How many white supremacists are there?

Here, an example of how to identify and count a sizable political population.

End result, progressive left is about 6% of the population, so of 330 million, that works out to approximately 20 million progressive lefties.

I looked, I did not see anything on the site like w.s. Indeed, it looked like there was not much space left in the population for there to be very many w.s. Indeed, all the us population seems sucked up, by other groups.
How many?

Probably half the right wingers on this board...or more

I ask a serious question about an issue that you people claim is a big problem.

But you can't tell me how big it is. NOt even a rough estimate.

You can be snide and insult people. That is what you have. That is what you are.
Ask how many drunks there are here and Lush will have better numbers

Actually that is an excellent point. Alcoholism is a hidden "problem" that many people hide, yet, if we ask how many their are...

"In the United States, nearly 14 million adults, or every one in 13 adults, abuse alcohol or have an alcoholism problem. "


Hey, this is fun game.
If there is not a number, it is because they are PURPOSEFULLY NOT COUNTING IT, because they know that the number would be so small, as to make their panic mongering on it, and the money spent on it, look fucking retarded.

I'LL BUY THAT. In other words, actual stats would make it rather DIFFICULT for this slob in the WH to go around saying that mega-MAGA and J6 were the greatest domestic problem and threat this nation faced.
HOw many drug addicts? THis should be hard, cause it is illegal so people hide it.

"Almost 21 million Americans have at least 1 addiction,"

Mmm, not hard at all.

What about being sexually attracted to children, that's very taboo. Should be nearly impossible to get a number.

Whoops. Easy peasy.

"Sexual attraction to children occurs in roughly 3 to 9 percent of the population."

Hey, back to politics. How many communists are there?

Mmm, member ship 5k. Sounds like a good analogy.
How can we reject something if we cannot even define what it is?
Obviously, we can define what white supremacy is.

We cannot assign a precise number to its adherents because it is not an "all or nothing" perversion. Some are fanatical, some are furtive, some are gullible, and its insinuation into society is exacerbated by political leaders and ideological media entertainers who refuse to unconditionally condemn it - e.g., categorically acknowledge that the racist "replacement" conspiracy is a crackpot notion.

Correll said:
I wonder how many people are defined that way? You seem to think it is a lot of people. I've not met anyone like that myself, not in real life.
As I noted, assigning numbers is not an index of its pervasiveness, nor its impact. It is not homogeneous, every white supremacist goose-stepping in synchronicity. Some embrace the bigotry, but reject the terminology.

If someone were to calculate that there are six-million seven-hundred-and-twelve thousand, nine-hundred and forty-four white supremacists in America, his criteria would necessarily be arbitrary.

There are exactly as many as liberals need for an undefinable cause and safe space for their discomforts.
If someone were to calculate that there are six-million seven-hundred-and-twelve thousand, nine-hundred and forty-four white supremacists in America, his criteria would necessarily be arbitrary.

The reality is that whatever methodology you used or whatever estimate you came up with……Correll would proclaim it fake

He doesn’t trust scientists, math, journalists, sociologists

They are all out to get him
Actually that is an excellent point. Alcoholism is a hidden "problem" that many people hide, yet, if we ask how many their are...

"In the United States, nearly 14 million adults, or every one in 13 adults, abuse alcohol or have an alcoholism problem. "


Hey, this is fun game.
I would say that about Marxist inspired Socialist / Leftist America haters
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
There are about 200-250 of them nation wide.
^ That is "white nationalism"? I thought you guys said they were the biggest threat in the country. All these guys do is hold tiki torches in front of mansions. Who gives a shit about that?
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
It ain't that we hate the blacks, if'n they
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
OBVIOUSLY, not enough!

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