How many white supremacists are there?

Obviously, we can define what white supremacy is.

We cannot assign a precise number to its adherents because it is not an "all or nothing" perversion. Some are fanatical, some are furtive, some are gullible, and its insinuation into society is exacerbated by political leaders and ideological media entertainers who refuse to unconditionally condemn it - e.g., categorically acknowledge that the racist "replacement" conspiracy is a crackpot notion.

As I noted, assigning numbers is not an index of its pervasiveness, nor its impact. It is not homogeneous, every white supremacist goose-stepping in synchronicity. Some embrace the bigotry, but reject the terminology.

If someone were to calculate that there are six-million seven-hundred-and-twelve thousand, nine-hundred and forty-four white supremacists in America, his criteria would necessarily be arbitrary.

Same could be said of The Progressive Left and the PEW people had no trouble putting a number to it.
I have no doubt there are a lot of Americans like me that never have been racist really, but in the past 2 years have slowly become one because we're sick of all this bullshit.
As a cock Asian American, I'm waaaay sick of your whiny bullshit.
It’s largely a theory anyway with no organized body that can be identified.
Where is their headquarter?
Field offices?

It's really stupid to care. It's like wanting to know how many gay couples there are. WTF is the difference how many there are if they're not bothering you? The only ones that anybody should care about are the ones that are causing them problems.

That said, the question should be how many white supremacists are out there that are trouble makers? Maybe five or six per year? Black Jew haters are more of a problem for the Jewish communities than white supremacists are to the black communities. A white supremacist is defined as a white person that thinks their race is superior. Why would anybody care if a law abiding person believes his or her race is superior? It's a personal opinion.
The reality is that whatever methodology you used or whatever estimate you came up with……Correll would proclaim it fake

He doesn’t trust scientists, math, journalists, sociologists

They are all out to get him
There is a vast chasm between the rational that is respectful of empirical data, and the emotional that is driven by ideological dogma.

Precisely how many white supremacists are there in the U.S.? Too many, by any calibration.

When a conservative, former member of the House GOP leadership challenges the current GOP House leadership -

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
- why does not the current House GOP leadership renounce and reject nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism, unambiguously and unequivocally?

Has candor become so difficult?

Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 7.28.40 AM.png

It's really stupid to care. It's like wanting to know how many gay couples there are. WTF is the difference how many there are if they're not bothering you? The only ones that anybody should care about are the ones that are causing them problems.

That said, the question should be how many white supremacists are out there that are trouble makers? Maybe five or six per year? Black Jew haters are more of a problem for the Jewish communities than white supremacists are to the black communities. A white supremacist is defined as a white person that thinks their race is superior. Why would anybody care if a law abiding person believes his or her race is superior? It's a personal opinion.
I do know we are 7X in population but no where near that as to arrests and incarcerations
I would say we are superior in that regard
So that means we have to use racism to fill those positions.
Only a racist would think we couldn't find qualified people who aren't white.

Looks like you have some things to work through. But you show why diversity needs a helping hand, so thanks for that. I love it when others make my points for me just by being themselves.
You didn’t answer the question

How do you propose White Supremacists should be accurately counted?
We all know you will reject any estimate that is given
same way you count antifa members. where is their official website and so forth?

your own cookin tastes like shit, huh bruh?
same way you count antifa members. where is their official website and so forth?

your own cookin tastes like shit, huh bruh?
Basically, correct. Did you think k you were going to annoy someone by saying something g so simple and boring?
A society with75% family abandonment and government dependents who must be taken care of by others. We are tired of taking absurd shit for doing that

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