How many white supremacists are there?

It’s not an argument. It’s a fact.
True, but it's a fact that implied an argument, from where I sit:

Fact: Racists will always exist.

(Other facts implied: the more of one race we have, the more of its racists we have. If overly disproportionate, one group of racists can get disproportionate power)

Therefore, diversity is good.
True, but it's a fact that implied an argument, from where I sit:

Fact: Racists will always exist.

(Other facts implied: the more of one race we have, the more of its racists we have. If overly disproportionate, one group of racists can get disproportionate power)

Therefore, diversity is good.
How will racists get disproportionate power? Are you believing the manifestos?
Some racist

Served as Vice President under a Black President
Named a black woman as Vice President
Named the first black woman to the Supreme Court

Said in public I don't want to send my kids to a racial jungle.
Said the problem with black students are that the parents are just as illiterate.
Said Obama is the first black that is articulate and clean.
They want to put ya'all back in chains.
Black people need outside help to properly raise their children.
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
Explain how that is racist. Use your big boy words.


When Biden said this I thought it was the most insulting thing he could have said about blacks.

He apparently presumes that all blacks should be of one political bent and should vote one way: Democrat. It also presumes that any black who does not is delusional and misguided. It never occurs to people like him that blacks - both conservative and liberal - hold their political values for their own reasons.
Oh I found it insulting. Just not racist.
If it was not racist then why did he address it to blacks specifically?

I don’t know if Biden is a true racist or not but I will say two things:

1.) It was an extremely stupid thing to say.

2.) If Trump had said anything even remotely like this, the media and the Left would have condemned him as the worst kind of racist and they would have crucified him.
Are you referring to the popular liberal culture of accumulating assault weapons and complaining about the demise of white culture?
The pressure to be a liberal starts in the cradle and strikes down many impressionable youth

But thankfully you guys cant bat 100%
Link? Proof?
we go through this every time

Illegals have been pouring across the border or overstaying their visa for 40 years

No one in or out of government knows but its sure to be far more than the puny 11 million that the left claims
The pressure to be a liberal starts in the cradle and strikes down many impressionable youth

But thankfully you guys cant bat 100%

we go through this every time

Illegals have been pouring across the border or overstaying their visa for 40 years

No one in or out of government knows but its sure to be far more than the puny 11 million that the left claims
Proof? Link?
Stupid thread premise

Since most views on race are personal, it is impossible to establish a number
Most Americans today know enough to keep their racist views private
But it is popular enough that Tucker Carlson can go on TV talking about 'Replacement Theory'...

There are people feeding conspiracy theories, this is grossly irresponsible... Look at half the loons on this forum, they actually believe the crap...

The GOP has been using these words to cut down discourse and create a tribe of us and them... They accuse the other side of pedophillia, genocide, murder.... Everything to stop discussion, how can you discuss with a pedophile?

This the aim, paint the other side as monsters and when someone call some of there side 'deplorable' then use that as a excuse to go worse... Truth is some of the GOP are deplorable, vast majority of racists vote GOP, vast majority of white supremists vote GOP,... they are deplorable...

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