How many veterans has Trump hired?

What Michelle Obama has done for vets

Veterans and families get a boost from Michelle Obama Jill Biden - CBS News

What has Trump International ever done to help vets? Why are none of his executives vets? Why doesn't he hire wounded vets?

So far you haven't proved either and why aren't you asking people with knowledge to answer, like Trumps HR dept?

Trump employs about 3000 people, I am quite certain vets are among those employed.

Like this guy......Kelly Perdew - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So everyone who avoided the draft on a student exemption is a draft dodger now?

And he has no obligation to hire veterans and whether he does or not or to what charities he gives to is none of your fucking business is it?

It falls under the concept of...."people in glass houses"

Look it up

Not really.

And no matter how you spin it what Trump does in his businesses or with his money is none of your fucking business.

We know one thing about Trump and vets though.

He didn't let vets dies while waiting for medical treatment like Mc Cain and the rest of the fucking idiots in DC did he?

Show where McCain did
From McCains book.

"Desperate, I tried to bargain with him. 'Take me to the hospital and I'll give you the information you want.' I didn't intend to keep my word, reasoning that after my injuries had been treated, I would be strong enough to deal with the consequences of not holding up my end of the bargain,'' McCain wrote.
As for never cooperating with Vietnamese, McCain also admits he eventually gave up information about his ship and Navy squadron. "I regret very much having done so,'' he wrote.

You ever been tortured?

Torture doesn't work, remember?
Letters like this written by a younger Bill Clinton only prove the hypocrisy of the left.
Donald Trump is unworthy because he didn't serve, while Bill Clintion actually was drafted and cheated the system. Yet, he was elected by the left and his wife is going to be elected also, even though she must agree with what he did or they never would have been married in the first place.
So, basically, the left trying to discredit Trump because he didn't serve, might just want to check their own anti American choices like the Clintons and their current mistake, the illegal one in the white house.
How did Clinton dodge the draft Dead Presidents
You don't have to like McCain, but he served his country honorably. Donald Trump has not, he's a chickenshit asshole.

Joe "5 Deferments" Biden

Barack Obama, First Lieutenant, Sheet and Goat Herder Division

Trump is attacking Vietnam war hero McCain on his failure to support our veterans

How many veterans has Donald Trump hired?
How many of his executives are veterans?
Has Trump ever gone out of his way to ensure veterans can get jobs?
How many veterans are members of Trumps elite golf courses?

Do you have any answers to these questions, then please tell us.

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