How many white supremacists are there?

No idea how many. But apparently there are enough of them that several Republican politicians Pander to them. Or at least, those Republicans think there are a significant number of them.

Enough of the snide shit. That is not constructive.

If you really believe that there are a lot of them, then knowing the hard number, would be VERY IMPORTANT, because it would show the need to mobilize massive resources to combat it.

That you PREFER to just be snide about it, to smear your enemies, and don't LOVE this thread, indicates that you don't believe teh shit you are pushing.
But it is popular enough that Tucker Carlson can go on TV talking about 'Replacement Theory'...

There are people feeding conspiracy theories, this is grossly irresponsible... Look at half the loons on this forum, they actually believe the crap...

The GOP has been using these words to cut down discourse and create a tribe of us and them... They accuse the other side of pedophillia, genocide, murder.... Everything to stop discussion, how can you discuss with a pedophile?

This the aim, paint the other side as monsters and when someone call some of there side 'deplorable' then use that as a excuse to go worse... Truth is some of the GOP are deplorable, vast majority of racists vote GOP, vast majority of white supremists vote GOP,... they are deplorable...
Wow, and you believe you are someone that can be counted on when it come to civility in any conversation when you see anyone that disagree with you as the enemy?
Part of the sick underbelly of the GOP that they use to win elections

That's the claim. That w.s. are a significant political force, with large numbers of the population.

But I've asked for something to back that up, and none of you have been able to.
That's the claim. That w.s. are a significant political force, with large numbers of the population.

But I've asked for something to back that up, and none of you have been able to.

How do YOU propose a count of White Supremacists should be done?

Your logic of……You can’t count them so they don’t exist
is childish
You are clueless and just double down on dumb
How do you count a hidden belief?

One of you guys posted a study. But it was counting "alt right" not w.s. and it had some very, very suspect methods. But something like that, done for w.s. but done in good faith, would be good.

It can be done. You know, by people who's job it is to do shit like that. Academics, sociologists, statisticians, ect.

I'm a little fuzzy on the doing of it, but I have read books and studies where such counts of similar groups were made.

If the count has never been done, that would be a very, very strange thing.
Seriously, or are you being cheeky?

Not being cheeky ... Look at crime reports regarding the number of rounds spent and casualties.

Plus, you have the directness of attack, and commitment towards the engagement.
A drive by shooting or streetcorner gunfight does not produce the same body count as storming a grocery store and killing people until the cops to show up.

There is no need to hide from the obvious, especially when it is tactics and execution that make the difference.
The dead people are just as dead either way.

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Don’t know and have no clue if the government has a list and if they do who is on that list but let just say if they do it would most likely have a lot of Government Officials from all sides of the spectrum…

1. It seems very likely to me, that the w.s. groups are mostly small and overlapping and inactive. The few times I have read up on any actual w.s. doing anything, the numbers involved are handfuls, the people involved don't get much done, and it doesn't last very long before it all falls apart and goes inactive for some reason.

Oh, and yes, the lounder more active people? They tend to be undercover feds.

2. I doubt the government officials. See above.
I can back up that Trump used racists to build his base

The first day of his candidacy he launched a racist tirade against Mexicans
He followed up with racist lies about Muslims and taunts against those who came from what he called shithole countries

That is your OPINION of his actions.

This thread is about you backing up your opinion with some hard numbers, and yes, a good estimate would be fine.

NONE of you have been able to do that. YOu are convinced that it is a huge problem, but you are unable to support your claim.
How do YOU propose a count of White Supremacists should be done?

Your logic of……You can’t count them so they don’t exist
is childish

I've been clear that I think that they do exist. Why did you just lie?
Not playing your silly games that racism only applies to blacks
Go away

It's hard to play any game when you're a proven liar. Trump's comments had zero to do with race. His comments were directed at people who come here that are causing problems for our country.
Counting groups does not give us any idea of the scale of the problem.
True. That is why asking a question like, "How many white supremacists are there?" is silly. The fear and division they inflict on the nation is not commensurate with their numbers.
ONE photo from the largest and most successful w.s. rally in generations, does not give us any idea of the scale of the problem.
Nor does it purport to do so. It is a depiction of some typical white supremacists, no more, no less.
If you truly believe it is a huge and dangerous problem, wouldn't people knowing how huge it is, make your position stronger?
White supremacism, a fringe ilk, infecting party politics is a serious problem that must be honestly confronted. Denying it is not helpful.
Do you have a problem with the FBI taking the problem seriously?
Your actions seem to indicate that you know you are lying.
What "actions"? Opposing white supremacy and supporting the FBI's exposing it?
Well with the Democrats now defining it as anyone opposed to open borders and flooding the country with illegals...
Please document any politician, Republican or Democrat, "defining it as anyone opposed to open borders and flooding the country with illegals."

This is the claptrap parroted by some vulnerable folks, incapable of citing any credible sources for their lies.
A couple hundred freaks, versus how many thousands of feral leftist animals that burned, sacked, and murdered in the summer of 2020?

Yeah, a real credible threat.
Enough of the snide shit. That is not constructive.

If you really believe that there are a lot of them, then knowing the hard number, would be VERY IMPORTANT, because it would show the need to mobilize massive resources to combat it.

That you PREFER to just be snide about it, to smear your enemies, and don't LOVE this thread, indicates that you don't believe teh shit you are pushing.
I also looked it up, and can’t find it. It’s odd - Biden and the Dems are going to make the threat of white supremacists the cornerstone of their campaign, and yet we can’t even determine how many there really are.

I‘ve heard talk of about 200 white supremacist groups, but many of these have only a couple dozen members. A few years ago there was a rally being held in Arlington, VA by some KKK or neo-Nazi type group, and there were only five or six who showed up. They stood there for an hour and then left.

The entire thing is a BIG exaggeration, and is being used to drive fear in blacks and get them to the polls, as well as division in general to tear down the country.

edited to add: photo of the six Neo-Nazis at the Arlington rally. What it showed is how few of these people there really are. After Nazi Salute in Arlington, Neighbors Rally Against Hate
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I can back up that Trump used racists to build his base

The first day of his candidacy he launched a racist tirade against Mexicans
He followed up with racist lies about Muslims and taunts against those who came from what he called shithole countries
The Daily Stormer is an American far-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, Islamophobic, antisemitic, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board website that advocates for a second genocide of Jews. Its editor, Andrew Anglin, officially endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2015. Anglin encouraged the website's readers to "vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests". The website also received national and international coverage for its endorsement of Trump's proposal of a temporary moratorium on admitting foreign Muslims into the country; it proclaimed "Heil Donald Trump – The Ultimate Savior".
Trump was enthusiastically supported and twice-endorsed by The Daily Stormer, and the conspicuous representation of Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three-Percenters amongst Trump's goons on January 6 is a blatant indication of his appeal to such characters.
I also looked it up, and can’t find it. It’s odd - Biden and the Dems are going to make the threat of white supremacists the cornerstone of their campaign, and yet we can’t even determine how many there really are.

I‘ve heard talk of about 200 white supremacist groups, but many of these have only a couple dozen members. A few years ago there was a rally being held in Arlington, VA by some KKK or neo-Nazi type group, and there were only five or six who showed up. They stood there for an hour and then left.

The entire thing is a BIG exaggeration, and is being used to drive fear in blacks and get them to the polls, as well as division in general to tear down the country.
So there isn't anything for black people to be concerned about, we are being made to fear because apparently we are so easily manipulated.... That doesn't sound racist at all Lisa... 😄
So there isn't anything for black people to be concerned about, we are being made to fear because apparently we are so easily manipulated.... That doesn't sound racist at all Lisa... 😄

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for the presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in modern times. Does that sound like manipulation to you or just plain ignorance?

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