesirable. No, cuntface, that’s you. That’s all you.

The only folks Hitler didn’t want having abortions were “Aryans,” because he wanted more “Aryans.” But he would totally kill innocent Aryans too, viciously in cold blood.
You’re beyond idiotic.

Pro-life folks believe in a natural human right to life, abhorring violence and aggression against innocent human beings.

You’re comparing us to the guy who sacked half of Poland appropriate of nothing and killed everyone he viewed as undesirable. No, cuntface, that’s you. That’s all you.

The only folks Hitler didn’t want having abortions were “Aryans,” because he wanted more “Aryans.” But he would totally kill innocent Aryans too, viciously in cold blood.
Yup, typical fascist regime like the gop at its finest with Trump.
I hear liberals Democrats claim that there are tons of pro-choice Republicans ready to leave the party if Roe V. Wade is overturned. I like to talk politics and I don't ever recall talking to a Republican who was pro-choice. I think these numbers are made up. It sounds like more bogus polling to me.

---How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice---

Me too ,
Meh, I vote gop....I'm pro-choice though I'd prefer the 15 week guardrail.

The practical "utility" of abortion can't be ignored, even without the guardrail.
I’m all for Abortion Free on demand with said guardrail in EVERY Turd world City and village in the World ( especially Mexico & South & Central America and Africa and all parts of the Middle East including Iran & Israel and in China and Japan and the rest of the Indo Pacific
Hitler, a Catholic and later a German Christian, championed exactly what you are promoting, state controlover a woman’s body. Congrats. Today’s pro-lifers are following mein mein kampf

What would it take for you deniers to stop claiming that every university and climate science institute is lying. Why is our military lying to everyone. Why is Mitch McConnell lying ?
Exactly why are all the smartest institutes in the world lying.
Weak argument, since Hitler proposed the mass murder of undesirables, which is what leftists call babies in the womb.

And I am pro-choice

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