How many scandals have to come out before the Obamanots see he is shady

Scandal #4 is just now gathering steam.

Analysis: Some Republicans see new scandal in Sebelius fundraising | Reuters

They are questioning her soliciting of funds on behalf of a non-profit group, called Enroll America, from two private entities, a practice which if not unprecedented is at the very least unusual. Federal law bars officials from soliciting any organization or individual with whom they do business or regulate.

Enroll America is run by the president's former campaign backers to do something Congress refused to fund: sell "Obamacare" to the public.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.

These aren't scandals of malfeasance. They are exhibitions of contempt.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.

Nice list. [:) I think there ARE some unattractive things on there. My un-favorites are the Bill Ayers connection and the bowing to so many world leaders. This idiot doesn't have a protocol office? He NEEDS a protocol office for such a basic thing, darn, did he really go to college???

However, none of that is illegal.

I think he IS a Muslim; I loved the birth certificate thing; and it is obvious Michelle Obama hates America, duh, but then, she's not president so that's not illegal either.

Show me something illegal, where a lot of people die and it's the prez's fault, then I'll be interested. Benghazi is not that. Four people did die and it's bad when we lose an ambassador, but I know who killed them, and it wasn't the guys in the White House. It was terrorist enemies, as usual. The White House surely regretted it, at least because it was bad political news.
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

Republicans have done so well to date, telling Americans how stupid they are
How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

Republicans have done so well to date, telling Americans how stupid they are

Not quite stupid, just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. The dross that's left after that is ideological stupidity. Like the woman who believed that electing obama was so vital it was legal for her to vote six times.
No matter what is "uncovered" or how many factual links one may post, there is absolutely nothing His Highness can do - or not do - that will make his fanatic backers abandon him!

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

Republicans have done so well to date, telling Americans how stupid they are

Not quite stupid, just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. The dross that's left after that is ideological stupidity. Like the woman who believed that electing obama was so vital it was legal for her to vote six times.

The Republicans have conducted NINE Benghazi hearings and have yet to convince anyone that a crime has been committed.........Who is being ignorant?
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?
Excellent list, I'm gonna have to copy and save this. Don't forget "Umbrellagate" though.

Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

Fast and Furious-Thousands of guns killing hundreds of Mexicans.
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped

These are the only ones that matter. I don't understand why you want to silence people from investigating these?
Have the Republicans responded differently to any single one of them? Be honest here.

You people on the Right should have denounced the birthers as lunatics when you had the chance.

You sold out your crediblity on any imagined presidential scandal then, and assured that you will be given the benefit of the doubt on nothing.

oh shut up, you people should of denounced a bunch of crazies during the Bush administration..You want to bring up people questioning his birth place as some lame ass excuse...

look at you all now selling out the American people that we targeted by this administration..

It's YOU who have no creditably..

I bring it up because these invented rightwing scandals are just more of the same.

No one has provided one shred of evidence that Obama engaged in any wrongdoing whatsoever but you and fat fucking friends are calling for his impeachment.
That drunken bastard Boner and the rest of the rabid RWers are calling for people's arrest. They don't have ONE fact, one shred of proof, but yet they somehow know that arrests are warranted. I really can't make this type of shat up.

These radicals are completely fruitloops.
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

NEVER. These people will defend Obama even if he became our Chavez or Castro. Fact.

Chavez increased the royalties that American oil companies had to pay for the oil they took out of Venezuela. Obama appoints multi billionaire, anti union Penny Pritzker for Commerce secretary and goes to Texas and praises george bush. I don't think the right wing ever has to worry about Obama wandering into left field.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

& CLIPGate!!

Jobs Bill Clipgate - The Colbert Report - 2011-14-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.

Nice list. [:) I think there ARE some unattractive things on there. My un-favorites are the Bill Ayers connection and the bowing to so many world leaders. This idiot doesn't have a protocol office? He NEEDS a protocol office for such a basic thing, darn, did he really go to college???

However, none of that is illegal.

I think he IS a Muslim; I loved the birth certificate thing; and it is obvious Michelle Obama hates America, duh, but then, she's not president so that's not illegal either.

Show me something illegal, where a lot of people die and it's the prez's fault, then I'll be interested. Benghazi is not that. Four people did die and it's bad when we lose an ambassador, but I know who killed them, and it wasn't the guys in the White House. It was terrorist enemies, as usual. The White House surely regretted it, at least because it was bad political news.

Did Obama go to college? He was president of Harvard Law Review.
Republicans have done so well to date, telling Americans how stupid they are

Not quite stupid, just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. The dross that's left after that is ideological stupidity. Like the woman who believed that electing obama was so vital it was legal for her to vote six times.

The Republicans have conducted NINE Benghazi hearings and have yet to convince anyone that a crime has been committed.........Who is being ignorant?

Let ALL the witnesses come forward. See what they have to say. Raymond Maxwell is getting ready to dump all over Hillary destroying her political career. Have you ever heard of him? In all those prior hearing did he testify? No and no. So let's hear from all the witnesss and see all the evidence.
Obama will always be SAINT to his die hard cult members..they don't care what his administration does to the people in this country..

party over country

Why do the RW nut cases always say that people are calling President Obama a "messiah" and a "saint" and the "annointed one" when they are the ONLY ones here doing that?

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