How many scandals have to come out before the Obamanots see he is shady

To obamabots he isn't doing enough. He shouldn't have to be shady. Conservatives should all be executed or in prison by now. The Churched would have been piles of smoking ash during his first term and everyone would be paid in government vouchers once a month

I would've settled for Obama arranging to have bush and cheney parachuted into Baghdad with an m-16 and a big sign saying "bring em on"
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

If obozo killed a pregnant woman during a botched coat hanger abortion, the bed wetters would still insist it was the woman's fault, and that the moonbat messiah was an esteemed medical proffesional as well as a noble statesman.

There is NOTHING that can tarnish the image of bathouse barry in the "minds" of these sniveling sheep.

My...aren't you bitter.
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.

Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?

He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.

He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!

What a revoltingly pathetic stringing together of buzz-words from issues you're WAAAY to stupid to understand.

My favorite is " the IRS stuff.." "Obama sucks! know why? Cause of the IRS stuff.. you know, the IRS stuff everyone's talking about? Yeah! That's why he sucks!" :lol:
Not quite stupid, just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. The dross that's left after that is ideological stupidity. Like the woman who believed that electing obama was so vital it was legal for her to vote six times.

The Republicans have conducted NINE Benghazi hearings and have yet to convince anyone that a crime has been committed.........Who is being ignorant?

Let ALL the witnesses come forward. See what they have to say. Raymond Maxwell is getting ready to dump all over Hillary destroying her political career. Have you ever heard of him? In all those prior hearing did he testify? No and no. So let's hear from all the witnesss and see all the evidence.

Only 3 1/2 years to the 2016 election

That will be what? 30-40 more Benghazi hearings?
How about just 1 real scandal.

So far these so-called scandals are BS, and most of the American people know it.

The American people know nothing. They have no knowledge beyond what they are told. The majority of the American people weren't there. The American people certainly wouldn't have cared what Nixon did, had no one told them. obama has been the beneficiary of a complicit media who refused to report what he did. The knowledge was deliberately kept from the American people.

obama started making the same mistakes that all sociopathic paranoids do. He lost trust in the fawning media. They didn't prove their devotion sufficiently. Fox was polluting the love. There became too many people to shut up. Methods to keep them quiet had to become more stringent, heavy handed and people started asking questions.


It leads one to wonder, who the f*#@ is katzndogz? Since s/he's talking about "The american people" in 3rd person.
The Republicans have conducted NINE Benghazi hearings and have yet to convince anyone that a crime has been committed.........Who is being ignorant?

Let ALL the witnesses come forward. See what they have to say. Raymond Maxwell is getting ready to dump all over Hillary destroying her political career. Have you ever heard of him? In all those prior hearing did he testify? No and no. So let's hear from all the witnesss and see all the evidence.

Only 3 1/2 years to the 2016 election

That will be what? 30-40 more Benghazi hearings?

OH, yeah. At least. Plus whatever else they can pump air into in the meantime.

This is going to be so boring.

I've stopped reading the daily news again.
Republicans have done so well to date, telling Americans how stupid they are

Not quite stupid, just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. The dross that's left after that is ideological stupidity. Like the woman who believed that electing obama was so vital it was legal for her to vote six times.

The Republicans have conducted NINE Benghazi hearings and have yet to convince anyone that a crime has been committed.........Who is being ignorant?
It doesn't matter. They just know he's evil and everything bad that happens or can be spun to be bad that happens is automatically Obama's fault.

Nothing else will do for these sick and deranged rabid RWers.
Did Obama go to college? He was president of Harvard Law Review.

Well, if you want to brag on that, check this out -- Barack Obama and the Harvard Years: The Interesting Information We Found That You May Not Have Heard |


Compared to republican criminality such as Watergate, Iran Contra, IraqWMDLying, this republican yapping and yammering is in comparison much ado about nothing. Speaking of Shakespeare, now I know why he said "first we need to kill all the republicans". It was a humane gesure to put you people out of your misery.
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Obama will always be SAINT to his die hard cult members..they don't care what his administration does to the people in this country..

party over country

Why do the RW nut cases always say that people are calling President Obama a "messiah" and a "saint" and the "annointed one" when they are the ONLY ones here doing that?
It's a symptom of their sickness...Obama Derangement Syndrome.
He also forgot FLAGPINGATE.

Nice list. [:) I think there ARE some unattractive things on there. My un-favorites are the Bill Ayers connection and the bowing to so many world leaders. This idiot doesn't have a protocol office? He NEEDS a protocol office for such a basic thing, darn, did he really go to college???

However, none of that is illegal.

I think he IS a Muslim; I loved the birth certificate thing; and it is obvious Michelle Obama hates America, duh, but then, she's not president so that's not illegal either.

Show me something illegal, where a lot of people die and it's the prez's fault, then I'll be interested. Benghazi is not that. Four people did die and it's bad when we lose an ambassador, but I know who killed them, and it wasn't the guys in the White House. It was terrorist enemies, as usual. The White House surely regretted it, at least because it was bad political news.

Did Obama go to college? He was president of Harvard Law Review.

Harvard Law Review was desperate a for clean, articulate black. Pure "affirmative action."

He doesn't even know no American bows to foreign kings? And he was supposed to be the President?? Migod, that is seriously ignorant. Not the right stuff.
What a perfect example of Redneck Liberals doing everything possible to deflect from the original question!!! :eusa_whistle:

And, then they try to change the direction of the thread or try the old "well they did worse" card.

Finally, they attack anyone who disagrees with this as somehow mentally retarded or so opinionated they cannot see the "truth" - as they define it.

Amusing to watch. But not really productive.

The USA has the luxury of focusing on such non productive silliness....we have no problems. Real suffering is occurring as we sit in our comfy and safe homes watching the media (left and right) dictate our thoughts and reactions.

Nobody is to blame for the state of affairs except us, the complacent and ignorant.
What a perfect example of Redneck Liberals doing everything possible to deflect from the original question!!! :eusa_whistle:

And, then they try to change the direction of the thread or try the old "well they did worse" card.

Finally, they attack anyone who disagrees with this as somehow mentally retarded or so opinionated they cannot see the "truth" - as they define it.

Amusing to watch. But not really productive.


What original question?

That Republicans don't have shit and are trying to create non-existant scandals
Obama will always be SAINT to his die hard cult members..they don't care what his administration does to the people in this country..

party over country

Why do the RW nut cases always say that people are calling President Obama a "messiah" and a "saint" and the "annointed one" when they are the ONLY ones here doing that?
It's a symptom of their sickness...Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Repeated word-for-word from the Sean Hannity radio show. Way to go, Republican!!

That Republicans don't have shit and are trying to create non-existant scandals

Of course. And when, if they ever manage to nominate anyone people are willing to vote for, the GOP has the White House, the Dems will do exactly, precisely the same thing and in time for the next election.

Both parties do it. Forever.

Just don't believe in it all and you can ignore it. It rarely lasts more than a few weeks, unless it's about sex.
How odd you can't find one when even Democrats are calling for firings in the IRS scandal.

" Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill is going further. A former state auditor, she has had years of experience with dissembling bureaucrats and errant officials. Last Friday, she issued a video statement calling for a full house-cleaning of everyone involved in the scandal:

“We should not only fire the head of the IRS, which has occurred, but we’ve got to go down the line and find every single person who had anything to do with this and make sure that they are removed from the IRS and the word goes out that this unacceptable.”

Three Signs There?s a Cover-Up | National Review Online

And basically she's wrong.

As this thing is unraveling, it seems they were about as "guilty" as many law enforcement agencies are..when they do racial profiling.

And the consequences are far less severe.

The Senator knows less than you do? A former State auditor doesn't know as much as Sallow?

Is Rep. Sander Levin wrong too Sallow?

U.S. Representative Sander Levin called for Lerner's resignation on Friday, saying she had recently testified to a House subcommittee and failed to disclose what she knew about the targeting. "This is wholly unacceptable," he said.

Levin is the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax law and oversees the IRS.

Pressure builds on officials to take heat for IRS scandal | Reuters

You have no idea what I know, honey.

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