How many white supremacists are there?

If one is referring to normal people who would never use ugly racial epithets and who genuinely believe in equal rights (not special rights) for everyone BUT sincerely feel that the nation is better off for everyone if the nation remains a predominately Caucasian nation, then they are numerous, perhaps even the majority of Caucasians (even the younger ones).
Wrong cuck. Your demographic replacement is fueled by white people having babies with minorities. Mixed race children are the fastest growing demographic.
You are delusional. Or lying. Or blind.

Go ahead and show me posts like this in the other direction.
I’m not going to go through and start picking out the disgusting things blacks have said about whites, and leftists have said about Jews on this forum. You must have blinders on.

But what makes it worse is that these very same people, spewing their hate, simultaneously complain about whites being racist. It’s like the only bigotry that counts is when it goes against blacks, and the venom against others is acceptable.
I’m not going to go through and start picking out the disgusting things blacks have said about whites, and leftists have said about Jews On this forum. You must have blinders on.

But what makes it worse is that these very same people, spewing their hate, simultaneously complain about whites being racist. It’s like the only bigotry that counts is when it goes against blacks, and the venom against others is acceptable.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
You are delusional. Or lying. Or blind.

Go ahead and show me posts like this in the other direction.

You've quoted an awful lot there, by a lot of people.

Now go read the ramblings of dipshits like Paul Essien and IM2.

The totality of racist bullshit being vomited up by just those two dwarfs anything coming from whites...
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.

I don’t have an exact number but there’s at least a hundred under right winger, superbrutha and stormydaniels beds at any given moment.
I’m not going to go through and start picking out the disgusting things blacks have said about whites, and leftists have said about Jews on this forum. You must have blinders on.

But what makes it worse is that these very same people, spewing their hate, simultaneously complain about whites being racist. It’s like the only bigotry that counts is when it goes against blacks, and the venom against others is acceptable.
The unfortunate thing is and it is a fact of life is that around the globe people of all backgrounds may say things not nice. It is a team effort.
Are those Ukrainian tourists? This administration seems to enjoy arming neo-nazis outside our borders but hunting their shadows within.
I know that you believe that. You're the victims here, after all.

Nope, I'll never be a victim of racism. I'm not that weak.

But the two I mentioned put every single white person on USMB to shame when it comes to the catalog of racist comments made...
White people and all of the USA are Not responsible to mitigate or relieve the consequences of the peoples of the word bad choices and acts.
Try being responsible to and for yourself and you won’t find it necessary to call others racist or supremacists because they won’t do it for you.
The unfortunate thing is and it is a fact of life is that around the globe people of all backgrounds may say things not nice. It is a team effort.
This is true. But leftists keep insisting it’s all, or almost all, coming from the right, when I myself have seen the worst of it coming from the left.
Why do you believe there are precise criteria by which "white supremacists" can be definitively identified? Some are more blatant than others, some more furtive, some tacitly share agenda and prejudices, and some naïvely swallow paranoid conspiracy hoaxes such as "replacement" nonsense.

Why do you believe there are precise criteria by which "white supremacists" can be definitively identified? Some are more blatant than others, some more furtive, some tacitly share agenda and prejudices, and some naïvely swallow paranoid conspiracy hoaxes such as "replacement" nonsense.

The vital thing is that white supremacism be unambiguously rejected and condemned by anyone in a position of power who is associated (even if they are in denial) with it.

When Representative Cheney, who had been in the House GOP leadership, states,

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
where is the harm in the House GOP leadership doing just that?

Why wouldn't they?

How can we reject something if we cannot even define what it is?


"White Supremacist

a person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people."

Look, I found a definition. Seems clear enough.

I wonder how many people are defined that way? You seem to think it is a lot of people. I've not met anyone like that myself, not in real life.

How many white supremacists are there?​

Judging by dwindling KKK numbers, which once numbered in the millions and once controlled half of the congress, I'd say there are fewer supremacists now than at any other time in our history making it almost a non-issue. But now the other matter are black supremacists---- who is tracking them?
Doesn't it strike you as odd that that number is not common knowledge?

Because obviously, THERE IS NO NUMBER. The FBI LIVE to collect statistics, especially on groups they consider of "interest," meaning that the whole white supremacist thing is yet one more lie-diversion by the leftwing media/government complex designed to distract from something else they would rather you not know about.

If I were you, I'd call my local FBI office and ASK THEM. Bet they don't have a number for you!
Because obviously, THERE IS NO NUMBER. The FBI LIVE to collect statistics, especially on groups they consider of "interest," meaning that the whole white supremacist thing is yet one more lie-diversion by the leftwing media/government complex designed to distract from something else they would rather you not know about.

If I were you, I'd call my local FBI office and ASK THEM. Bet they don't have a number for you!

If there is not a number, it is because they are PURPOSEFULLY NOT COUNTING IT, because they know that the number would be so small, as to make their panic mongering on it, and the money spent on it, look fucking retarded.
It’s largely a theory anyway with no organized body that can be identified.
Where is their headquarter?
Field offices?

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