How many scandals have to come out before the Obamanots see he is shady

What is the matter Republicans?

Why is it that the public just laughs off your multiple Obama "scandals"???
Exposing obama must have hit a nerve because he's moving on to trumped up complaints against his critics.
Exposing obama must have hit a nerve because he's moving on to trumped up complaints against his critics.

His popularity went up this week

Shows the popularity and influence of right wing media
I'm still looking for the first one

OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit
hearings are more important to them than legislating. Their little fiefdoms.
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.

The nation has divided. No longer will any leader of either party to be able govern half the people intent with revenge on the other half. If forced to stay together each side will see the other as a dictator.

did you major in "absolutes" at college? Why you got to speak like moses? :dunno:
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Obama supporters will never see their messiah as being the corrupt wanna be dictator that he is.
Just as Jim Jones supporters could not see the evil in him either.
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

All this wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth and Obama's poll numbers are still RISING not falling.


Poor CON$.
To obamabots he isn't doing enough. He shouldn't have to be shady. Conservatives should all be executed or in prison by now. The Churched would have been piles of smoking ash during his first term and everyone would be paid in government vouchers once a month
Obama will always be SAINT to his die hard cult members..they don't care what his administration does to the people in this country..

party over country
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

Fast and Furious-Thousands of guns killing hundreds of Mexicans.
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped

These are the only ones that matter. I don't understand why you want to silence people from investigating these?

Lets look at these "scandals" and why the public does not have the OUTRAGE that Republicans show

Fast and Furious: A border shooting of federal agents. Mexicans have guns that they got fom the US.......what else is new? Mexicans always get their guns from the US

Benghazi: Four men killed in embassy attack........we have had attacks on our embasies for 40 years, why, all of a sudden do Republicans want to get to the bottom of it?

IRS picks on Teabaggers: The IRS never broke and laws and were involved in something Conservatives advocate......Profiling

AP emails tapped: Wait a minute......haven't Conservatives been scraming about how the AP is part of what is known as "main stream media" and are an ememy of all Americans? Why the outrage now?
I'm still looking for the first one

OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit

True. These "scandals" aren't worth gully dust. Give us something BIG, like Tonkin Gulf! Or Iraqi WMD.

It's just the usual partisan smearing. You haven't got a mountain so you have to make do with molehills.
OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit

True. These "scandals" aren't worth gully dust. Give us something BIG, like Tonkin Gulf! Or Iraqi WMD.

It's just the usual partisan smearing. You haven't got a mountain so you have to make do with molehills.

oh, and the Iraqi WMD is what, non-partisan?
how funny..
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

If obozo killed a pregnant woman during a botched coat hanger abortion, the bed wetters would still insist it was the woman's fault, and that the moonbat messiah was an esteemed medical proffesional as well as a noble statesman.

There is NOTHING that can tarnish the image of bathouse barry in the "minds" of these sniveling sheep.
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.
Starting when Tony Rezko bought his house and gave him $100,000 piece of land -- for free
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

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