How many white supremacists are there?

So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
Well with the Democrats now defining it as anyone opposed to open borders and flooding the country with illegals at our own expense it would be everyone opposed to same.
The shooters Replacement Theory manifesto contains many of the themes you have been spouting for years
Do you support nationalized healthcare?

Efficient, affordable public transportation?

Gov't support for mothers, particularly single mothers?

Nationalized Healthcare?

If so, by your theory you're a Nazi since all of those were things Hitler promoted.
Stupid thread premise

Since most views on race are personal, it is impossible to establish a number
Most Americans today know enough to keep their racist views private
Including you?

I can get a racist to talk quickly, so let be clear they are not as silent as you think…

To answer the OP no one has ever done any official count but this article is from 2017 explaining there are more than nine hundred hate groups at the time, so how many members in those groups and then realize many do not belong to a group either but work alone or with select few friends…

Do you support nationalized healthcare?

Efficient, affordable public transportation?

Gov't support for mothers, particularly single mothers?

Nationalized Healthcare?

If so, by your theory you're a Nazi since all of those were things Hitler promoted.
What a ridiculous comment

Hitler liked puppies and kittens too
Including you?

I can get a racist to talk quickly, so let be clear they are not as silent as you think…

To answer the OP no one has ever done any official count but this article is from 2017 explaining there are more than nine hundred hate groups at the time, so how many members in those groups and then realize many do not belong to a group either but work alone or with select few friends…

Counting groups is not a good answer. HOw many of them are just empty fronts, with overlapping mailing lists?
We don't have the resources to find that out yet.

You are asking a bunch of people on a political talk form to give you a number. When the Republicans block every investigation into these groups. And the justice department has just formed an investigative branch to investigate the problem. By the way Republican didn't like it all.

So I'm like you I kinda want to figure it out so glad Biden and the justice department is finally taking this seriously aren't you?

THe FBI didn't count them under Obama? Under Clinton?

Hell, what about all the news organizations? CNN could do a count. Or all the ivy league schools? How many freaking Phds do we have in this country that specialize in Race RElations? NONE of them every figured out a way to do a count?

That is not believable. The number is out there.
Truth is some of the GOP are deplorable, vast majority of racists vote GOP, vast majority of white supremists vote GOP,... they are deplorable.

Part of the sick underbelly of the GOP that they use to win elections
THe FBI didn't count them under Obama? Under Clinton?

Hell, what about all the news organizations? CNN could do a count. Or all the ivy league schools? How many freaking Phds do we have in this country that specialize in Race RElations? NONE of them every figured out a way to do a count?

That is not believable. The number is out there.
You are clueless and just double down on dumb
How do you count a hidden belief?
That is the claim. But you can't back it up. None of you can.

I can back up that Trump used racists to build his base

The first day of his candidacy he launched a racist tirade against Mexicans
He followed up with racist lies about Muslims and taunts against those who came from what he called shithole countries
Hell, I've been warning about pushback on PC and Identity Politics since I've been on this board. I just never imagined it would be this big or this intense. Hell, I agree with much of the frustration. I've been called a racist and a homophobe and an Islamophobe many times here by the Left.

As with everything else, though, the Right has pushed back too fucking far in the opposite direction, must making things worse. All emotion and reaction, no thinking.

Going too far in response: The new Great American Pastime, from both ends.

Asking a simple and obvious question about the facts, is pretty much the opposite of making it emotional.

There are a lot of people in this thread, like rw trying to claim that w.s. is a major political force, which you have stated you do not agree with.

They are pushing an emotional and divisive narrative. You could help push back against it. That would be finding common ground with the "NOT ARM BAND WEARERS",

and help dial down the... Partisan Hate.
I can back up that Trump used racists to build his base

The first day of his candidacy he launched a racist tirade against Mexicans
He followed up with racist lies about Muslims and taunts against those who came from what he called shithole countries

So explain how any of those comments are racist. Hint: Before you respond, I suggest you go to and look up the word "racist" first.
Counting groups is not a good answer. HOw many of them are just empty fronts, with overlapping mailing lists?
Don’t know and have no clue if the government has a list and if they do who is on that list but let just say if they do it would most likely have a lot of Government Officials from all sides of the spectrum…
The FBI has been charged with tracking them in the interests of the nation's security.

Of course, one need not have to be a flaming, card-carrying white supremacist to be a sympathizer, sharing their bigotry, trying to minimize and refusing to honestly confront the harm their hatred inflicts on Americans.

Those who lash out at folks who condemn white supremacy betray their tolerance of it.

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It's unAmerican. No equivocation needed.​

Counting groups does not give us any idea of the scale of the problem. A group could have 5 members or it could have 5 million. A group could have a thousand active members, or it could have a thousand names on a mailing list that are all members of a dozen other groups, because these people all have a lot of time on their hands.

ONE photo from the largest and most successful w.s. rally in generations, does not give us any idea of the scale of the problem. That photo looks like it has maybe two dozen people in it. Are you saying that is how many w.s. there are?

Or are you using a scary picture to create fear, so that we DON'T discuss what it real size of the problem?

Why would you want to shut down serious discussion of the scale of the w.s. problem?

If you truly believe it is a huge and dangerous problem, wouldn't people knowing how huge it is, make your position stronger?

Your actions seem to indicate that you know you are lying.
I can back up that Trump used racists to build his base

The first day of his candidacy he launched a racist tirade against Mexicans
He followed up with racist lies about Muslims and taunts against those who came from what he called shithole countries
Well let be truthful those countries are usually shitholes that their people escape from…
White Supremacists only exist in Black Supremacists minds, planted there by the Democrat Marxist element to compartmentalize and segregate people.

That would explain the lack of a count. They go to count them and can never find them, so every attempt fails.

Of course there is David Duke, and Richard Spence and the shooter. That is at least 3.

I find it hard to believe that the count is really THAT low. There was that photo that schmilap keeps posting. That would seem to put the number at a couple dozen....

Surely someone has found SOMETHING.
But it is popular enough that Tucker Carlson can go on TV talking about 'Replacement Theory'...

There are people feeding conspiracy theories, this is grossly irresponsible... Look at half the loons on this forum, they actually believe the crap...

The GOP has been using these words to cut down discourse and create a tribe of us and them...

Yeah, don't you just hate that???


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