How many scandals have to come out before the Obamanots see he is shady

I'm still looking for the first one

OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

It balances out you OBAMANUTS. He can do no right in the eyes of you people.


Sure he could do right in your eyes: If he started cutting taxes, cutting spending, and cutting government regulations we would all be singing his praises. Unfortunately he has dedicated his life and his presidency to doing exactly the opposite.
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He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

As long as his supporters are convinced that only the "other guys" have to worry about being targeted, they'll remain loyal.

I do think he'll lose some young supporters when Obamacare is in full effect and they see how much they'll be forced to pay for health care. Others will resent losing their jobs over Obamacare, though some will blame companies for not being able to afford to keep full time employees. Many will go years without getting what was promised, but will somehow feel good thinking that Obama is going after those nasty rich people (except for rich liberals). And when Obama doesn't deliver on some promises, they'll continue to blame Bush and the Republicans for somehow stopping him.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

Fast and Furious-Thousands of guns killing hundreds of Mexicans.
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped

These are the only ones that matter. I don't understand why you want to silence people from investigating these?
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.

The nation has divided. No longer will any leader of either party to be able govern half the people intent with revenge on the other half. If forced to stay together each side will see the other as a dictator.

No shit...

Time to get back to our constitution and enforcing our rights. If they the left aren't going for a dictatorship they should at least try to agree with some on the right when the government is attacking our rights, right?

Which Constitution would that be?
I'm still looking for the first one

How odd you can't find one when even Democrats are calling for firings in the IRS scandal.

" Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill is going further. A former state auditor, she has had years of experience with dissembling bureaucrats and errant officials. Last Friday, she issued a video statement calling for a full house-cleaning of everyone involved in the scandal:

“We should not only fire the head of the IRS, which has occurred, but we’ve got to go down the line and find every single person who had anything to do with this and make sure that they are removed from the IRS and the word goes out that this unacceptable.”

Three Signs There?s a Cover-Up | National Review Online

And basically she's wrong.

As this thing is unraveling, it seems they were about as "guilty" as many law enforcement agencies are..when they do racial profiling.

And the consequences are far less severe.

The Senator knows less than you do? A former State auditor doesn't know as much as Sallow?

Is Rep. Sander Levin wrong too Sallow?

U.S. Representative Sander Levin called for Lerner's resignation on Friday, saying she had recently testified to a House subcommittee and failed to disclose what she knew about the targeting. "This is wholly unacceptable," he said.

Levin is the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax law and oversees the IRS.

Pressure builds on officials to take heat for IRS scandal | Reuters
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

Fast and Furious-Thousands of guns killing hundreds of Mexicans.
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped

These are the only ones that matter. I don't understand why you want to silence people from investigating these?


How many hours of airtime have FoxNews, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh devoted to all of these Obama scandals? Even when a somewhat meaningful "scandal" pops up, Republicans overplay their hands and the significance of the issue

America has the GOP on "Ignore"

Can you blame them?
How many fake scandals will the inmates in the rightwing asylum have to see laughed off by normal America before they'll realize that yes,

they are insane?

No problem, they were saying the same thing about you liberal-Democrats during the Bush administration..and they are still laughing at you because everything that happens EVEN after FIVE years of your Dear leader in office........................... you all still BLAME BUSH..
The democrats hope and pray that America has the GOP on ignore, but as we should know, the IRS is the agency Americans love to hate and if this causes Americans to start taking notice, a few days might make a big difference. After all, Americans have made Fox the highest rated news network.
Oh great, now I hear Obama's named Danny Werful to head the IRS. People were INJURED in games at the Superdome when rednecks mistook his passes for wounded ducks and shotguns were fired.
Oh great, now I hear Obama's named Danny Werful to head the IRS. People were INJURED in games at the Superdome when rednecks mistook his passes for wounded ducks and shotguns were fired.

Actually, Tim Tebow is currently unemployed
Yet the Dear Leaders cult members are calling it a witch hunt and still looking for scandals..and this poll came from CNN..
links in article at site


CNN poll: 59% approve of GOP handling of Benghazi scandal

posted at 12:01 pm on May 20, 2013 by Ed Morrissey
Last week, voices in the media began warning Republicans about overreaching on scandal investigations involving the IRS and especially Benghazi. Beware of the backlash! came the whispers among Republicans, and predictions of political damage came from other quarters. According to a new CNN poll, however, the investigation into Benghazi polls higher than most other Republican initiatives have in the last several years — and even better than the opening round of the probe into the IRS scandal (via John Nolte at Breitbart):

But a CNN/ORC International survey released Sunday morning also indicates that congressional Republicans are not overplaying their hand when it comes to their reaction to the three controversies that have consumed the nation’s capital over the past week and a half. And the poll finds that a majority of Americans take all three issues seriously. …

Republicans have ripped the administration for not providing adequate security for the Benghazi mission, botching the response to it, and misleading the public for political gain with the attack coming less than two months before last November’s presidential election.

According to the poll, 44% say statements made by the Obama administration soon after the attack were an attempt to intentionally mislead the public. Half of those questioned say those statements reflected what the Obama administration believed, at the time, had occurred.

But 59% now say that the U.S government could have prevented the attack in Benghazi, up 11 points from last November. And only 37% say that congressional Republicans are overreacting in their handling of the matter, with 59% saying they’ve reacted appropriately.

It’s the same story on the IRS controversy, with 54% saying the GOP in Congress has not overplayed its hand.

The IRS scandal registers very high across the board with Americans. More than half (55%) consider it “very important,” with the same percentage among independents and 69% of Republicans agreeing. Only 46% of Democrats agree that it’s very important, but when combined with “somewhat important,” the numbers tend to get pretty close — 79% of Democrats, 87% of independents, and 90% of Republicans. The same pattern holds up for the AP scandal, even before the revelation about Rosen, with 86% of Democrats, 84% of independents, and 93% of Republicans considering it very or somewhat important.

all of it here
HotAir ? Politics, Culture, Media, 2012, Breaking News from a conservative viewpoint
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

Fast and Furious-Thousands of guns killing hundreds of Mexicans.
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped

These are the only ones that matter. I don't understand why you want to silence people from investigating these?


How many hours of airtime have FoxNews, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh devoted to all of these Obama scandals? Even when a somewhat meaningful "scandal" pops up, Republicans overplay their hands and the significance of the issue

America has the GOP on "Ignore"

Can you blame them?

Yup they have been crying wolf to many times and then when something really comes up. no one gives a shit.
You people on the Right should have denounced the birthers as lunatics when you had the chance.

You sold out your crediblity on any imagined presidential scandal then, and assured that you will be given the benefit of the doubt on nothing.
Yet the Dear Leaders cult members are calling it a witch hunt and still looking for scandals..and this poll came from CNN..
links in article at site


CNN poll: 59% approve of GOP handling of Benghazi scandal

posted at 12:01 pm on May 20, 2013 by Ed Morrissey
Last week, voices in the media began warning Republicans about overreaching on scandal investigations involving the IRS and especially Benghazi. Beware of the backlash! came the whispers among Republicans, and predictions of political damage came from other quarters. According to a new CNN poll, however, the investigation into Benghazi polls higher than most other Republican initiatives have in the last several years — and even better than the opening round of the probe into the IRS scandal (via John Nolte at Breitbart):

But a CNN/ORC International survey released Sunday morning also indicates that congressional Republicans are not overplaying their hand when it comes to their reaction to the three controversies that have consumed the nation’s capital over the past week and a half. And the poll finds that a majority of Americans take all three issues seriously. …

Republicans have ripped the administration for not providing adequate security for the Benghazi mission, botching the response to it, and misleading the public for political gain with the attack coming less than two months before last November’s presidential election.

According to the poll, 44% say statements made by the Obama administration soon after the attack were an attempt to intentionally mislead the public. Half of those questioned say those statements reflected what the Obama administration believed, at the time, had occurred.

But 59% now say that the U.S government could have prevented the attack in Benghazi, up 11 points from last November. And only 37% say that congressional Republicans are overreacting in their handling of the matter, with 59% saying they’ve reacted appropriately.

It’s the same story on the IRS controversy, with 54% saying the GOP in Congress has not overplayed its hand.

The IRS scandal registers very high across the board with Americans. More than half (55%) consider it “very important,” with the same percentage among independents and 69% of Republicans agreeing. Only 46% of Democrats agree that it’s very important, but when combined with “somewhat important,” the numbers tend to get pretty close — 79% of Democrats, 87% of independents, and 90% of Republicans. The same pattern holds up for the AP scandal, even before the revelation about Rosen, with 86% of Democrats, 84% of independents, and 93% of Republicans considering it very or somewhat important.

all of it here
HotAir ? Politics, Culture, Media, 2012, Breaking News from a conservative viewpoint

Polls are meaningless, remember?

Remember the meaninglessness of the 90% support for background checks?
OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

It balances out you OBAMANUTS. He can do no right in the eyes of you people.


I see that he has done some right things, but I'm scared that he maybe doing some real wrongs too.

The Patriot Act and the AUMF are possibly the two worst pieces of legislation passed in a long time. Obama has not done anything to reverse either.

So you do have a point.
You people on the Right should have denounced the birthers as lunatics when you had the chance.

You sold out your crediblity on any imagined presidential scandal then, and assured that you will be given the benefit of the doubt on nothing.

oh shut up, you people should of denounced a bunch of crazies during the Bush administration..You want to bring up people questioning his birth place as some lame ass excuse...

look at you all now selling out the American people that we targeted by this administration..

It's YOU who have no creditably..
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You people on the Right should have denounced the birthers as lunatics when you had the chance.

You sold out your crediblity on any imagined presidential scandal then, and assured that you will be given the benefit of the doubt on nothing.

oh shut up, you people should of denounced a bunch of crazies during the Bush administration..You want to bring up people questioning his birth place as some lame ass excuse...

look at you all now selling out the American people that we targeted by this administration..

It's YOU who have no creditably..

I bring it up because these invented rightwing scandals are just more of the same.

No one has provided one shred of evidence that Obama engaged in any wrongdoing whatsoever but you and fat fucking friends are calling for his impeachment.
You people on the Right should have denounced the birthers as lunatics when you had the chance.

You sold out your crediblity on any imagined presidential scandal then, and assured that you will be given the benefit of the doubt on nothing.

oh shut up, you people should of denounced a bunch of crazies during the Bush administration..You want to bring up people questioning his birth place as some lame ass excuse...

look at you all now selling out the American people that we targeted by this administration..

It's YOU who have no creditably..

The Sheehen people? I'm not going to say anyone opposed to Bush's Mesopetamia Debacle were crazy.

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