How many white supremacists are there?

A couple hundred freaks, versus how many thousands of feral leftist animals that burned, sacked, and murdered in the summer of 2020?
Yeah, a real credible threat.

Politicians and pundits will use whatever they can to support their efforts to disarm Americans ...
Even if it means they have accomplished 10,835,701 Background Checks for New Firearms Purchases already this year.

There are literally more guns than legal citizens in America right now.
Get a clue folks ... The American people are arming themselves to the teeth ... And your government knows it ... :thup:
Politicians and Federal Law Enforcement have you chasing the "boogieman", while they approve the sales.

True Marxism requires Economic Degrowth and Population Reduction ... Which list do you think you are on?

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for the presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in modern times. Does that sound like manipulation to you or just plain ignorance?
It sounds like I had to choose between some white asshole who said racist shit 50 years ago and has since been cucked and de-nutted and forced to champion black causes and even pick a black vp, or a racist clown who says racist shit right now.
It's hard to play any game when you're a proven liar. Trump's comments had zero to do with race. His comments were directed at people who come here that are causing problems for our country.

Trumps candidacy was built on dog whistles
Dog whistles about Mexicans, Muslims, minorities, immigrants

He concocted lies to spread fear over those who were different
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I've been clear that I think that they do exist. Why did you just lie?
You didn’t answer the question

How do you propose White Supremacists should be accurately counted?
We all know you will reject any estimate that is given
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So there isn't anything for black people to be concerned about, we are being made to fear because apparently we are so easily manipulated.... That doesn't sound racist at all Lisa... 😄
I'm sorry do you need help voting cause you can't figure out a fax machine?

was that racial?


Thanks for giving an example of how easy it is to make a point.
The guy told her he didn't like what she was saying and to get out of the car.

He didn't even need to explain at length why she was so fucked in the head, or how he was a social justice hero ...
He left her on the street, wasn't even ugly about anything, and then probably did something more productive.

There is commentary in the video for people who may be too stupid to figure out what they should do ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Conservative Republican Liz Cheney observed,

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
It is clearly in the interests of the GOP to unambiguously "renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."

Yet, there are those who would rather attack the Liz Cheneys in the Republican Party than disavow the racist enablers.

Cheney is high on Trump's personal vendetta list that is gospel to the RINOs of Trumpery, but, by no rational assessment, is this conservative's candor as pernicious as racism.
I also looked it up, and can’t find it. It’s odd - Biden and the Dems are going to make the threat of white supremacists the cornerstone of their campaign, and yet we can’t even determine how many there really are.

I‘ve heard talk of about 200 white supremacist groups, but many of these have only a couple dozen members. A few years ago there was a rally being held in Arlington, VA by some KKK or neo-Nazi type group, and there were only five or six who showed up. They stood there for an hour and then left.

The entire thing is a BIG exaggeration, and is being used to drive fear in blacks and get them to the polls, as well as division in general to tear down the country.

edited to add: photo of the six Neo-Nazis at the Arlington rally. What it showed is how few of these people there really are. After Nazi Salute in Arlington, Neighbors Rally Against Hate

That is certainly what it seems to be.

Yeah, 5, 6, generally if they hit double digits it's a big day for them.
Trumps candidacy was built on dog whistles
Dog whistles about Mexicans, Muslims, minorities, immigrants

He concocted lies to spread fear over those who were different

You mean to tell me illegal immigrants, Muslims and Mexicans are not a problem for this country? Do you live with your head buried in the sand or is that just during waking hours?

Thanks for giving an example of how easy it is to make a point.
The guy told her he didn't like what she was saying and to get out of the car.

He didn't even need to explain at length why she was so fucked in the head, or how he was a social justice hero ...
He left her on the street, wasn't even ugly about anything, and then probably did something more productive.

There is commentary in the video for people who may be too stupid to figure out what they should do ... :auiqs.jpg:

Good point

He didn’t try to lecture her or try to change her mind.
He just made it clear he didn’t want racists in his car.

Interesting take from the boyfriend
Rather than apologize for her statement, he threatened to beat up the driver
That is the way racists are
You mean to tell me illegal immigrants, Muslims and Mexicans are not a problem for this country? Do you live with your head buried in the sand or is that just during waking hours?

In terms of a terroristic threat
RW Terrorists are a bigger threat
Do you mean my recognizing that white supremacists are a serious detriment to the nation who merit the attention of the FBI?

Do you feel they should be ignored?

No, I mean the actions I discussed in the post you replied to.

I mean, I was clear why I said that. YOu purposefully did quoted the bit of my post where I made my conclusion while NOT quoting the larger portion where I looked at and discussed your actions.

For you to cut the part where I discussed your actions and then aske me what actions, is the shit a troll does.

Your troll shit is dismissed. THe point remains. People like you are panic mongering about w.s., as though they are a serious political force or population, and yet none of you can give any serious estimate as to how many of them there are.

ONE person gave a good faith effort, but his link was a. counting ATL RIGHT, which is not the same AND, b. contained very suspect methods.

Most of you, have made comments about various shooters or shown photos with at most a few dozen in. If that kind of thing is the only evidence we have of w.s., that implies the number is somewhere in the hundreds or low thousands.

Which completely undermines the idea that they are a political force or a serious population.

I'm still holding out for one of you younger guys, with massive web skills, to find a study or a leak that I have not found, with some hard data.
Conservative Republican Liz Cheney observed,

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
It is clearly in the interests of the GOP to unambiguously "renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."

Yet, there are those who would rather attack the Liz Cheneys in the Republican Party than disavow the racist enablers.

Cheney is high on Trump's personal vendetta list that is gospel to the RINOs of Trumpery, but, by no rational assessment, is this conservative's candor as pernicious as racism.

I ask how many w.s. there are, and you make a post talking about how bad w.s. are.

Why are you afraid to discuss how many w.s. there are?
It sounds like I had to choose between some white asshole who said racist shit 50 years ago and has since been cucked and de-nutted and forced to champion black causes and even pick a black vp, or a racist clown who says racist shit right now.

Oh really. Now what racist shit did he say a half century ago? Dementia said racist shit just a couple years ago, including "you're not really black unless you vote for me." So yes, Dementia is the one who said racist shit right now, not Trump unless you can prove me wrong.

I thought you blacks adhered to the teachings of MLK when he said things like being judged by the content of your character instead of the color of your skin. Do you really think out of the hundreds of people to pick from, Whorris was picked because the content of her character? She slept her way to where she is. She's half Indian and half Jamaican.
Trumps candidacy was built on dog whistles
Dog whistles about Mexicans, Muslims, minorities, immigrants

He concocted lies to spread fear over those who were different

Trump spoke to his constituency and in terms he knew would rile them up. Just like he did on Jan 6

On day one he told his followers that Mexico was not sending its finest, they were sending murderers, rapists and drug dealers. As an aside, he said “some” of them were good people. Not most are honest and hard working, but “some” may be good people.

He then moved on to Muslims, telling his followers about personally watching thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11……a blatant LIE meant to provoke hate against Muslims
In terms of a terroristic threat
RW Terrorists are a bigger threat

In what way? Are we threatening Supreme Court judges if they rule against our beliefs? How many right wingers were there at the last three nationwide riots in this country? What are right wing terrorist threatening?

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg

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